Do you want to know how I know the word yahoo isn't offensive? There is literally a large multinational conglomerate named Yahoo! Is there a large multinational conglomerate named Nigger!? How about Kike!? Hmm, I haven't heard of either of those. Probably because those actually are offensive words and people wouldn't do business with companies by those names.
Just because 99.999% of the American population is ignorant or simply doesn't care, doesn't mean you need to continue in ignorance dpodoll68.
Now I won't ask you specifically dpodoll68, but that would be appropriate, but to anyone reading all of this,
Do you believe in the Bible or the Judeo-Christian Creator??? If you do, using the Name of the Creator, Yahweh or Yahoo or Yah, "in vain", ie disrespectfully, you would be breaking one of the Ten Commandments.
Just informing you of the facts. Take them however you like and do with this information whatever you will.
As Americans, you have the right to break many of the Ten Commandments without suffering any earthly consequences, and the right to break them all if you are willing to suffer the consequences. Let your own consciences be your guide is all I will advise.
As Gopher fans, it would be nice if we could all get along. I may have miscommunicated that I personally was offended by the use of the name Yahoo when used as a way to insult someone, but I am not actually offended personally, if took any offense, it was with people trying to make it out as if I did not know what I was talking about. Because I do. If everyone acknowledged that I MIGHT be right, at least, then I would be fine if people insisted on using the term, as rebellious types are programmed to rebel when they think they are being told what to do, lol. So knowing that fact, maybe that is why I am laying off and saying, go ahead and use the term if you so desire, it won't offend me.
BUT, if there is a Higher Power out there, and I am right about his Name being Yahweh, and Yahoo and Yah being shortened versions of His Name, then as Gopher fans, do we want to piss him off, just to show off how independent and rebellious we are? Just to show off how no one is going to bully pulpit us into something?
Wouldn't we rather have the Big Guy on the Gopher's side, or at least not against us? lol Ok, now maybe I am being a little frivolous and hence disrespectful towards Yahweh, but its in an effort to simply get us Gopher fans to get along better.
I apologize for trying to educate anyone about something some feel is so meaningless, less meaningful than how to tie our shoes no less. but as I see Christian Churches all over the state of Minnesota, maybe I thought that there might be one or two Gopher fans out there who might appreciate being educated about something that THEY might consider important? And I wouldn't have brought it up if no one had used that term as an insult.
Now, those Gophers, the cupboards weren't left empty, and if the QB position can be filled even to 90% of what Leidner gave the position, which shouldn't be that hard, then I think we should do well against a favorable schedule. We play 5 conf home games even.