OK. Let's all look at the context of the conversation and admit we know what my point was. Yes, you & DPO are right - financial support is support. Buying tix is supporting the U. This apparently makes me a coward. All duly noted.
Yes, DPO is right, HoustonTX guy didn't say he thought he made a difference with his support. Also true. Well done DPO. With that said, when the thread conversation at the time is about being able to get tix to all games for less $ than season tix cost and Houston Guy responds with "yes, but some of us choose to support the U by keeping our season tix" there is an implication in that statement that it is somehow better and I would say (feel free to disagree) that the poster feels they are making a difference. I mean, if you didn't feel you were making a difference - why would you knowingly pay more for the same product in the name of "supporting the U"?
That was/is my point and I think DPO knew/knows it - but so be it. Support it is. Yes, ridiculous to claim anything other. This isn't as much fun as saying the front man for the FundRaising effort at the U isn't fundraising when he travels to raise funds for the U, but fun none-the-less.
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