12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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I tend to think this way as well but you never know. It is reported that Vaughn wants to wait and see what kind of talent Minnesota can surround him with. I do think that it would be possible for Whitehead and Vaughn to coexist, especially with the uptempo offense we will have. If Vaughn's listed height of 6'6" is legit, I don't see why he couldn't play SF. The bigger problem would probably be with bringing in a PG as Dre wouldn't be able to slide over to the two. Would someone like Nairn be willing to come of the bench for a year? Obviously these would be very exciting problems to have.

disclaimer: I am in no way saying that I think that we'll be able to reel in Whitehead, Vaughn and Nairn anyway. It would seem we have a pretty darn good shot at any of the three so I wouldn't say it is impossible either. Just to be able to discuss it and not have it be a complete over the moon fairy tail is very exciting. And before I get someone on my back, I realize it all means very little unless some of these guys ultimately sign on NSD.

I definitely think that Vaughn and Whitehead could coexist too. Rashad could easily play the 3. My concern is that both players strengths are creating off the dribble and need to have the ball in their hands a lot to do so, so they might not want to play together. It's a good point that they want to surround him with talent, but my guess (pure speculation) is that Whitehead might be the "wrong" kind of talent for his liking. I would guess shooters who will stretch the floor, but don't need the ball a ton like Macura and a rebounder/post presence like Reid would be more helpful in attracting Rashad. Again, this is pure speculation on my part. I would be ecstatic to be wrong and have both of those guys. How would any team defend the perimeter against Andre, Rashad, and Whitehead? Yikes.

I know what he's getting at but for someone to say that they don't want to be like Kentucky is kind of laughable. We are talking about the program that won a national title two years ago and are considered by most to be the favorites again this year right?

I can understand not wanting purely one and dones, because it's nice having players you like stick around for a while, but to be turned off by anyone who might be one and done is really odd to me. Can't understand that way of thinking.

I definitely think that Vaughn and Whitehead could coexist too. Rashad could easily play the 3. My concern is that both players strengths are creating off the dribble and need to have the ball in their hands a lot to do so, so they might not want to play together. It's a good point that they want to surround him with talent, but my guess (pure speculation) is that Whitehead might be the "wrong" kind of talent for his liking. I would guess shooters who will stretch the floor, but don't need the ball a ton like Macura and a rebounder/post presence like Reid would be more helpful in attracting Rashad. Again, this is pure speculation on my part. I would be ecstatic to be wrong and have both of those guys. How would any team defend the perimeter against Andre, Rashad, and Whitehead? Yikes.

Yeah that's more than likely the case but I guy can hope right? One nice thing is that teaming up has become pretty trendy, Thanks LeBron!

I can understand not wanting purely one and dones, because it's nice having players you like stick around for a while, but to be turned off by anyone who might be one and done is really odd to me. Can't understand that way of thinking.

Here's my way of thinking: When a recruit comes out and says he plans/wants to be a 1-and-done, that tells me he's primarily focused on going to the NBA, and whatever college he chooses is only a way station - a stepping stone to "something better." Call me naive, but I want people to choose the U because it's a good school with a good program that players want be a part of. I like watching players and teams progress during their careers, from Freshmen to Seniors.

Again, just my opinion - feel free to disagree - but I think basketball should have the same requirements as football for how long players have to stay in school before they can jump to the pros. If someone doesn't want to play college ball, let them go to Europe or the NBDL for a year.

Here's my way of thinking: When a recruit comes out and says he plans/wants to be a 1-and-done, that tells me he's primarily focused on going to the NBA, and whatever college he chooses is only a way station - a stepping stone to "something better." Call me naive, but I want people to choose the U because it's a good school with a good program that players want be a part of. I like watching players and teams progress during their careers, from Freshmen to Seniors.

Again, just my opinion - feel free to disagree - but I think basketball should have the same requirements as football for how long players have to stay in school before they can jump to the pros. If someone doesn't want to play college ball, let them go to Europe or the NBDL for a year.

I think you have to take a look at your roster, not neccesarily a slam dunk but if a one and done is interested you have to try and take him in most circumstances, Minnesota probably wouldn't want to get into a Kentucky situation where you have three or four but one or possibly two wouldn't impact things long term that much.

Darren Wolfson's KSTP Video Segment: Rashad Vaughn Takes His Talents to Las Vegas

"I decided if I play for a Pitino, it'll be for Minnesota." Vaughn told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. "I've built a good relationship with him and the whole staff. I'm excited to see what he can do. I think he'll change the program around. The Gophers got a good chance."


Go Gophers!!

One years, two years, who cares. If he plays great for a year and leaves, it beats the alternative.

I tend to think this way as well but you never know. It is reported that Vaughn wants to wait and see what kind of talent Minnesota can surround him with. I do think that it would be possible for Whitehead and Vaughn to coexist, especially with the uptempo offense we will have. If Vaughn's listed height of 6'6" is legit, I don't see why he couldn't play SF. The bigger problem would probably be with bringing in a PG as Dre wouldn't be able to slide over to the two. Would someone like Nairn be willing to come of the bench for a year? Obviously these would be very exciting problems to have.

disclaimer: I am in no way saying that I think that we'll be able to reel in Whitehead, Vaughn and Nairn anyway. It would seem we have a pretty darn good shot at any of the three so I wouldn't say it is impossible either. Just to be able to discuss it and not have it be a complete over the moon fairy tail is very exciting. And before I get someone on my back, I realize it all means very little unless some of these guys ultimately sign on NSD.

Villanova over the past 10 years has consistently had teams which included a 4 guard rotation. Thinking back to the 05-06 team that left an eyeball on the court, you often had a lineup of Nardi, Ray, Lowry and Foye with a stretch 4 in Sheridan playing the middle.

Now obviously that's the Big East, but they were ranked #1 or 2 in the nation for various times over the year if I can recall correctly.

Tum Tum = Nardi
Hollins = Kyle Lowry
Whitehead = Allan Ray
Vaughn = Randy Foye
Reid Travis = Will Sheridan

You would also have some bigs coming off the bench providing minutes against bigger Big 10 teams, but that lineup there would be fantastic and a lot of fun to watch. Don't think TUM TUM is as much of a shooter as Nardi was, but Christ, that team would score some points and be UBER athletic.

Obviously there is no chance in hell, but I was just saying you could find 25+ minutes for a 4 guard lineup if you wanted to. Problem is you'd have guys like Mo/Elliot/Ellenson all coming off the bench for their junior or senior years... Not a good message to send, but I would love to have the conversation of, prove to me you're better than any of these guys.

Here's my way of thinking: When a recruit comes out and says he plans/wants to be a 1-and-done, that tells me he's primarily focused on going to the NBA, and whatever college he chooses is only a way station - a stepping stone to "something better." Call me naive, but I want people to choose the U because it's a good school with a good program that players want be a part of. I like watching players and teams progress during their careers, from Freshmen to Seniors.

Again, just my opinion - feel free to disagree - but I think basketball should have the same requirements as football for how long players have to stay in school before they can jump to the pros. If someone doesn't want to play college ball, let them go to Europe or the NBDL for a year.

I feel free. I'll take a 5 star any day of the week no matter if he promises 5 years and his left nut or wants to leave after 1 year. Take the talent. Get more talent. That's how the best teams win national titles. That's how Pitino coaches. We just need to sit back and enjoy it.

And Vaughn and Whitehead will play together no problem. Don't give me this crap about needing to create off the dribble. If either want a decent pro career, they'll learn to be spot up shooters as well (which is easier than scoring off the dribble anyway). I am excited to see them on the court together in 2 years...

I think there's nothing wrong with taking a 1 & done player every year. It's when you have a year like UK did last year as a result of early entries when you have to rethink your strategy. It's never good to lose five starters at once - you can go to the NIT with the #1 recruiting class if you don't have much of anything to add to them. I highly doubt all those players signed on to UK thinking they were going to play in the NIT and end their season losing in Moon Township, PA to Robert Morris. But that's the price you pay when you're a basketball factory - when practically everyone leaves at once, you're in rebuilding mode almost regardless of how talented the freshmen are. OSU had the same sort of problem in 2008 after they lost five of their top-6 from the 2007 team. You have to have at least 3 high quality players returning to combine with a top recruiting class in order to avoid a severe drop-off after however many early entries you had.

So yeah, there's no reason whatsoever for the Gophers to be hesitant about taking Vaughn or Whitehead or whoever is a 1 & done risk. They're not going to have everyone leaving at once, and that's when you have the severe drop-offs.

This could influence Vaughn's interest in UCLA:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Got off the phone withTrevon Bluiett. Whoa. UCLA is the pick. Helluva pickup for the Bruins</p>— Dave Telep (@DaveTelep) <a href="https://twitter.com/DaveTelep/statuses/374633952075849728">September 2, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

per the Ames Tribune:

ISU plans to send its entire staff to Nevada next week to visit top target Rashad Vaughn at Findlay Prep as the fall recruiting period opens, according to a source. The Cyclones continue to be in the thick of things in the recruitment of the highly-touted shooting guard and remain in vigorous pursuit of landing the potential one-and-done player.


Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>RT <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamZagoria">@AdamZagoria</a>: Rashad Vaughn will take officials to North Carolina Sept. 27 & Oct. 18 to Baylor, <a href="https://twitter.com/PeteKaffey">@PeteKaffey</a> tells <a href="https://twitter.com/SNYtv">@SNYtv</a></p>— Kyle Goblirsch (@Gobie247) <a href="https://twitter.com/Gobie247/statuses/377117235484962816">September 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> RT <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamZagoria">@adamzagoria</a>: Rashad Vaughn will take officials to North Carolina Sept. 27 & Oct. 18 to Baylor, <a href="https://twitter.com/PeteKaffey">@PeteKaffey</a> tells <a href="https://twitter.com/SNYtv">@SNYtv</a></p>— GopherHole.com (@GopherHole) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherHole/statuses/377123191443161088">September 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Home visits with for <a href="https://twitter.com/ShowtimeMr">@ShowtimeMr</a>
with North Carolina (Sept. 14), Baylor (today) and Kansas (next few days), per <a href="https://twitter.com/PeteKaffey">@PeteKaffey</a></p>— Adam Zagoria (@AdamZagoria) <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamZagoria/statuses/377116963949916160">September 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Rashad Vaughn has <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> and Iowa State coaches in for visits tonight. He met w/ Baylor this morning. Set official visits to UNC & Baylor.</p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="https://twitter.com/DarrenWolfson/statuses/377132076727681024">September 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Jerry Meyer updated his crystal ball and has Vaughn going to Iowa State. Eric Bossi over at Rivals thinks that Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, Kentucky, UNC, and UNLV are the most legitimate players for him.

247 has been incredibly horrible at predicting the players we've been recruiting so I really don't think his latest prediction is relevant at all.

Still way too early to make predictions on Vaughn. He has said all along he's waiting until the spring and so much can change. I put zero stock into that crystal ball prediction, we all saw how it worked out with Macura.

If Rashad goes to Iowa State, I'd be pretty unhappy. Losing out to UNC or Kentucky is one thing, but losing out to ISU would be horrible. Luckily, as Rashad is a high school player, and not a D-1 upperclassman with serious behavioral issues, he is probably immune to Freddy's charms.

Vaughn is taking an official to Iowa State on November 17th per Ryan James.

If Rashad goes to Iowa State, I'd be pretty unhappy. Losing out to UNC or Kentucky is one thing, but losing out to ISU would be horrible. Luckily, as Rashad is a high school player, and not a D-1 upperclassman with serious behavioral issues, he is probably immune to Freddy's charms.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Findlay Prep assistant Pete Kaffey said Rashad Vaughn will take an official visit to Iowa State for the Michigan game on Nov. 17.</p>— PiPress Gophers Now (@GophersNow) <a href="https://twitter.com/GophersNow/statuses/377542209358151680">September 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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If Rashad goes to Iowa State, I'd be pretty unhappy. Losing out to UNC or Kentucky is one thing, but losing out to ISU would be horrible. Luckily, as Rashad is a high school player, and not a D-1 upperclassman with serious behavioral issues, he is probably immune to Freddy's charms.

You do realize that Freddy has recruited and gained commitments from the HS ranks at a much higher level than Minnesota, correct? Those charms go well beyond transfers.

You do realize that Freddy has recruited and gained commitments from the HS ranks at a much higher level than Minnesota, correct? Those charms go well beyond transfers.

If there's one word I associate with Iowa State's basketball program it's charm, certainly. (We still find thievery, drug abuse, and sexual assault to be charming, right?)

I think the two programs to be worried about with Vaughn are Kentucky and UNC.

Assuming Rashad is still intent on not signing until the Spring, I have to believe a big part of that is monitoring the situation at Kentucky and seeing how many of their freshmen and sophomores declare for the draft. I am sure he will be Calipari's number one target this Spring.

With UNC, I worry about Vaughn deciding against waiting until Spring and committing on/right after his visit. Considering Rashad almost committed to UNC on an unofficial months ago, I don't think it's out of the question that he goes ahead and pulls the trigger.

If there's one word I associate with Iowa State's basketball program it's charm, certainly. (We still find thievery, drug abuse, and sexual assault to be charming, right?)

You guys are so cute! Iowa State fans and Gopher fans should kind of be in the same boat. Both are mildly successful programs over the past 30 years. Minnesota has the edge long term. Iowa State has had the edge over the last 3 years or so. But since we find ourselves to be after the same recruits this year and in 2015, we really seem to hate each other. We should bond since we've both struck out so far on the Minnesota kids. (I guess we could say that Iowa State got Matt Thomas).

But you all are completely misguided if you think that Hoiberg is just a transfer guy and if you dont understand why recruits like him. The reasons why Hoiberg is so successful are the same reasons why Minnesota offered the farm to him before they finally ended up with your current coach. He's simply a coaching star.

It should be interesting to see what happens with Vaughn. I am thrilled we are getting an official visit. There's obviously a reason Iowa State has stayed on the list so long as a non-power team (and it is not because it is the hometown school).

You guys are so cute! Iowa State fans and Gopher fans should kind of be in the same boat. Both are mildly successful programs over the past 30 years. Minnesota has the edge long term. Iowa State has had the edge over the last 3 years or so. But since we find ourselves to be after the same recruits this year and in 2015, we really seem to hate each other. We should bond since we've both struck out so far on the Minnesota kids. (I guess we could say that Iowa State got Matt Thomas).

But you all are completely misguided if you think that Hoiberg is just a transfer guy and if you dont understand why recruits like him. The reasons why Hoiberg is so successful are the same reasons why Minnesota offered the farm to him before they finally ended up with your current coach. He's simply a coaching star.

It should be interesting to see what happens with Vaughn. I am thrilled we are getting an official visit. There's obviously a reason Iowa State has stayed on the list so long as a non-power team (and it is not because it is the hometown school).

He is paying them with sexual favors from coeds and cash under the table?

If hoiberg wasn't an alum of isu do you really think he would be coaching at transfer u? I fail to see any reason for a Minnesota kid whether it be football or basketball to go to school in iowa. The only reason I can think of is that a kid has baggage and needs to get away from civilization.

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