Big ESPN Profile on Pitino: Richard Pitino's golden challenge


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Nov 11, 2008
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I thought we were finally free from Myron P Medcalf.

Please just go away

why in the hell would Pitino even give that a$$clown the time of day. He is a complete d-bag

You think Myron would show a little allegiance after covering the U?

Myron looks like he needs a bigger bra size now that he's getting checks from the mothership

ESPN said to him, "Make as much drama as possible or you're fired"

What a loser

I know some of you will think I am a troll for what I am about to say, and a lot of that will have to do with my low post count,

but, I just don't find Pitino to be a genuine guy...he always seems to give the typical coach answers during interviews. Probably because he was coached up by his dad to do this. Going back to his interviews with FIU, he gives almost the same answers to questions that he does now in his Gopher interviews...answers that lead the viewer to think he is committed to the program, the fan base is underrated, and that the program is a great opportunity.

Now, I do feel like coaching in the Big Ten is a great opportunity for him, and I do think our fan base is underrated in that they can be great when the team is winning...its just that the answers he gives in interviews seem so pre-scripted.
The things I do like about Richard, is that he is smart, and he does not shy away from his heritage. A lot of sons of great people tend to shy away from their fathers, because the shadow is too much to live up to...Richard however, does not shy away from Rick, and letting people know that he was schooled by one of the best coaches in the history of basketball. That is the only thing I feel he is genuine about in his interviews.

I know some of you will think I am a troll for what I am about to say, and a lot of that will have to do with my low post count,

but, I just don't find Pitino to be a genuine guy...he always seems to give the typical coach answers during interviews. Probably because he was coached up by his dad to do this. Going back to his interviews with FIU, he gives almost the same answers to questions that he does now in his Gopher interviews...answers that lead the viewer to think he is committed to the program, the fan base is underrated, and that the program is a great opportunity.

Now, I do feel like coaching in the Big Ten is a great opportunity for him, and I do think our fan base is underrated in that they can be great when the team is winning...its just that the answers he gives in interviews seem so pre-scripted.
The things I do like about Richard, is that he is smart, and he does not shy away from his heritage. A lot of sons of great people tend to shy away from their fathers, because the shadow is too much to live up to...Richard however, does not shy away from Rick, and letting people know that he was schooled by one of the best coaches in the history of basketball. That is the only thing I feel he is genuine about in his interviews.

A coach speaking 'coach speak'. Who'd of thunk.

I know some of you will think I am a troll for what I am about to say, and a lot of that will have to do with my low post count,

but, I just don't find Pitino to be a genuine guy...he always seems to give the typical coach answers during interviews. Probably because he was coached up by his dad to do this. Going back to his interviews with FIU, he gives almost the same answers to questions that he does now in his Gopher interviews...answers that lead the viewer to think he is committed to the program, the fan base is underrated, and that the program is a great opportunity.

Now, I do feel like coaching in the Big Ten is a great opportunity for him, and I do think our fan base is underrated in that they can be great when the team is winning...its just that the answers he gives in interviews seem so pre-scripted.
The things I do like about Richard, is that he is smart, and he does not shy away from his heritage. A lot of sons of great people tend to shy away from their fathers, because the shadow is too much to live up to...Richard however, does not shy away from Rick, and letting people know that he was schooled by one of the best coaches in the history of basketball. That is the only thing I feel he is genuine about in his interviews.

I certainly don't think you're trolling. I get the same feeling when he's interviewed; just a bit too slick with the answers.

However, I also think he has a plan in mind because he's learned from his dad and others. More than anything, though, what really makes me optimistic is that he gives every indication of working his butt off to build a program here.

I know some of you will think I am a troll for what I am about to say, and a lot of that will have to do with my low post count,

but, I just don't find Pitino to be a genuine guy...he always seems to give the typical coach answers during interviews. Probably because he was coached up by his dad to do this. Going back to his interviews with FIU, he gives almost the same answers to questions that he does now in his Gopher interviews...answers that lead the viewer to think he is committed to the program, the fan base is underrated, and that the program is a great opportunity.

Now, I do feel like coaching in the Big Ten is a great opportunity for him, and I do think our fan base is underrated in that they can be great when the team is winning...its just that the answers he gives in interviews seem so pre-scripted.
The things I do like about Richard, is that he is smart, and he does not shy away from his heritage. A lot of sons of great people tend to shy away from their fathers, because the shadow is too much to live up to...Richard however, does not shy away from Rick, and letting people know that he was schooled by one of the best coaches in the history of basketball. That is the only thing I feel he is genuine about in his interviews.

If you're suggesting he doesn't plan on staying here for 30 years and retiring in this job, well, yeah, he's a Pitino. I think he'll be successful here before he moves on, though.

We've all noticed that the answers seem to repeat themselves (e.g. "Minnesota loves it's basketball", "I can't believe how much excitement there is in this community"), but how can you fault him for that? Hmm, let's see, he's in his early 30s and is already a master at controlling the message. I'm ok with that.

What would you want as an alternative? A young coach blabbing away saying anything that comes to mind, being 100% transparent with the uphill battles that he faces, throwing the fanbase under the bus?

I'l take the former any day.

I personally wouldn't change anything about Pitino so far. I'm sure something will come up that I don't really care for, but at the moment he has been as much of a home run hire as any Gopher fan could have realistically hoped for.

Myron... proof you can be awful at your job and get a promotion. Just glad he's not at the Strib and out of site out of mind for the most part.

As for Pitino; he does lay it on a little think at times for my taste. But everything we have heard form recruits he really connects with them, overall he's off to a very good start IMO.

I know some of you will think I am a troll for what I am about to say, and a lot of that will have to do with my low post count,

but, I just don't find Pitino to be a genuine guy...he always seems to give the typical coach answers during interviews. Probably because he was coached up by his dad to do this. Going back to his interviews with FIU, he gives almost the same answers to questions that he does now in his Gopher interviews...answers that lead the viewer to think he is committed to the program, the fan base is underrated, and that the program is a great opportunity.

Now, I do feel like coaching in the Big Ten is a great opportunity for him, and I do think our fan base is underrated in that they can be great when the team is winning...its just that the answers he gives in interviews seem so pre-scripted.
The things I do like about Richard, is that he is smart, and he does not shy away from his heritage. A lot of sons of great people tend to shy away from their fathers, because the shadow is too much to live up to...Richard however, does not shy away from Rick, and letting people know that he was schooled by one of the best coaches in the history of basketball. That is the only thing I feel he is genuine about in his interviews.

I think that's sort of a fair critique, but you have to consider that he's been asked the same interview questions over and over, too. So why is it so surprising that he's giving the same answers to the same questions? From a public relations and public information standpoint, he has to assume that this interview is reaching people who haven't heard his message yet. We might be bored, but some folks are hearing it for the first time. In fact, I give him credit for being patient and gracious with interviewers.

I've been impressed with his answers when he hasn't been asked the same old questions. He's given meaty answers when he's been asked about players. I was impressed by the video I saw from his post-game press conferences last year at FIU. Indeed, hearing him answer those basketball questions is what first convinced me that he was a remarkable young coach.

Actually, a really good feature by Myron. Liked it much better than the video stream. A nice write-up, with a solid back-drop and history of Minnesota and the Gopher program. The quote I like from Pitino is the one about how Gopher fans really are starving for a winner. Pitino obviously has picked up on that vibe since he arrived. Apathy is definitely not the problem.

Tubby had Mo Walker for 3 years and could never get him into shape. Pitino has had him for 3 months and he's lost 40 lbs. I don't care how he sounds in an interview. (Jim Boeheim can come across as a real prick.) What I care about are results and I like what I see so far.

In that read it was really interesting to hear how willing Rich was to go at his dad and tell him what he thought. Regardless of his father's accolades, Rich believed in his idea and forced it on his dad, which ended up winning the game (I'm sure more went into it). He seems to have a lot of basketball IQ learning from guys his like dad and Billy.

Oh, and Myron's story just got us on the front page of ESPN NCAAM online. Maybe he's not all that bad...?

Tubby had Mo Walker for 3 years and could never get him into shape. Pitino has had him for 3 months and he's lost 40 lbs. I don't care how he sounds in an interview. (Jim Boeheim can come across as a real prick.) What I care about are results and I like what I see so far.

You mean it's a lot easier to lose weight when your joints are all in good working order and you haven't suffered any recent catastrophic injuries? Whoda thunk it?

I thought the written article was very tasteful. It put a good light on both Pitino and the Minnesota fan base. A nice change of pace for Myron.

And a shoutout to Gopherhole!

What does Moron say at the end right before he says "thank you for your time"? I replayed that part about 20 times and it sounds like he's saying, "Alright, devil, thank you for your time." What is he actually saying? Or did he just have an attack of momentary Tourette's? Or does he actually think Richard is the devil? Can anyone speak Moron and translate?

What does Moron say at the end right before he says "thank you for your time"? I replayed that part about 20 times and it sounds like he's saying, "Alright, devil, thank you for your time." What is he actually saying? Or did he just have an attack of momentary Tourette's? Or does he actually think Richard is the devil? Can anyone speak Moron and translate?

LOL, pretty sure he's saying "Alright definitely, thank you for your time", but he slurred the crap out of it, that's for sure haha

I thought the written article was very tasteful. It put a good light on both Pitino and the Minnesota fan base. A nice change of pace for Myron.

And a shoutout to Gopherhole!

Agreed. Nice story by Myron. He has taken cheapshots before, but this is a well written piece. He almost himself seemed surprised by how beautiful Duluth is, that made me chuckle.

There was also a recruiting article written on Pitino by Adam Finkelstein today or yesterday, but you need to be an ESPN Insider. Can anyone whose an insider copy & paste the article here?

Actually, a really good feature by Myron. Liked it much better than the video stream. A nice write-up, with a solid back-drop and history of Minnesota and the Gopher program. The quote I like from Pitino is the one about how Gopher fans really are starving for a winner. Pitino obviously has picked up on that vibe since he arrived. Apathy is definitely not the problem.

Finally, a voice of reason! Like Myron or not, it was a very nice piece, and great exposure for Minnesota. Even Kimani Young tweeted it right away, so I'm sure the coaching staff is happy with the piece too.

I just read Myron's article, and was satisfied with what he shared, I thought it was an interesting read.

Kudos to GL and GH also.

I then went to the comments, and was surprised that pantherhawk hadn't made some derogatory remark.

you guys should go to the comment section of that article, multiple UL fans say pitino is their's once rick is done at ville, also one guy accused us of cheating just because isaiah whitehead and jaquan newton are so high on minny

you guys should go to the comment section of that article, multiple UL fans say pitino is their's once rick is done at ville, also one guy accused us of cheating just because isaiah whitehead and jaquan newton are so high on minny

I think those UL fans are just getting us confused with Kentucky - Players who sign with the Gophers in the future wont be getting signing bonuses like they do at Kentucky...

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