Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer

How did he make sense? There wasn't any stealing going on. We got Humphries only because Duke didn't want him anymore. The Gophers were always plan B for Humphries. Common knowledge.

And Monson was our coach.

He could have gone to a lot of other schools, but chose Minnesota.


No, it was his home state.

It might have been his plan A had we had a better coach.

A scout on a perpetually losing team. Not exactly a stellar resume.

[EDIT - oh ya and 'charity']

And people like you hide behind your computer screen and bash people who have pretty incredible resumes and who have been successful in their endeavors, while you probably haven't done anything even close to comparable.

And people like you hide behind your computer screen and bash people who have pretty incredible resumes and who have been successful in their endeavors, while you probably haven't done anything even close to comparable.

I am not applying to be the head coach at the U - I KNOW I'm not qualified. I also know that looking at the resume of Flips kid - he isn't qualified either. Had he spent just 2-3 years as an assistant [on court - day to day - not a scout] at a school like Indiana, UNC, even a successful midmajor. I might cut him some slack.

This smells like nepotism all over it. I've seen nepotism many times - it never works out well. The real surprise is that Flip didn't understand this and work harder to keep the optics 'cleaner'. Not have the kid a direct hire but a 'personal consultant'. Out of his own pocket. Then work him in.

This was blatant cronyism. Really.

And Monson was our coach.

He could have gone to a lot of other schools, but chose Minnesota.


No, it was his home state.

It might have been his plan A had we had a better coach.

Still doesn't help with the claim that we stole Humphries from Duke. Just like we didn't steal Rickert.

My first post on this site. I have read this board and followed it the last three days and have seen many good post's. I tried to read this entire thread after I got home from work at 930pm, I got through page 14. Here is my take on the news that came out this afternoon about Flip. I understand NT's paranoia about nepotism after Tubby/Saul, but how can you make the leap that you would have the same problem with Flip/Ryan? First of all Flip/Ryan have a real love for this program. Many have said the former AD hired Tubby...not true, Tubby hired himself and brought his son in to coach with him without a passion for the U of M, it was after all a marriage of convenience.

Now we may never hear publicly if NT was exercising his overinflated ego in regards to naming assistant's to Flip's staff (via his sweetheart Villa 7, he thinks he may be gods gift to college basketball) one thing that is certain IMO, if he did put demands on Flips staff it will get flushed out in the coaching fraternity as to weather it's true or not. If it's true forget getting a big qualified name. No self respecting head coach or a highly qualified assistant would work for a AD that micromanages and insists that he have a say in naming his staff. If this is true NT has lost just about every feel good story out of the Villa 7.

My first post on this site. I have read this board and followed it the last three days and have seen many good post's. I tried to read this entire thread after I got home from work at 930pm, I got through page 14. Here is my take on the news that came out this afternoon about Flip. I understand NT's paranoia about nepotism after Tubby/Saul, but how can you make the leap that you would have the same problem with Flip/Ryan? First of all Flip/Ryan have a real love for this program. Many have said the former AD hired Tubby...not true, Tubby hired himself and brought his son in to coach with him without a passion for the U of M, it was after all a marriage of convenience.

Now we may never hear publicly if NT was exercising his overinflated ego in regards to naming assistant's to Flip's staff (via his sweetheart Villa 7, he thinks he may be gods gift to college basketball) one thing that is certain IMO, if he did put demands on Flips staff it will get flushed out in the coaching fraternity as to weather it's true or not. If it's true forget getting a big qualified name. No self respecting head coach or a highly qualified assistant would work for a AD that micromanages and insists that he have a say in naming his staff. If this is true NT has lost just about every feel good story out of the Villa 7.

Is it possible this demand is exclusive to Flip because of his lack of recent college coaching experience? Perhaps Norwood doesn't put this same demand on current coaches who are potential candidates?

I am not applying to be the head coach at the U - I KNOW I'm not qualified. I also know that looking at the resume of Flips kid - he isn't qualified either. Had he spent just 2-3 years as an assistant [on court - day to day - not a scout] at a school like Indiana, UNC, even a successful midmajor. I might cut him some slack.

This smells like nepotism all over it. I've seen nepotism many times - it never works out well. The real surprise is that Flip didn't understand this and work harder to keep the optics 'cleaner'. Not have the kid a direct hire but a 'personal consultant'. Out of his own pocket. Then work him in.

This was blatant cronyism. Really.

Well, this comment/post sounds a lot less like an unreasonable attack, and a lot more like a reasonably stated concern.

Although using the word "blatant" makes it seem like you think Flip "knows" his kid wouldn't be able to do the job, and doesn't care.

I think it would be far more likely that Flip feels his kid CAN do a good job, and feels his experience IS enough to qualify him. Apparently some people agree with Flip, and others do not. But as the Head Coach, that should be his call.

Is it possible this demand is exclusive to Flip because of his lack of recent college coaching experience? Perhaps Norwood doesn't put this same demand on current coaches who are potential candidates?

It's possible, but if what I say is true, it may run qualified coaches away from the U of M

Is it possible this demand is exclusive to Flip because of his lack of recent college coaching experience? Perhaps Norwood doesn't put this same demand on current coaches who are potential candidates?

Very possible. I don't find it too hard to believe that Teague wouldn't be fully comfortable with Flip and would feel the need to load the staff with people he's more comfortable with.

My first post on this site. I have read this board and followed it the last three days and have seen many good post's. I tried to read this entire thread after I got home from work at 930pm, I got through page 14. Here is my take on the news that came out this afternoon about Flip. I understand NT's paranoia about nepotism after Tubby/Saul, but how can you make the leap that you would have the same problem with Flip/Ryan? First of all Flip/Ryan have a real love for this program. Many have said the former AD hired Tubby...not true, Tubby hired himself and brought his son in to coach with him without a passion for the U of M, it was after all a marriage of convenience.

Now we may never hear publicly if NT was exercising his overinflated ego in regards to naming assistant's to Flip's staff (via his sweetheart Villa 7, he thinks he may be gods gift to college basketball) one thing that is certain IMO, if he did put demands on Flips staff it will get flushed out in the coaching fraternity as to weather it's true or not. If it's true forget getting a big qualified name. No self respecting head coach or a highly qualified assistant would work for a AD that micromanages and insists that he have a say in naming his staff. If this is true NT has lost just about every feel good story out of the Villa 7.

A lot of people seem to pass over that fact, that Tubby and his son came to Minnesota because it was a job.

Flip and his son already have good jobs and would be coming to the U as alumni and guys who love the U.

Although using the word "blatant" makes it seem like you think Flip "knows" his kid wouldn't be able to do the job, and doesn't care.

It is a stronger word than I needed - give you that.

the irony is I DO believe Flip could have put a real good offer together - get a bunch of college assistants [he has to know some - even 'agree' to consult with Teague on his 'villa methods']. Not bring his son in as a direct hire - do the consultant thing - at least until there is comfort level. maybe keep him as a '1099' forever - still make for a good future resume. Then promise to fund raise like a MFer while his assistants with college recruiting experience beat the path hard.

But it means old pro buddies don't get jobs with him. he has to explain it to them - managers have those tough decisions all the time. If they are up to the task.

This could have been a done deal but it wasn't going to be the deal either man envisioned going in. And that is what's embarrassing.

I may be under estimating NT, but something tells me no. I hope his ego doesn't get in the way. BTW was NT in Grand Rapids for the Gopher hockey game?? He could have let his trusted Assistant AD to stay in Indy and flown to watch his hockey team compete in the NCAA's

A lot of people seem to pass over that fact, that Tubby and his son came to Minnesota because it was a job.

Flip and his son already have good jobs and would be coming to the U as alumni and guys who love the U.

If he loved the U he should have known he would have to keep his kid at arms length from the program. The press would eat it alive - especially after Saul. If he loved the U that much Ryan could be a volunteer.

Lastly - I am not saying Teague handled this perfectly at all. I am just saying Flip was unreasonable too if he thought he could come in with his pro background and just have his way. There needed to be some creative positioning to get what both Flip wants and the U needs accomplished.

My biggest problem with Teague is him even having the interview until some of those background issues were fleshed out - U lawyers to Flips agent. That this got to a face to face at all given the divide amazes me. That was bush.

I'm afraid that NT has boxed himself into a corner with no good way to get out, if the rumors are true. If the rumors are true we may not have a coach until closer to May 1st than April !st. Say good bye to the Big Three

I'm afraid that NT has boxed himself into a corner with no good way to get out, if the rumors are true. If the rumors are true we may not have a coach until closer to May 1st than April !st. Say good bye to the Big Three

No chance it takes that long.

I agree - we have somebody's assistant before then. But the guy is right the big three are 'gone'. Of course they always were but they will make this the 'excuse'.

Ha. If you mean we won't get all 3, then you're most likely correct, but if you think it's a foregone conclusion that we won't get even one of them, then you are getting WAY ahead of yourself. Relax a bit. It isn't over yet.

I give it a 30% chance it takes that long, 3 days ago I would say it was at 10%. Remember closer to May 1st than April 1st, that means April 16th or later

Good point, but I would still be shocked if it takes that long. It's been 5 days people. 5 days. The tournament isn't even over yet. We might want to talk to some of the guys still coaching before making a hire. Some people need to relax.

Our next head coach could be Milton from Office Space, if he wins, people will like him and the boosters will support him.

According to sources, Milton has declined the job. Word is that Norwood is a PaperPro guy and wouldn't allow Milton's Swingline stapler anywhere near campus.

According to sources, Milton has declined the job. Word is that Norwood is a PaperPro guy and wouldn't allow Milton's Swingline stapler anywhere near campus.

Sources say after Norwood said no to the stapler, Milton threatened to burn down the Barn. We better keep him away from campus.

If he loved the U he should have known he would have to keep his kid at arms length from the program. The press would eat it alive - especially after Saul. If he loved the U that much Ryan could be a volunteer.

I don't think you get it. For Flip this wasn't going to be a job it was going to be a mission and a passion of his to fulfill. What better when you are doing what you have dreamt to do but take your son along for the ride. He didn't need to do this, but he wanted to do it for the U. That's probably why he felt a little extra kick in the face when Teague who doesn't have a drop of knowledge by comparison started to tell him what his staff would look like or wouldn't.

On second thought I'd rather get another mercenary in here.

Ha. If you mean we won't get all 3, then you're most likely correct, but if you think it's a foregone conclusion that we won't get even one of them, then you are getting WAY ahead of yourself. Relax a bit. It isn't over yet.

I don't think we'll get any of them - not under Tubby given the year end collapses. Not under Flip either.

And I am relaxed. I think you build programs recruiting class by recruiting class - over years - not one hot class. Try for them but they won't go here. So plan to get a little better each year and improve the kids you do sign.

I don't think you get it. For Flip this wasn't going to be a job it was going to be a mission and a passion of his to fulfill. What better when you are doing what you have dreamt to do but take your son along for the ride. He didn't need to do this, but he wanted to do it for the U. That's probably why he felt a little extra kick in the face when Teague who doesn't have a drop of knowledge by comparison started to tell him what his staff would look like or wouldn't.

Really? Then he didn't need to even get his kid involved - have him stay with the wiz. Nor his old pro buddies. Just agree to hire the best college assistants they can all find together. Didn't happen did it?

I don't think we'll get any of them - not under Tubby given the year end collapses. Not under Flip either.

And I am relaxed. I think you build programs recruiting class by recruiting class - over years - not one hot class. Try for them but they won't go here. So plan to get a little better each year and improve the kids you do sign.

You're acting like you know something that you don't actually know.

I don't think you get it. For Flip this wasn't going to be a job it was going to be a mission and a passion of his to fulfill. What better when you are doing what you have dreamt to do but take your son along for the ride. He didn't need to do this, but he wanted to do it for the U. That's probably why he felt a little extra kick in the face when Teague who doesn't have a drop of knowledge by comparison started to tell him what his staff would look like or wouldn't.

On second thought I'd rather get another mercenary in here.

see bold

You're acting like you know something that you don't actually know.

I have been watching this song and dance for many many years. The really good ones in FB and BB rarely go here. And never when the program is shaky. Many of our greatest U hero's weren't that highly recruited - not nationally anyway. Most were developed by good coaches while at the U. These kids appear to be the real deals - they will see recruiting pressure we can not possibly match now.

That is my whole point - forget about what they want and build a freaking program that will draw blue chips from anywhere, every year. If we do that we'll be fine. If we can't do that we won't sign them here either - the nice people from Duke will find them here. They aren't secrets.

And yes I know that - everyone with half a brain knows that.

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