PiPress: Gophers football: Philip Nelson is no shoo-in to start next season


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

Nelson will have to fight to keep his starting job, with challenges likely from redshirt freshman Mitch Leidner and incoming recruit Chris Streveler, who appears similar in talent to Nelson.

"One game will not make it," offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover said Wednesday, Dec. 19, "because (Nelson) had one good game against Purdue and look at what happened. Just because you have one good game, there's a bigger factor to it."

"That's going to be great competition for Philip Nelson," said Lemming, who works for CBS College Sports. "He can run and he can throw just like Philip. Minnesota fans are going to remember that name, Chris Streveler. That kid is really, really good."


Go Gophers!!

Sid chimes in:

Future U QB has talent

One reason why Max Shortell might have left the Gophers football team is that there is a great quarterback coming in next year: Chris Streveler from Marian Central Catholic High School in Woodstock, Ill. He was all-state selection on a team that finished 11-1, and he completed 66 percent of his passes for 2,397 yards and 26 touchdowns with four interceptions. He also rushed 156 times for 1,124 yards and 22 TDs.

A number of schools have tried to persuade Streveler to de-commit, but he is solid in his commitment and will enroll in school in January.


Go Gophers!!

This will be an interesting development especially since all the weiners who were made at Kill for getting rid of Nelson's redshirt.

Come on....one year ago all anyone could talk about was Nelson and how he was going to be the greatest QB ever at the University of Minnesota. The kid starts half the year and plays good, not great, and we are already going to start the speculation that our new QB coming in is going to be the new savior?

I guess we should expect it. Nelson is no longer the backup so fans will now decide the guy behind him must be better since everyone always loves the backup QB. Don't get me wrong I hope Streveler is awesome from day one I just hope we don't have another off season dominated by speculation on whether or not the true freshman QB who has never taken a snap in college is going to be our new hero.

Come on....one year ago all anyone could talk about was Nelson and how he was going to be the greatest QB ever at the University of Minnesota. The kid starts half the year and plays good, not great, and we are already going to start the speculation that our new QB coming in is going to be the new savior?

I guess we should expect it. Nelson is no longer the backup so fans will now decide the guy behind him must be better since everyone always loves the backup QB. Don't get me wrong I hope Streveler is awesome from day one I just hope we don't have another off season dominated by speculation on whether or not the true freshman QB who has never taken a snap in college is going to be our new hero.

It is not really a sign of people giving up on Nelson. It is more of a sign of the quality of recruits that Kill is getting. Most of the top football schools have the next greatest player coming in at many positions. If Kill didn't think Streveler was good enough to compete than he shouldn't recruit the kid!

Yes, he is - for next year and the two years after. The only question is how close he can come to Wormburner's Gopher record for games started.

I like this mentality. I hate it when a team at any level comes into camp with a presumptive starter at any position. I want everyone to have to start with a clean slate and earn it. Even in the case of someone like Adrian Peterson, if they are the clear number one, then they should have no problem winning the job in a fair tryout against the rest of the backs on the team.

If you guys are buying anything Marcus is selling in regards to quarterback controversies, I am sure I can find a few bridges you would like to buy as well.

If Nelson is not a shoo-in at QB next year, it means Kill will be bringing in a "Russell Wilson".

Playing Streveler would put Kill's job on the line. If he didn't do well, and true freshman qb rarely do, Kill would be out of a job.

I would like to see them bring in a capable JUCO/transfer QB. Our depth at the position is too young.

I also believe Lemming labeled Nelson as the biggest sleeper in his draft class. It's nice that he is high on our QB recruits, the guy knows his stuff!

Redshirt Streveler!!!! Unless we are forced to play him due to injuries (like Nelson this year).

This will still be a young squad where true Fr. & RSFr can earn PT. QB is just another one of those positions. I would rather take our chances on Strevelar being a backup, or starter, if needed versus tying up a scholarship with a JUCO QB who would still be unproven at the BIG level. If everyone stays healthy and on the squad, 2014 could be a year when we finally have improved depth.

let's not forget about Mitch Leidner. If Streveler gets his redshirt pulled next year, it will be because Nelson and Leidner either failed or got injured.

Kill will play the QB that gives them the best chance to win now. He won't be saving anyone for anything. Kill understands the sense of urgency to win and win now. If and when Kill has a breakout season he will start to save more redshirts, etc.

I also believe Lemming labeled Nelson as the biggest sleeper in his draft class. It's nice that he is high on our QB recruits, the guy knows his stuff!

Redshirt Streveler!!!! Unless we are forced to play him due to injuries (like Nelson this year).

And #2 QB in the class, if I remember correctly.

If Streveler doesn't win the job, redshirt him. Makes no sense to have a true Frosh as your #2 QB.

There is always a QB controversy when the incumbent isn't lights out. Nelson would really have to fall off to not be the starting QB next season.

However, Streveler will probably play quite a bit. I know this ruffles some people's feathers, but I think he is a much better fit for our offense than Leidner (not ripping on Leidner's ability) and we are going to need someone to come in and take some hits off of Nelson. I think there is very little chance that Streveler gets the RS unless we bring in a JuCo QB.

*I didn't forget about Foreman, I just have my questions about him due to him not being on the summer 2-a-day practice roster and him not even being in question last year when we were talking about our injuries at the QB position (I believe Kill referenced playing Maye there in an emergency situation).

I agree with Bob.

Everyone gets worked up over red shirts. Just like with Nelson this season. If Kill is doing his job, there should/will always be another guy in the pipeline. This year it's Streveler. There should be another guy next year, etc etc

I do hope/believe Nelson will be the starter next season. I think we'll see a good jump due to his experience and HOPEFULLY a healthy OL next year.

I agree with Bob.

Everyone gets worked up over red shirts. Just like with Nelson this season. If Kill is doing his job, there should/will always be another guy in the pipeline. This year it's Streveler. There should be another guy next year, etc etc

I do hope/believe Nelson will be the starter next season. I think we'll see a good jump due to his experience and HOPEFULLY a healthy OL next year.

Bold part. +1. That is exactly it! Couldn't agree more!

pharmacygopher said:
I agree with Bob.

Everyone gets worked up over red shirts. Just like with Nelson this season. If Kill is doing his job, there should/will always be another guy in the pipeline. This year it's Streveler. There should be another guy next year, etc etc

I do hope/believe Nelson will be the starter next season. I think we'll see a good jump due to his experience and HOPEFULLY a healthy OL next year.

You're missing the point. The benefit of redshirting is that your seniors have had an extra year of learning and growing. Of course they need to keep bringing in talented guys, but the goal is to get to a point where playing true freshmen is rare. Not because you're worried about playing freshman as much as wanting to get as many 5th year seniors as you can.

I like this mentality. I hate it when a team at any level comes into camp with a presumptive starter at any position.

I think it's the right mentality for the coaches and players coming into camp. However, what we have here is the media trying to start up a QB controversy with a kid who hasn't even started school yet, and when this season isn't even done yet! How is that productive? I could maybe understand if the Gophers had just signed a can't miss 5* QB. I understand Streveler is talented and some think underrated, but to assume he's the second coming of Jordan Lynch (that's pretty much what it would take for him to come to camp and start game 1 as a true frosh) just because Kill recruited him is a wee bit premature.

You're missing the point. The benefit of redshirting is that your seniors have had an extra year of learning and growing. Of course they need to keep bringing in talented guys, but the goal is to get to a point where playing true freshmen is rare. Not because you're worried about playing freshman as much as wanting to get as many 5th year seniors as you can.

I get the point. In an ideal world, you want 5th year Seniors. That's not debatable. This Gopher team isn't ideal though. I'm not going to lose any sleep over Kill pulling a RS off a talented player that can help us win. Once we have more depth, I'm completely in favor of RS'ing as many guys as possible.

This is completely hypothetical, but what if we somehow red shirted Nelson and Shortell still decided to transfer? For this coming season, we're much better off with Nelson having played in 7 games? (including the bowl). 4 years from now....I can't make predictions on how a RS could have affected things...

If Nelson does not start and play well next year, we are headed off the cliff. No experience behind him, and Max was driven off with Nelson being handed the keys this year. Hope the Purdue game was a taste of what he is capable of.

No matter who plays QB, we need a decent running attack. Nelson did fine for a freshmen considering the situation. I am assuming he's a smart kid, the oline and receiving corps improve, and we have a decent (I will take average) offense next year.

P. Nelson was barely mediocre for the season after the Purdue game. plenty of upside but i can see that Shorts saw the mediocrity getting rewarded and said 'im gone'

P. Nelson was barely mediocre for the season after the Purdue game. plenty of upside but i can see that Shorts saw the mediocrity getting rewarded and said 'im gone'

Streveler will play IMO. He's athletic enough to hang and learn on the fly.
Perhaps we'll finally see the "wildcat/backup QB" formula Kill and Limegrover employed at NIU with Harnish and Lynch. It didn't hinder the development of either and Lynch was lights out this year as a Jr.
Shortell had every chance to earn the job going into the Iowa game. He also had a chance to redeem against NW.
The staff clearly took the redshirt off Nelson for more than one reason. Shortell's very poor passing in the NW game was supposedly due to a shoulder injury and he wasn't 100% going into wisconsin week. How would everyone have felt if K.J. Maye had started at QB @ wisky? The redshirt came off and Nelson flourished until the OL hit a major wall and our #1 receiver quit the team in a hissy fit over a ouchy on his ankle.

We'll be fine at QB going forward, Nelson has skills and Streveler will contribute early.
It's going to be a while before this program has the luxury of red shirting freshmen good enough to contribute. There simply isn't enough depth in the upper classes yet.

P. Nelson was barely mediocre for the season after the Purdue game. plenty of upside but i can see that Shorts saw the mediocrity getting rewarded and said 'im gone'

HE IS A TRUE TRUE FRESHMAN PLAYING BEHIND A BATTERED OFFENSIVE LINE. If college football were so easy, you wouldnt be on your couch eating potato chips.

I think it's the right mentality for the coaches and players coming into camp. However, what we have here is the media trying to start up a QB controversy with a kid who hasn't even started school yet, and when this season isn't even done yet! How is that productive? I could maybe understand if the Gophers had just signed a can't miss 5* QB. I understand Streveler is talented and some think underrated, but to assume he's the second coming of Jordan Lynch (that's pretty much what it would take for him to come to camp and start game 1 as a true frosh) just because Kill recruited him is a wee bit premature.

This is the issue not whether or not he redshirts next season. How about we wait until:

A) The Kid signs a LOI
B) Shows up on campus
C) Demonstates some abiltiy at the COLLEGE level

Then we can start talking about how great he is and how he should be starting over Nelson or speculatiing on just how much playing time he should or should not get. All of the sudden Nelson seems to be looked at as just another guy at QB when at this time last year he was going to be the greatest QB ever at the U of M.

And in fairness to Nelson he played 6 conference games against some very good defenses dealing with an injury riddled O-Line and no weapons of any kind in the receiving core after AJ had his injury and subsequent meltdown. Oh and the running game was just mediocre as well. We really have no clue just how good Nelson may or may not be because he was thrust into about the worst possible scenario you can dream up for a true freshman QB this season.

This is the issue not whether or not he redshirts next season. How about we wait until:

A) The Kid signs a LOI
B) Shows up on campus
C) Demonstates some abiltiy at the COLLEGE level

Then we can start talking about how great he is and how he should be starting over Nelson or speculatiing on just how much playing time he should or should not get. All of the sudden Nelson seems to be looked at as just another guy at QB when at this time last year he was going to be the greatest QB ever at the U of M.

And in fairness to Nelson he played 6 conference games against some very good defenses dealing with an injury riddled O-Line and no weapons of any kind in the receiving core after AJ had his injury and subsequent meltdown. Oh and the running game was just mediocre as well. We really have no clue just how good Nelson may or may not be because he was thrust into about the worst possible scenario you can dream up for a true freshman QB this season.

Agreed. Nelson's situation last year wasn't a whole lot different than Weber's after Decker got hurt. He had no goto guy as no one else stepped up to fill the void. Hopefully our receivers will stay healthy next year and one or more will step up.

Kill will play the QB that gives them the best chance to win now. He won't be saving anyone for anything. Kill understands the sense of urgency to win and win now. If and when Kill has a breakout season he will start to save more redshirts, etc.

Oh, I get it. What sense of urgency?? For Kill to retain his job?? It now appears that the snakepit that is GH is willing to do anything to win .... not for the grand and glorious U, but for "Aw Shucks You Know" Kill. If I was a player of any talent, I would stay as far away as possible from a school that appears to be this desperate.

I have never seen a reporter who likes the backup qb angle as much as Marcus does. Give it a rest already.

Oh, I get it. What sense of urgency?? For Kill to retain his job?? It now appears that the snakepit that is GH is willing to do anything to win .... not for the grand and glorious U, but for "Aw Shucks You Know" Kill. If I was a player of any talent, I would stay as far away as possible from a school that appears to be this desperate.

THIS is the post you waited 10 days to make? I mean, REALLY? You absolutely despise Jerry Kill, we get it. We don't need any more "fans" like you, but thanks anyway.

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