
Dec 8, 2010
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Can we finally have a real Gold Out this Saturday. Ditch your maroon for just one game Gopher fans!

I think it will only be moderately more gold than usual. Prove me wrong!!

Maybe i missed this, but I gotta think its Gold tops, maroon bottoms for this game, no?


Is there a reason they barely mentioned this during the game this past Saturday?

I think it will only be moderately more gold than usual. Prove me wrong!!

Well, gold is also one of Western Michigan's colors. The visitors may be in all white w/gold helmets (were at ILL, I believe). Should be plenty of gold. :/

Well, gold is also one of Western Michigan's colors. The visitors may be in all white w/gold helmets (were at ILL, I believe). Should be plenty of gold. :/

Yeah, why are we talking a gold out when that is one of our opponent's color? Sure, their gold is different from our yellow-gold but still. Maroon seems more appropriate. Am I missing something here?

Yeah, why are we talking a gold out when that is one of our opponent's color? Sure, their gold is different from our yellow-gold but still. Maroon seems more appropriate. Am I missing something here?
A Maroon Out just doesn't work.

A Maroon Out just doesn't work.

They could have saved it for the night game and called it "Maroon under the Moon"

Im driving up for this game with my 4yr old son, he is pumped to see Goldy again. I found a great deal on tickets about a month ago on stubhub, 3rd row lower level on the Gophers sideline for 22$ a pop, I snatched up the 3 tickets that were left.

Yeah, why are we talking a gold out when that is one of our opponent's color? Sure, their gold is different from our yellow-gold but still. Maroon seems more appropriate. Am I missing something here?

Better chance for success?

I'm surprised that this never works, even when they put it on the tickets.

I'd also be somewhat surprised if they went to the gold jerseys this early since they were supposed to be only for "special or big games." Then again, it would be cool to see the gold jerseys in a game.

Is there a reason they barely mentioned this during the game this past Saturday?

It was on both scoreboards and over the PA and is printed on the tickets. What else do you want?

Yeah, why are we talking a gold out when that is one of our opponent's color? Sure, their gold is different from our yellow-gold but still. Maroon seems more appropriate. Am I missing something here?

It doesn't matter what color the opponents uniforms are. We are at home and wear gold. Let the visitors change if they want to stand out.

It's probably too late now for this Saturday, but would it really be asking too much, if the U handed out Gold rally towel to everyone that walks through the gates? It would definitely be a cooler affect during the night game though. Seems like this would be pretty easy to put together. Heck, the towels could be mini replicas of that giant banner over the student section.

I will also be wearing maroon. Gold out, green out, who gives a sht. I never leave home without my maroon Cupito jersey.

Should we have a Grey out for the last game against Michigan ST?

Heck if were going to have a Gold out why not a Gray out for the last game?

What if you don't see a "problem"?

Then you're colorblind. You guys (GH) always whine about the fans not getting into it then you refuse to participate. You're part of the problem

If we continually try to do these it's oddly fascinating/really annoying/gets me pissed that the past failures have not resulted in more drastic changes. The advertisement on the tickets is a start, but out of the 20 or so fortune 500 companies in the twin cites we can't find someone to sponsor the "Gold Out" and provide a cheap gold t shirt for every seat in TCF? This is how it is done in most sports, in most cities and is the easiest way to actually make it happen. Let's go Teague.

Then you're colorblind. You guys (GH) always whine about the fans not getting into it then you refuse to participate. You're part of the problem


If we continually try to do these it's oddly fascinating/really annoying/gets me pissed that the past failures have not resulted in more drastic changes. The advertisement on the tickets is a start, but out of the 20 or so fortune 500 companies in the twin cites we can't find someone to sponsor the "Gold Out" and provide a cheap gold t shirt for every seat in TCF? This is how it is done in most sports, in most cities and is the easiest way to actually make it happen. Let's go Teague.

As far as anyone of us know, this may have already happened.

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