Gopher Illustrated: Dungy has agreed to be coach (rumor)

That's speculative at best and you know it.

Of course it is speculative - there's obviously no way I can ever prove that opinion. It doesn't change my point, though.

You're telling me you honestly believe that with a better fanbase (meaning more money and support coming through the program, amid other benefits) that we would have hired Tim Brewster?

Just keep believing that all our problems are solved by hiring some magic coach that will transform us into Iowa or Wisconsin. Their programs are a lot different than ours, and the coach is just one of the many differences.

From the media guide:

Name (Comp.-Att.) Pct.
1. Adam Weber, 2007- (704-1226) .574
2. Mark Carlson, 1976-79 (255-447) .572
3. Cory Sauter, 1994-97 (539-945) .570
4. Asad Abdul-Khaliq, 2000-03 (481-847) .568
5. Bryan Cupito, 2003-06 (513-918) 558
6. Travis Cole, 2000-01 (205-367) .558
7. Mike Hohensee, 1981-82 (392-722) .543
8. Scott Schaffner, 1987-91 (278-515) .540
9. Marquel Fleetwood, 1989-92 (465-876) .531
10. Billy Cockerham, 1996-99 (252-485) .520

that, right there, it really says it all doesnt it.

Of course it is speculative - there's obviously no way I can ever prove that opinion. It doesn't change my point, though.

You're telling me you honestly believe that with a better fanbase (meaning more money and support coming through the program, amid other benefits) that we would have hired Tim Brewster?
Just keep believing that all our problems are solved by hiring some magic coach that will transform us into Iowa or Wisconsin. Their programs are a lot different than ours, and the coach is just one of the many differences.

Well, since Maturi was the one who hired Brewster and not the fans, yeah, I would say that hiring him had nothing to do with the fanbase.

We wouldn't have Tim Brewster or Adam Weber with a better fanbase.

I can partially understand your Brew argument, but how would a 'better' fanbase lead us to not have Adam Weber? Why would a better fanbase prevent a 3* local kid from staying home?

Please list examples not named Bud Grant.

The only examples off the top of my head are Mike Riley at Oregon State and Kent Austin at Cornell. Riley has had a pretty good career, jury still very much out on Austin.

CFL coaches tend to bounce around the CFL rather than go back to the US. Wally Buono and Don Matthews are good examples- successful at multiple places in the CFL but never garnered interst from the US.

I suspect the CFL prepares coaches to be successful player personnel guys in the US and doesn't do much for guys who want to go back to the NCAA.

Well, since Maturi was the one who hired Brewster and not the fans, yeah, I would say that hiring him had nothing to do with the fanbase.


Why do we insist on living in our own little tunnels of delusion here, failing to realize exterior factors and the big picture?


Why do we insist on living in our own little tunnels of delusion here, failing to realize exterior factors and the big picture?

Since you're OBSESSED with talking about the fans being the problem, explain to me how there is a Big Ten school which never, ever fills their small stadium with its own fans, has 1 NFL team, 2 MLB teams, 1 NHL team and 1 NBA team within 20 miles of campus, competes with 2 other BCS programs for the local fans yet has won 3 Big Ten titles and made a Rose Bowl appearance within the last 16 years and is undefeated and ranked in the top 25.

Marc Trestman would not be a bad choice. The Candian football legue helps prepare coaches to be great head coaches in the states.

Marc Trestman has never held a job for more than three years since 1982.

Even if you could sign you really want to?

Think about this scenario:
Dungy comes
Dungy Recruits
Dungy goes 6-6, 7-5, 7-5, 8-4, 6-6 in 5 years.....retires......

What happens if you get your dream guy, and he can't turn it around. It is better to not hire Dungy, because at least then there is still hope. When you get a guy like Dungy, if he fails, you can pretty much give up all hope.

Brilliant. :rolleyes:

From the media guide:

Name (Comp.-Att.) Pct.
1. Adam Weber, 2007- (704-1226) .574
2. Mark Carlson, 1976-79 (255-447) .572
3. Cory Sauter, 1994-97 (539-945) .570
4. Asad Abdul-Khaliq, 2000-03 (481-847) .568
5. Bryan Cupito, 2003-06 (513-918) 558
6. Travis Cole, 2000-01 (205-367) .558
7. Mike Hohensee, 1981-82 (392-722) .543
8. Scott Schaffner, 1987-91 (278-515) .540
9. Marquel Fleetwood, 1989-92 (465-876) .531
10. Billy Cockerham, 1996-99 (252-485) .520

He's now up to .579 percent because, ya know, he's the worst quarterback in college football history.

Since you're OBSESSED with talking about the fans being the problem, explain to me how there is a Big Ten school which never, ever fills their small stadium with its own fans, has 1 NFL team, 2 MLB teams, 1 NHL team and 1 NBA team within 20 miles of campus, competes with 2 other BCS programs for the local fans yet has won 3 Big Ten titles and made a Rose Bowl appearance within the last 16 years and is undefeated and ranked in the top 25.

They caught lightning in a bottle in 1995-1996. The 2000 team was only 6-2 in the BT and not that good, but had every single bounce of the football literally go their way in at least 3 games right at the end.

Other than 95-96, they've basically been on par with the Gophers in recent years. We had several seasons under Mason where we were undefeated and in the top 25 after 5 games.

We can have that magical season here - never said we couldn't. Almost did in 2003 if the Perry fumble bounces a different way. However, I want the program to be better than the flash-in-the pan magical year, don't you? NW has proven even with these successes they STILL can't draw anyone to watch their games despite being in Media Market #3.

NW has played 5 of its 6 easiest games of the year so far, and survived a 2pt conversion/terrible high hit call to beat Vandy, recovered an onside kick to beat Central Michigan, and was a Collado play away from losing to MN. I have a suspicion that even with the easiest schedule in the BT, they are going to have multiple tallies in the L column before it is all said and done.


Why do we insist on living in our own little tunnels of delusion here, failing to realize exterior factors and the big picture?

You honestly want to blame the fans for all the years of crappy product that's been on the field? Really? The fans made the decisions to hire Joe Salem, John Gutekunst and Tim Brewster? The fans made the decision to move to the Metrodome? And after all that, it's our fault for not supporting the team despite all the crap that has gone on?

If that's what you think, then you're pretty much hopeless. Bottom line is this: Fans and their loyalty is not unconditional. When you get force fed a crap product year-after-year, you don't support it after awhile. The University has made terrible decision after terrible decision as it relates to football, which has nothing to do with the fanbase. It has to do with ongoing incompetence by previous administrators, and in this case, Joel Maturi. I would wager that no amount of dollars would have stopped Maturi from making this hire. He took a flier because he fell for a bill of goods and it's blown up in his face, the university's face, and lastly the fans' face. It's as simple as that. Which is why most fans, who have stuck around despite all of this, feel this way: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Of course it is speculative - there's obviously no way I can ever prove that opinion. It doesn't change my point, though.

You're telling me you honestly believe that with a better fanbase (meaning more money and support coming through the program, amid other benefits) that we would have hired Tim Brewster?

Just keep believing that all our problems are solved by hiring some magic coach that will transform us into Iowa or Wisconsin. Their programs are a lot different than ours, and the coach is just one of the many differences.

Maturi definitely might have, after all it isn't as if there weren't better coaches available and interested at the time. It isn't as if Brewster was the only guy we could afford who was interested. Do I think that a coach can fix all problems, no. The coach can do alot to help fix the other problems that he doesn't directly influence, such as alumni donations and fan support. If you hire a good coach who wins then fans will hop on board and want to be a part of it. You have to win first before the fans will come and stay. Had Maturi hired Pelini instead of Brewster would the Gophers be in the Rose Bowl this year, not likely. I do feel confident however that in year 4 he would have had this team in the Top 25 and the stadium wouldn't have had so many empty seats in it because the team would have been more competitive.

You honestly want to blame the fans for all the years of crappy product that's been on the field? Really? The fans made the decisions to hire Joe Salem, John Gutekunst and Tim Brewster? The fans made the decision to move to the Metrodome? And after all that, it's our fault for not supporting the team despite all the crap that has gone on?

If that's what you think, then you're pretty much hopeless. Bottom line is this: Fans and their loyalty is not unconditional. When you get force fed a crap product year-after-year, you don't support it after awhile. The University has made terrible decision after terrible decision as it relates to football, which has nothing to do with the fanbase. It has to do with ongoing incompetence by previous administrators, and in this case, Joel Maturi. I would wager that no amount of dollars would have stopped Maturi from making this hire. He took a flier because he fell for a bill of goods and it's blown up in his face, the university's face, and lastly the fans' face. It's as simple as that. Which is why most fans, who have stuck around despite all of this, feel this way: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Agreed, except for the "no amount of money would stop him from making the Brew hire." The administration has made many many blunders over the years - and their lack of commitment is a major factor in our ineptitude. I'm not ONLY blaming fans/media/pro sports. There are SEVERAL issues going on that all contribute. That's what people don't seem to grasp, though. They try to pinpoint one magic elixir. It is far more complicated than that.

Agreed, except for the "no amount of money would stop him from making the Brew hire." The administration has made many many blunders over the years - and their lack of commitment is a major factor in our ineptitude. I'm not ONLY blaming fans/media/pro sports. There are SEVERAL issues going on that all contribute. That's what people don't seem to grasp, though. They try to pinpoint one magic elixir. It is far more complicated than that.

Obviously, it's very complicated and I also understand that. But it's really difficult for the average person to get behind a program that has shown consistent ineptitude. And unfortunately, that's the demographic that is abandoning the program in droves.

Obviously, it's very complicated and I also understand that. But it's really difficult for the average person to get behind a program that has shown consistent ineptitude. And unfortunately, that's the demographic that is abandoning the program in droves.

Totally understand that if the product sucks, the fans don't show up. However, we're in a situation that makes it even tougher to keep the fans than at other schools where the fans aren't as likely to abandon the program so quickly (see: 2003) - so we must make up this competitive disadvantage by being stronger in another area of the program. Maybe it's the recruiting budget. Maybe it's hiring a big-name coach. It's tougher here to turn around the program (not just for one year, for the long term) than at Iowa or Wisconsin - so we must work/commit even harder to change it.

I can't believe I'm responding to this thread, but if GI has reported a rumor like this it's either a ploy for selling subscriptions or smoke where there might be fire. I dunno.
He'd bring an aura to the position, I'd think he has enough contacts to set up a staff including a coach in waiting after 3 years. FYI his son's HS has several amazing recruits this year including a QB and the #1 all everything athlete in this class, so maybe he'd be able to bring a handful of elite floridians with right away to plug in. Sigh. If it happens we'll be on track to compete for a big time bowl in 2 years, if he selects a good coach in waiting, it could set us up for several years and if he includes enough young assistant coaches and quality grad assistants maybe beyond that.

I still think Golden is the guy to throw money at. Though, I'm intrigued who Dungy's coach in waiting would be. Maybe someone like Rod Marinelli, an awful NFL coach, but by all accounts a player's coach and a master Dline guru.

They caught lightning in a bottle in 1995-1996. The 2000 team was only 6-2 in the BT and not that good, but had every single bounce of the football literally go their way in at least 3 games right at the end.

Other than 95-96, they've basically been on par with the Gophers in recent years. We had several seasons under Mason where we were undefeated and in the top 25 after 5 games.

Oh dear. "Only" 6-2. If only Minnesota could be 6-2...wait, we 1973.

On par in recent years? Theyve finished 4-4 or 5-3 in the Big Ten 5 times since 2003. Minnesota has finished 500 or better 5 times since 1990.

Can we take this Adam Weber argument into another thread? Or go start one back up that has already had this conversation?

Getting back on subject, the GI message board had numerous other Tony Dungy threads, one titles "Who does Dungy bring?". I'm sure these are just speculative threads but will be interested to hear where the he!! this rumor came from, I still can't believe the GI guys would attach themselves on this subject without something actually happening, even if its just the adm begging him at this point.

That passing accuracy hasn't stopped him from a shot at his second 1-11 season. Stats don't tell the whole story.

You realize that Weber isn't the only player out there, and that there are other players who might just have something to do with it, don't you? Stat's don't tell the whole story. Just most of it.

From the media guide:

Name (Comp.-Att.) Pct.
1. Adam Weber, 2007- (704-1226) .574
2. Mark Carlson, 1976-79 (255-447) .572
3. Cory Sauter, 1994-97 (539-945) .570
4. Asad Abdul-Khaliq, 2000-03 (481-847) .568
5. Bryan Cupito, 2003-06 (513-918) 558
6. Travis Cole, 2000-01 (205-367) .558
7. Mike Hohensee, 1981-82 (392-722) .543
8. Scott Schaffner, 1987-91 (278-515) .540
9. Marquel Fleetwood, 1989-92 (465-876) .531
10. Billy Cockerham, 1996-99 (252-485) .520

Tony Dungy 1973-1976 (274-576) .476. Watched him play a number of times and let's just say there was a reason he was a great defensive back as a pro.

If Tony wants to come here, I'm fine with it.

Man, this thread is legendary.


Obviously, it's very complicated and I also understand that. But it's really difficult for the average person to get behind a program that has shown consistent ineptitude. And unfortunately, that's the demographic that is abandoning the program in droves.

I think it's understandable that fans stop supporting teams, but it does have an impact on the overall strength of the program. For instance, I understand that my devotion to Gopher football is probably a little illogical. I spend quite a bit of time and money following and supporting the program. I couldn't really make a super strong logical argument as to why I would support the program pretty much under any circumstances, but the fact is that I do. Now, the truth is that the U of MN has few fans like most of us (in comparison to a big time program). It is one of the criteria that makes for a big time program.

Now, as to how that can affect the program's wins and losses. Well, look at Oklahoma. They were able to get Bob Stoops to leave Florida and go to Oklahoma (something we had tried to do and failed at a couple years earlier). Part of the reason is because Oklahoma was a big time program despite not even being .500 for 4 seasons prior to his arrival. They were also able to pay Stoops a higher salary.

Part of the reason why we haven't been able to get our pick of the litter in terms of coaching candidates is because we don't have as big of a die hard fan base (who donates money and is a gigantic cash draw to the University).

Another example would be Gopher hockey.

The amount of borderline illogically devoted fans to a program in comparison to other programs in that sport plays a role on the overall success of the program.

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