Your Most Hated Fan Base

That happens at any stadium with a pulse re: alcohol policies. Madison is bad as a party school, no argument there. You don't think if the Gophs had a full crowd it would be any better? Didn't we have riots after a hockey game? Riots at Spring Jam?

Vulgarity? Don't we yell "F Bo Ryan" and "Who Hates Iowa?" (Yes, a bit more tame but it leads to things).

I'll stop trying to make it sound like I'm defending Iowa and Sconnie but this moral high ground we stand on is a bit odd is all I was saying.

No argument here on the fact that they have an alcohol issue. I guess I just went to college and got drunk on weekends and Saturdays as well. I wasn't an ass to opposing fans, but I have more of a "that's college" approach to it. I saw plenty of people fight in Dinkytown, get tossed from game, and all of that fun stuff. Of course, that stuff should be fixed but in terms of the "they drink a lot!" happens at the U as well. Just not as much on Saturday at the stadium due to less of a crowd.

What is the sense of alcohol if we can't drink the damned stuff?

This is boring, and makes too much sense. Where's the irrational hate?

Only being slightly irrational allows you to not take marooned's measured position. And I'm fine with that. With that said, burn everything Wisconsin Badger related down to the ground. Worst fan base ever. Only the fans that are 35 and older are even worth conversing with because they at least acknowledge their pathetic pre-Alvarez existence.

great point! and btw, i am only 34. :D

I actually hate Iowa fans quite a bit more than I hate Sconnie fans.

I hate the entire state of Iowa in general. Not just football. I don't trust anything or anyone from a state that is 75% vowels.

That's all pretty reasonable except for ignoring something that Madison officials and other Big Ten fan bases have consistently said. The Badgers have a fan drinking problem, not a "cheering problem" and they need to get a handle on it.

Maybe they will this season. Hope they do but a "head in the sand" or "it happens everywhere" approach just won't get it done.

Is you a$$hole permanently puckered? I'll bet you were a BLAST as a college student.

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Is you a$$hole permanently puckered? I'll bet you were a BLAST as a college student.

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Says the guy who constantly whines about "personal" attacks. ;)

6:24 out in California. Must have been a rough night for you. Why don't you just go back to f-ing yourself and call it a day?

We've had our fair share of classless moments (from Wikipedia): In a 1972 college basketball game, Ohio State University were leading the University of Minnesota 50–44 with 36 seconds left to play in the game. Ohio State's Luke Witte was fouled hard going to the basket by Minnesota’s Corky Taylor, who punched the dazed Witte in the face and kneed him in the groin. Gopher reserve Ron Behagen then stomped on Witte's neck and head. Witte was not the only victim of violence, as a larger brawl broke out, with two other Gophers, Jim Brewer and future Baseball Hall of Famer Dave Winfield, attacking other Ohio State players. Witte was taken off the court on a stretcher and booed by Minnesota fans. He was the most seriously injured among three Buckeyes players taken to hospitals
I was AT that game. Right before the first half ended Witte fired a forearm shiver neck high at Gopher guard Bob
Nix. Nix ducked and the officials didn't see it. Red Struthers was the head official and he let things get completely
out of control in the first half. Witte was a total hack and cheap shot artist and it was known throughout the Big Ten.
Witte did a great job of play acting and fans knew that . His interview after the game he didn't look any worse for
wear, and he played in the next game.

They are not all the same to most of us. I think the Wisconsin fans are easily the most arrogant bunch of boors I have run across attending college athletics. I really have no big problem with any other fan base.
Michigan's would be close, but we are too far away for most of them to show up.

2 things. 1. This thread is so full of hypocrisy it is hilarious. We are calling other fan bases jerks, d bags, etc when here we are judging entire groups of people based off of what a few people have done (I am not on a high horse at all, because I am filled with as much irrational hate as many of you).

2. I hate the Iowa fan base. Yeah, the Wisconsin arrogance and trolling are annoying. But I haven't had a problem with a Badger fan like the Iowa fans. I was in 8th grade and a drunk 20 something IA fan tried to pick a fight with me. I saw an Iowa fan throw up 6 seats away from me. They had sex in our stadium. They tore down our goal posts. That damn chant where they spell out their state. And I reached a point where phawk doesn't bother me as I just accept him as being a crazy and lonely man, but as far as I know, there is no Wisconsin equivalent.

Says the guy who constantly whines about "personal" attacks. ;)

6:24 out in California. Must have been a rough night for you. Why don't you just go back to f-ing yourself and call it a day?
Ummm when did I whine about that you small town piece of garbage?

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Ummm when did I whine about that you small town piece of garbage?

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Struck a nerve huh?

Now looking back at your posts turns out I was wrong. Looks like when you're getting you ass handed to you're no stranger to the personal attack route.
"Small town" huh? Oh, ouch! Must be tough not having your genius appreciated? Family is from the Bay Area. Lived in Hayward when I was a little kid. When I was transferred out to L.A. my territory encompassed Downtown L.A. up to Burbank and along the Foothill out to Duarte.

Thought it broadened one's perspective to be sure. Though in your case doesn't seemed to have helped.

Say, rather then getting that little ego of your's so out of joint just put your "But all Midwesterners are the SAME! They're the SAME I TELL YOU!!!!" arguments and send those delightful insights over to the administration over in Madison. They've apparently been working on the problems at Camp Randall for quite a few years now. Maybe you could help them out or maybe not, because while looking at your posts that's your only point. One that you use again and again and again.....

Struck a nerve huh?

Now looking back at your posts turns out I was wrong. Looks like when you're getting you ass handed to you're no stranger to the personal attack route.
"Small town" huh? Oh, ouch! Must be tough not having your genius appreciated? Family is from the Bay Area. Lived in Hayward when I was a little kid. When I was transferred out to L.A. my territory encompassed Downtown L.A. up to Burbank and along the Foothill out to Duarte.

Thought it broadened one's perspective to be sure. Though in your case doesn't seemed to have helped.

Say, rather then getting that little ego of your's so out of joint just put your "But all Midwesterners are the SAME! They're the SAME I TELL YOU!!!!" arguments and send those delightful insights over to the administration over in Madison. They've apparently been working on the problems at Camp Randall for quite a few years now. Maybe you could help them out or maybe not, because while looking at your posts that's your only point. One that you use again and again and again.....

Boy you're really on top of my posts aren't you? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the point of your posts are other than now seemingly following me around. Where exactly are you handing my ass to me? I must have missed it. Nice territory though. Very glamorous I'm sure. I did have you pegged on the small town thing, Hayward and all. Must have been tough adjusting from such a backwards lifestyle out to the big city. Thankfully you're so refined and proper with such cordial manners never letting yourself have too much fun, particularly in college it seems.

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