Xavier Herny signs with Kansas, not Kentucky


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Nov 20, 2008
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Comments from Bill Self:
One where he sees Henry fitting in on the team next season:

“I think Xavier has a chance to come in and impact this team in a big way as one of our big perimeter players. Last year, we did not play with a big perimeter player very much of the game. We did from time to time in various situations. Xavier’s big. He’s a legit 6-6, he has a big body, and certainly can defend the three and post. He can do some different things that we weren’t able to do much of, or any of last year.”

On where Henry ranks out of high school with some of Kansas’ greatest recruits:

“I think X is the highest rated player we’ve ever signed. I don’t think we’ve ever signed a player that held the national ranking that Xavier has his entire career. Some people may have him the first, the third, the sixth, the eighth or whatever. He’s a very highly-recruited guy. We’ve recruited some other great players, but I don’t think we’ve ever recruited a prospect that was rated so high across the board for his entire high school career. I would say he ranks right up there, potentially, with the very best.”

I thought he looked good at the Jordan game. Given that's not the best game to base a player on. Good get for Kansas.

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