Would you take a new coach with a 316-160 record; You might on Thursday of this week!

Judge for yourselves:

Akron hire evokes controversial memories

By defaultuser on April 23, 2004 12:00 am / no comments

Before Keith Dambrot became the new head men’s basketball coach at the University
of Akron March 9 it was questionable whether or not he would ever become
a head coach again.

In 1993, Dambrot was fired as the coach of CMU after using a racial slur
in the locker room in front of several minority players and a black assistant

“This was a term that was used throughout the basketball program,” said
sociology professor Robert Newby, “It was after a loss and the players all
had their heads down and coach Dambrot asked them if he could use the term.
They told him to go ahead and he told them that ‘they needed to play more
like niggers.’ What coach didn’t take into account, is there is a difference
between when black people refer to each other that way than when a white
person does.”

The timing of Dambrot’s comment seemed to come at an already tumultuous
time for race relations within the athletics department.

That sounds like more of an idiot than a racist.

Terrible hire either way.

Not that I would be a fan of this hire, but a guy makes one mistake 20 years ago and he deserves to have that held against him forever?

Granted it was a big mistake but he has paid for it, and overall seems like a pretty good coach.

Not that I would be a fan of this hire, but a guy makes one mistake 20 years ago and he deserves to have that held against him forever?

Granted it was a big mistake but he has paid for it, and overall seems like a pretty good coach.

Fine, let him continue to be a pretty good coach right where he is.

So when you type in Keith Dambrot to Google, the second thing that comes up is Keith Dambrot Racist. I think that's an awfully tough sell to a major university, no matter the circumstances surrounding the incident. I also have a hard time believing that Teague/Ellis go for a coach over 50 unless he already has a big name.

Given what has appeared to have transpired over the last eight days, if Teague hires this guy he can leave town along with his boss, the guy who looks like he's wearing pajamas at basketball games.

He may be a heck of a coach but this would be a PR nightmare and not at all helpful in the raising of the funds needed for a new practice facility.

I hear the klan has an opening for their rec league...

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