Would "havoc" work in the B1G?

Shaka's "havoc" is reminiscent of Nolan Richardson's "40 minutes of hell" at Arkansas, and that worked pretty good.

Call it what ya want, but 94 feet X 50 feet of total out and out hustle sounds fun to me.


I can confirm that we're not. Fortunately I did not say we should press the entire game - just that I was a fan of using it more often. I agree with the premise of your article - obviously the press is a better strategy as a "David" than a "Goliath". Against teams like Wisconsin where we were inferior in the half court but clearly superior in the full court I think this could have been a good strategy


I can confirm that we're not. Fortunately I did not say we should press the entire game - just that I was a fan of using it more often. I agree with the premise of your article - obviously the press is a better strategy as a "David" than a "Goliath". Against teams like Wisconsin where we were inferior in the half court but clearly superior in the full court I think this could have been a good strategy

In general, I like mixing up offenses and defenses. This applies to every sport. It applies to playing checkers. You can't let anyone get a bead on what you're doing.

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