Winston DeLattiboudere Commits!

Maybe he could play linebacker. That's the great thing about our staff, they will find the right position for him.

I was thinking this. He seems like maybe a Gary Patterson hybrid guy that is too small for DE but big and fast as a linebacker and has great pass rushing skills. Wherever he plays, let's hope he plays with a chip on his shoulder. Excited about this class.

His mom just put him into school one year early. He just turned 17.

I am happy he is a Gopher commit. I am curious in 2015 how he does not have offers. He has a highlight tape.
He has very impressive stats. He is the Baltimore defensive player of the year. He's athletic and plays hard.
Nobody grades him? Why? And then he commits and 247 instantly makes him our 4th highest rated recruit.
Similar to Still and his instant ESPN ranking and no offers.

So hats off to the Gopher coaches but why are these guys not rated prior to commiting with their physical abilities very evident? Neither guy played 9 man in obscurity. So if the services don't rate them our coaches are the only ones with balls enough to offer? But why did the services ignore them in the first place based on the size, athletic ability, highlight tapes, stats, awards etc?

Seems really weird to me these guys are not sought after. Most all of who trust our eyes would recruit them if they have the grades to get in school and are not in detention daily or worse. I'm sure that's all cool or we wouldn't be recruiting them, so it just doesn't add up to me.

Here is a flat out guess: Recruiting services don't want to spend a lot of money. They don't go out and find people by beating the bush. They use analytic resources, teams offer lists, and web crawlers to identify. They have formulas to rate prospects. Probably 5 criteria as that is the limits of human decision usefulness (Daniel Kahneman). Four criteria are objective (one is probably literally offers, that are weighted, because this is cheap and people like it), the last is a subjective score based on one due who watches film, probably for several like positions. The result is a score. The score goes into a predetermined matrix that spits out stars.

My guess is based on what I'd do as professional, if I were setting this stuff up on a consulting engagement. I wouldn't even hire anyone. Who cares. Keep it cheap and let others do your work. Then charge for plugging into your formula. All you really need to do is put on bells and whistles and hype people up.

You get revenue from users, and from coaches. Coaches give you money and info for free, because you support the fans perception that they are doing a competent job. It becomes a positive feedback loop, as recruits then see you are great based on recruiting rankings. Really, in recruiting, bells and whistles only matter. Most fans like shiny things. Just note how many on this thread think this is suspect, just based on lack of attention. Most just cannot believe great players are left uncovered. However, it happens every year.

We know for a fact 247 (because they state it) does even less than what I just wrote. We know they just aggregate. People eat their crap all day long.

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Impressive film. I love the qb at 6:00. Just dumps it into the ground when he sees him coming around the end. I've been there too buddy, no shame in that.

This dude is 6-4 and 215 pounds and at age 16 he had a lot of sacks in what seems like a decent league on high light films even if it is city of Baltimore. I like his first step off the ball and the guy has really long arms, so he has really good reach. You need that at defensive end. Who knows maybe they will have him play stand up linebacker and rush the passer from that spot, so he may not stay at defensive end because he is light guy with a good frame and obvious quickness. This cat is fast.
Obviously a red-shirt candidate but this guy does seem to have a knack for beating offensive lineman which you need to have. I see most say he is a project, and I can see that but sometimes you gamble on these "development" guy's and they really pan out sometimes not. He looks like he can rush the passer which is not an easy skill, some guys just have that ability, in this case I think we should trust the coaches, he does flash a little on film, so he is not necessarily a complete reach or stretch. He is first going to turn eighteen after a red-shirt season. This may be a simple fact that maturity wise physically he is still a junior in terms of age but his mom must have thought he was bright enough and mature enough to start school early.
I don't know I like Defensive ends that flat out beat there man with a quick step, even if this guys seems undersized he can do that. He has the frame and speed for it defensive end, and he looks like he can grow in to one so this is where the coaches see the potential now, you just need that growth spurt and a year in the program to put on some mass and hopefully he can hold his speed. This is a guy they want to grow and develop, and they project something good so they must know something, and see something others don't to offer him a scholarship.

Impressive film. I love the qb at 6:00. Just dumps it into the ground when he sees him coming around the end. I've been there too buddy, no shame in that.

The thumping the QB received at 2:41 is still fresh in his mind.

Does anyone remember Phillip Daniels? He was. DE with the Bears and Redskins not too long ago. This kid physically reminds me a lot of Daniels when he came out of high school. We went to same high school in South Georgia I saw Phillip play every Friday night. He played QB and LB in high school. He was about 6"5' and probably weighed no more than 215-220 if that in high school but he was a pure athlete. Georgia recruited him and bulked him up and he played DT, LB and finally DE his senior year before going pro. He was up to about 290 at that time.

DeLattiboudere reminds me of the same type of player. He's an athlete and his weight right now doesn't matter. He has the frame to bulk up and he is worth the gamble. Hopefully 3 years from now he is all big 10 and a beast coming off the end.

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I think they got the backstory wrong. With that last name he's got to be an LSU transfer!

Welcome aboard Winston!

Anyone know when the MD roster for Big 33 Game is finalized?
Would be awesome to see him make that. He looks very good on that film.

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