Will we see the all-gold unis vs. Wisconsin?

Oh, so all SDSU alums are beneath you too, eh? I don't know any Crookston alums, but I know several people who graduated from SDSU that are much, much smarter than you. Keep it up, though. Let's see how many people you can continue to offend with your stereotypical blanket statements.

Bud, you have no idea how many degrees I have or where I went to school, so don't write a check you can't cash. And the fact that you have made it clear you will never meet anyone on this board in person, means you never will know. I'm not gonna cry about stereotypes and try to win people's favor on this board like a sorority girl. I don't have any issue with SDSU or Crookston, just a name I used taking a cut at you. If someone is offended, then they probably need to put a new pad in. I will say this though, knowing that the U of M produced someone like yourself makes me sad to know I ever went there.

Now keep acting holier -- and smarter -- than thou and hiding behind your computer screen. Nothing will change the fact that you're a contrarian little b*tch who is a real tough guy on his keyboard.

Back on the ranch...

How 'bout them gold uni's eh? Ain't they the damnest thing...

Oh, nevermind:rolleyes:

I for one like the all gold unis. I did not like the all maroon against tOSU (not because of the colors but the were too close to the Buckeyes colors.)

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