Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

  • Student section just isn't creative

    Votes: 18 13.8%
  • We hate Iowa that much the chant is warranted

    Votes: 112 86.2%

  • Total voters
Ole said:
It's probably the one organic tradition started by the students alone that has been made since the new stadium opened up. It's hilarious and fun.
Love it.

Oh, and I'm sure the Iowa fans "don't consider us a rival". Pfffft.

All true, but "Who hates Iowa..." is 9 or 10 years old.

Listen.....some of what youre saying is true. I wanted to point some things out that were very general. You pointed some things out that are true. I dont want to get into a pissing match and havent done that here. Did you also see in the same link you posted that Iowa fans ranked as the 3rd nicest in the BigTen? Way ahead of MN.... It doesnt matter......I have two extra tickets Mid field, Row 9 behind the gopher bench. Interested in joining our tailgait and going to a game with one of your friends? Serious offer with no hidden agenda.

Sounds like we will be close...you could buy me a beer:)

FYI Hockey fans traditionally cheered "Drop the puck, Sioux suck!" to start hockey games for the same reason. I think it may still be going on despite the name change for ND and the fact that we rarely play them anymore.

It feels good to hold some hate in your heart. I highly recommend it. Definitely adds some dimension to the fan experience.

FYI Hockey fans traditionally cheered "Drop the puck, Sioux suck!" to start hockey games for the same reason. I think it may still be going on despite the name change for ND and the fact that we rarely play them anymore.

It feels good to hold some hate in your heart. I highly recommend it. Definitely adds some dimension to the fan experience.

If they do, its hard to hear. I'm in the Men's Hockey Pepband, and all I hear is "Drop the Puck", though we have to say clean versions of all the cheers so our "Hey, Drop the Puck" may just be drowning out the students from where I am.

The Iowa chant has actually devolved into a "F*** the Badgers" chant as the students leave the stadium. :clap:

When I'm at the Doctor's office and he asks me to say ahh I always start with "Who Hates Iow"

I am not taking the time to read any of the previous posts. The answer to your question is, WE HATE IOWA.

I-W-O-A, can't wait to hear the mis-spelling chants on the shuttle busses again. At least we never screw up M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A. They only have four letters and they still mess it up from time to time.

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