Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

  • Student section just isn't creative

    Votes: 18 13.8%
  • We hate Iowa that much the chant is warranted

    Votes: 112 86.2%

  • Total voters




Metrodome Goalposts.

Restroom fornication.

Calling a time out with 5 seconds left as our players are racing for Floyd.

The general drunken obnoxious behavior by Hawkeye fans during their one and only annual trip off the Farm.

Too many reasons...not enough time....

My dream is to be blowing Wisconsin out and do the Iowa chant.

Edit: because it is dismissive of the current opponent, that's why its funny. It's one thing to do that to Western Michigan, but to your other main rival would be great!

Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

Gopher fans and students should
do the we hate Iowa chant at Hockey games even.

Is there never not a Gopher home game where fans or students do not do the "Who hates Iowa" chant?

It may be juvenile but they more than earned it.
Trying to take our goalposts through a revolving door in the Metrodome, the Kinnick North T-shirts and websites was just the start of it.
Treating bathrooms like hotel rooms, getting obnoxiously drunk and swearing a lot in our stadium, puking on people in front of you, leaving trash everywhere in the tailgate lots when there is plenty of garbage cans, and recycle bins to put your junk, just being the most RUDE and ridiculous fans and of course they wear black and yellow and chant lets go Hawks. They may be passionate fans but they
are very rude guests.
When you go to games in Iowa city, they go out of there way to say something smart a$$ or rude when your wearing Gopher gear.
And then there is the troll of trolls Pantherhawk. Yeah we have plenty of reasons to dislike the Iowa Suckeyes.

"We hate wisconsin" doesn't work because "hate" is not a strong enough word.

There is a chant for it, the parents highly dislike it though... its "*uck Wisonsin, Clapidy clap, *uck Wisconsin" The students pretty much don't leave anything for the imagination for this one. lol

Why do the students always say this chant? To get ready to defend OUR pig, of course!

As far as I know this started Back in the early 2000's. I sat in section 129 and there was a group who sat behind me who used to do it. Maybe they started it? The students picked up on it and now it's a weekly deal.

Nothing beats hearing that chant echo throughout the concourse as your exiting after a Gopher win no matter who we are playing!

There are soooo many win answers in this thread. Stan, I understand you may be bored, but that was a dumb question, sir.

Try living in Iowa surrounded by Hawkeye fans! They should start this chant any chance they get. Hawk fans seriously think they are in the running for the B1G championship every year if not a national championship.

Okay, so my two elementary aged children are walking into the stadium with me two weekends ago and the chant goes up. I participated. My oldest says to me, "Dad, that is so terrible. I like Iowa." She doesn't mean IU or the team. She likes the State of Iowa. I guess I raised them to be respectful young ladies! This goes under the category of "don't do as I do..."

Okay, so my two elementary aged children are walking into the stadium with me two weekends ago and the chant goes up. I participated. My oldest says to me, "Dad, that is so terrible. I like Iowa." She doesn't mean IU or the team. She likes the State of Iowa. I guess I raised them to be respectful young ladies! This goes under the category of "don't do as I do..."

Just explain it like this. We don't actually hate Iowa. It's a fine piece of land. It's the people we can't stand. :cool:

Okay, so my two elementary aged children are walking into the stadium with me two weekends ago and the chant goes up. I participated. My oldest says to me, "Dad, that is so terrible. I like Iowa." She doesn't mean IU or the team. She likes the State of Iowa. I guess I raised them to be respectful young ladies! This goes under the category of "don't do as I do..."

Oh no, you have to straighten out those kids now before it's too late. My son just turned 13 and I can hear him chanting it in his sleep at times and I couldn't be prouder!

I’ve been watching this thread for awhile not and kind of shake my head and kind of chuckle too at times. I wish next to the posters handle name it showed the posters age too. Here is my take on things as someone who has spent 20 years in both states and attended most IA/MN games during that time....
1. Iowa makes it easy...(farmers, simple life, lack of a big sports environment, etc.)
2. The majority of Iowa fans do not consider MN even a rival, not because of their success or lack of at times, they just don’t
3. The past games held in the dome are attended by a lot of Iowa fans who attend one game a year and pick that one because it’s inside and in a big city and its close in proximity; they make a weekend out of it. What I am suggesting is that if you’ve attended a game in Iowa City you’ll likely support the fact it's a different environment. One that you’ll likely enjoy as a visiting fan.....EVEN IN IOWA CITY.

So.....keep doing the chant. Believe it or not there are people like me that want to see the Gophers succeed, get competitive. It appears they are laying the foundation and doing that. To everyone going to the game next week, I hope you have a great time. Feel free to email me if you want any suggestions. Will you bring that chant to Iowa City inside Kinnick? Seriously….have fun.

I’ve been watching this thread for awhile not and kind of shake my head and kind of chuckle too at times. I wish next to the posters handle name it showed the posters age too. Here is my take on things as someone who has spent 20 years in both states and attended most IA/MN games during that time....
1. Iowa makes it easy...(farmers, simple life, lack of a big sports environment, etc.)
2. The majority of Iowa fans do not consider MN even a rival, not because of their success or lack of at times, they just don’t
3. The past games held in the dome are attended by a lot of Iowa fans who attend one game a year and pick that one because it’s inside and in a big city and its close in proximity; they make a weekend out of it. What I am suggesting is that if you’ve attended a game in Iowa City you’ll likely support the fact it's a different environment. One that you’ll likely enjoy as a visiting fan.....EVEN IN IOWA CITY.

So.....keep doing the chant. Believe it or not there are people like me that want to see the Gophers succeed, get competitive. It appears they are laying the foundation and doing that. To everyone going to the game next week, I hope you have a great time. Feel free to email me if you want any suggestions. Will you bring that chant to Iowa City inside Kinnick? Seriously….have fun.

In response:

1. I don't know what you mean by Iowa makes it easy.. makes it easy to make fun of? MN has plenty of farmers and simple folk as well. The reason most people on this board dislike Iowa is because a few points I laid out earlier: fans tore down our goal post arrogantly in our own stadium, they called it Kinnick North (despite only posting a 5-5 record in the Dome dating back to 1990), had sex in our bathroom stalls, and proved themselves to be the most obnoxious overall fans whenever visiting our place. Others have posted the tendency of Iowa fans to overestimate their team's worth, but I forgive that one as many fans do the same each year.
2. I completely disagree. So many fans didn't travel to MN to see a game if we're not a rival. Iowa lost a good number of games the last 2 years but I bet the ISU and MN ones hurt the most. The team still holds Floyd of Rosedale proudly when they win it. Oh, and this poll [link] from 2009 shows that 41.3% of Iowa fans had UMN as their biggest in-conference rival (the most of any B1G team). I'll grant that ISU may rival, possibly beat, that number, but go ahead and keep on thinking you don't consider us a rival even with our struggles over the past few decades.
3. Been to Iowa City for 2 Gopher games and attended 2 others vs non B1G foes but wore my Gopher gear (in-laws live there and HS brother is a big fan). Also went to a basketball game. I can say Iowa City has treated me very well at times and not so well, either. I've had rude fans mock me, yell things, etc, and I've also had gracious tailgaters share drinks with me. I'm not saying it's the best, most welcoming environment but it's also not the worst place I've been (UND for hockey where they threw open mayonaise packets and turkey leg bones at me takes the cake). I enjoyed my time simply because I enjoy seeing different stadiums, traditions, etc, but I didn't enjoy it because of the local fanbase - it was neutral in that respect. Also, don't excuse any Iowa fan for being a total d-bag when in Minneapolis simply because it's their "one game a year" or because it's in the "big city" or "inside." None of those things have any bearing on a person being able to control themselves (drinking, acting like a tool, sexually in a bathroom when married). They represent Iowa and its fanbase as much as a visit to IC would. That's all I got.

I think it is somewhat embarrassing. I hate Iowa just as much as the next guy, but while exiting the stadium after getting destroyed by Wisconsin, there were several fans chanting it. I mean seriously? I get that Iowa is the only rival the Gophers have beat in a while, but seriously. There is a time and place for it, but it is overdone.

2. The majority of Iowa fans do not consider MN even a rival, not because of their success or lack of at times, they just don’t

It is funny, becaue I see Iowa fans go out of their way to declare Iowa State isn't a rival either.

I'm assuming the only rivals worthy of Iowa are USC, Alabama, and Florida?

Perhaps MN should just get Floyd to keep forever, and same for ISU with the Cy-Hawk because those heady Iowa fans wouldn't even notice or care.

I think it is somewhat embarrassing. I hate Iowa just as much as the next guy, but while exiting the stadium after getting destroyed by Wisconsin, there were several fans chanting it. I mean seriously? I get that Iowa is the only rival the Gophers have beat in a while, but seriously. There is a time and place for it, but it is overdone.

+1000. In fact I do not even think there is a time and place for it. Frankly I find it embarrassing.

2. The majority of Iowa fans do not consider MN even a rival, not because of their success or lack of at times, they just don’t

This is just a boldface lie. I live here in Baja Minnesota and while the Minnesota game is clearly second to the I.S.U. game in terms of rivalry it is beyond a doubt considered the biggest Big10 rivalry game. Take away the state law requiring I.S.U. to play U.I. every year and it becomes Iowa's #1 rivalry game.

Yeah, if (heaven forbid) Iowa wins back the pig this year, I bet they'll quietly and nonchalantly stroll over to the Minnesota sideline and quickly bring it into their locker room with no fanfare. A technicality, they're taking it because they HAVE to.

Anyway, they wont win, so we wont have to witness them rubbing it in our face that they don't consider us a real rivalry.

You guys are something else.....enjoy the game.

Way to not even acknowledge any of the facts I presented. Fact is Iowa fans have been complete and utter a-holes at MN venues and deserve the criticism given to them by MN fans. Not every Iowa fan is a jerk, just like not every MN fan chants Who Hates Iowa, but as far as rivalries go and what we've had to put up with from Iowa (and Wisconsin) fans living here in the TC we deserve this one.

Way to not even acknowledge any of the facts I presented. Fact is Iowa fans have been complete and utter a-holes at MN venues and deserve the criticism given to them by MN fans. Not every Iowa fan is a jerk, just like not every MN fan chants Who Hates Iowa, but as far as rivalries go and what we've had to put up with from Iowa (and Wisconsin) fans living here in the TC we deserve this one.

Listen.....some of what youre saying is true. I wanted to point some things out that were very general. You pointed some things out that are true. I dont want to get into a pissing match and havent done that here. Did you also see in the same link you posted that Iowa fans ranked as the 3rd nicest in the BigTen? Way ahead of MN.... It doesnt matter......I have two extra tickets Mid field, Row 9 behind the gopher bench. Interested in joining our tailgait and going to a game with one of your friends? Serious offer with no hidden agenda.

I think it's hilarious and the tradition should continue.

I think it's hilarious and the tradition should continue.

It's probably the one organic tradition started by the students alone that has been made since the new stadium opened up. It's hilarious and fun.
Love it.

Oh, and I'm sure the Iowa fans "don't consider us a rival". Pfffft.

Listen.....some of what youre saying is true. I wanted to point some things out that were very general. You pointed some things out that are true. I dont want to get into a pissing match and havent done that here. Did you also see in the same link you posted that Iowa fans ranked as the 3rd nicest in the BigTen? Way ahead of MN.... It doesnt matter......I have two extra tickets Mid field, Row 9 behind the gopher bench. Interested in joining our tailgait and going to a game with one of your friends? Serious offer with no hidden agenda.

In that same link Iowa fans are also voted the rudest for visitors above MN by the same number of team gap as the politeness. Not sure what this says about the poll.

I actually would be interested but I will have my wife and her 10th grade brother with me so we'll be looking for 3. They also live in Coralville so we probably won't tailgate but just pop in and grab a bit to eat as a "tailgate" before the game since he isn't close to 21. I do appreciate the offer. Like I said, I have seen many good natured people in IC, seen some bad. I think the good ones show what a true football fanbase is like and the bad erase that memory way too easily. I have always seen classy and thoughtful posts from you so I was not passing judgment or criticism on you, just pointing out the reasons that many MN fans (and students) dislike Iowa based on the actions of a large contingency of Iowa fans we've seen in our home stadium recently.

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