Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

  • Student section just isn't creative

    Votes: 18 13.8%
  • We hate Iowa that much the chant is warranted

    Votes: 112 86.2%

  • Total voters


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Nov 20, 2008
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Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

where have you been for the last 15 years? is this really a poll question?!

Because the Ski-U-Mah cheer hasn't taken off yet. I'll never complain about Gopher fans cheering.

It's like a missionary spreading the gospel. I remember back in 2003 when we chanted that on the road @PSU and the Nittany Lions replied "OMGosh! Right on! Those guys are aholes."

Honestly, it's funnier to do that chant when we're NOT playing Iowa because it's just so random and funny.

Honestly, it's funnier to do that chant when we're NOT playing Iowa because it's just so random and funny.

Bingo. Plus it has sort of a unique way of thumbing your nose at whomever you happen to be playing at the time.

We need to chant it at every possible moment next time we play NDSU. Those guys actually think we have a rivalry with them because they've beaten us twice playing against arguably 2 of the worst gopher teams of all time. Let em know we couldn't care less.

Because, everyone in the B1G hates Iowa, we just hate them more.

I think the chant has its place. The worst place to do it is in any restaurant or bar in or around Iowa City. Some idiots did this at the hotel restaurant we were staying at, and luckily we had just got done eating. I'm sure the rest of the gopher fans eating after us got a nice surprise somewhere in their food.

The hatred I hold for Iowa is not diminished just because we are playing Western Michigan.

My disgust for that school and state burns coal-black inside my heart everyday of the year at such a magnitude that I just want to sing it from the top of every skyscraper in downtown Minneapolis.

"Remember to always flush twice, because it's a long way to Iowa City!"

Why does student section do "Who hates Iowa" chant in non-conf?

I remember that somebody on GopherHole used to have the salutation, "Remember to always flush twice, because it's a long way to Iowa City!" I don't remember who used this salutation, but I always enjoyed reading it. I miss it.

You're really going to hear it when we beat Syracuse. It will start the beginning of the 4th quarter

I curious about the We hate Iowa chant for years. I am wondering if this chant is a MN original or is this a fairly common chant by rivals. Does Iowa chant We hate Minnesota in Iowas City? At face value, the chant comes accross as extremely juvenile, but then again I'm an old timer.

I love it. It's not extremely clever but not extremely rude. They tore down our goal posts, call(ed) our stadium Kinnick north, and had sex in our bathroom stalls. They think they're Michigan or Ohio State. It's a great, simple chant that shows solidarity in our student section. Michigan always hates OSU, regardless of opponent. If (when) we ever get good/great again, this can be one of our things.

I'll admit, I hate Wisconsin more than Iowa, but that chant just wouldn't work.

A better question is: Why hasn't "Who Hates Iowa?" replaced "hello" as the most common greeting?

I curious about the We hate Iowa chant for years. I am wondering if this chant is a MN original or is this a fairly common chant by rivals. Does Iowa chant We hate Minnesota in Iowas City? At face value, the chant comes accross as extremely juvenile, but then again I'm an old timer.

I believe it is 100% original material. Of course it's juvenile, that's part of the charm.

"We hate wisconsin" doesn't work because "hate" is not a strong enough word.

And if you think about it, Iowa should be downright flattered.

The rest of the world is oblivious to Iowa's existence.

In looking at the poll results there are 9 D-Bag Trolls in Gopherhole.

Who are the other 8?


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