Who rushed field yesterday?


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Feb 12, 2009
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We weren't expecting the students to run on the field so we didn't make our way down there in time. who here did make it on the field this time? any good stories? pics? looked fun!

Guilty. Me and Mrs.GoGophersRah were about 20 years older than everyone surrounding us, but it was fun. I will never pass up the opportunity to rush the field. That is the kind of stuff that college football is all about.

Guilty. Me and Mrs.GoGophersRah were about 20 years older than everyone surrounding us, but it was fun. I will never pass up the opportunity to rush the field. That is the kind of stuff that college football is all about.
I'm with GGR on this. My daughter and I ran on to the field and were treated to this:


David Cobb is a class act. We also got a picture with Miles Thompson. These two gentleman were kind, gracious and happy to have our fans celebrate with them.

I got a text video from my dad on the field. Surprised and proud that he was able to have that experience. Also surprised he didn't pull a hammy getting down there.

I'm with GGR on this. My daughter and I ran on to the field and were treated to this:

View attachment 3079

David Cobb is a class act. We also got a picture with Miles Thompson. These two gentleman were kind, gracious and happy to have our fans celebrate with them.

Is she eating her hair?

LOL. It was blowing really hard on the field. It looks like that, but it was the pull for the parka hood.

Gotcha. Thought that it would be a weird postgame celebration.

I'm with GGR on this. My daughter and I ran on to the field and were treated to this:

View attachment 3079

David Cobb is a class act. We also got a picture with Miles Thompson. These two gentleman were kind, gracious and happy to have our fans celebrate with them.

Classy except for the part about flashing gang signs. He and the MPLS mayor are hoodlums.

I got a text video from my dad on the field. Surprised and proud that he was able to have that experience. Also surprised he didn't pull a hammy getting down there.
Ya, I took the stairs so I wouldn't hurt myself:p. The top 2 rows of section 152 looked at each other and said,"are we going? Hell ya we're going!" Best thing I saw was someone lying on the field getting his picture taken where Maxxie made his incredible catch.

Also guilty. I kept telling myself that I shouldn't and that I'm just feeding the overuse of rushing the field... but then I remembered that we just beat Iowa by 5 touchdowns. So I did it, and it was awesome.

I rushed my backyard, ran around celebrating by swinging ruppertflywheels!

Also guilty. I kept telling myself that I shouldn't and that I'm just feeding the overuse of rushing the field... but then I remembered that we just beat Iowa by 5 touchdowns. So I did it, and it was awesome.

furry. I remember you throwing a big tiff about students and fans rushing the field/court in games that aren't really "big" deals. Glad you could admit it was awesome haha

I've gone to every Iowa game at home since the 2000s and while 2010 and 2011 were fun, this game was a statement to Iowa, and they will take every Kill team seriously going forward. Cross it of my bucket list to stand on the 50 yard line after destroying Iowa. Won't forget that day ever.

I've got three kids and at least one of them has an activity or two that conflicts with pretty much every game. I go to every game and simply take who ever can go. Fate would have it that although my middle son has gone to fewer games, it so happens he has managed to see most of the big wins. Meanwhile my oldest, despite being a bigger FB fan, has missed all the big wins while catching most of the deflating losses. The stars finally aligned for him yesterday and he was able to hit the field along with his two buddies he had along. I hit the field for Nebraska last year and from then on, I'll be content to watch the joy from my seat.

Guilty. I must admit that although I have no issues with the field rushing that I normally would not have for yesterday's game. However, I'm always a sucker for kids and had a 9-year old and two 11-year olds with me that wanted to, so I did. Got some cool pics and met ML7. 3rd time I have done it (IA-'10, NE-'13) and it was easily the 'calmest' of the 3.

I did. I thought before the game that if we won, that it would not be field rush game. My buddy wanted to so we did. Glad we did. Pictures with Cobb and Epping. Players were awesome talking and celebrating and letting people get their pictures taken with them. Such a fun day.

I did too. A friend in section 115 had us come down to his seats. We were moving a few sections over to get closer to the stairs, and they were letting players' families and recruits on the filed before the end of the game, so we ended up being on the sidelines randomly, lol! It was so fun - seeing people so excited about Gopher football and celebrating such a historic rivalry was awesome.

Since my friend was on the field, he started rushing over to Floyd right when the game ended, and we were dying, he beat some of the Gophers football players over to the sideline. He's here in the maroon jacket:

He took this one:
Floyd Nate's pic.jpg

And here are some pics from me...
At floyd game.jpg
On the field.jpg

Didn't. Students rush the field, a lot of others just meander down there. As the clock was ticking down, security urged everyone to go over to the stairs to go onto the field. I sit right by the little bay at the bottom of 109/107 where the accessible seating is. A bunch of us went down there, hoping they'd take the pig for a lap, but it never materialized. Side note, one of the security guys who's basically worked our area since 09 and now has some clout, said the Iowa guy that was in charge of the pig was being a whiny little b---- about bringing the pig out to the sidelines.

my wife and I moved down right next to one of the field entrances. As soon as the clock read zero, I grabbed my wife and walked up to the big security guy and said "you aren't going to make me jump the wall are you?" He smiled and waved me by...I got within 2 bodies of Floyd but my 5'2" wife was behind me and the mass of bodies was intense (I'm 6'3" 230#) so I was a little worried for her and backed off. BUT, I came upon a guy who was carrying a players helmet and told him I will get it to the player and took it from him. Five minutes later, I saw Ndondo-Lay walking towards me and said I think I have something that belongs to you. He got a smile ear to ear and took his helmet from me...of course I said that's going to cost you a pix :)...I loved seeing the crowd FINALLY getting into it too-what a game and not one I'll forget any time soon!

My wife and I did for the first time. I ran into a college buddies and their wives too. Funny being 45 and doing so. Security was great.

My wife and I did for the first time. I ran into a college buddies and their wives too. Funny being 45 and doing so. Security was great.
Security does a pretty good job. They've weeded out a few that seemed to think they were cops (remember the guy who was tackling people as they rushed the field a few years back?)

We originally went down to the front row by midfield with the intention of just watching the Gophers hoist Floyd in the air. When the people around us went over the edge, we decided to follow. Got to touch Floyd, and had a blast celebrating with players. EVERY player we encountered were high-fiving us and others, and saw plenty of players taking pics with fans. Just an all around great time for everyone down there.

jakemitch.jpgI did and I had a blast. Definitely worth the drive up from Des Moines. I was trying to find the pig but then I randomly came across Mitch Leidner. I slapped him on the shoulder pads and told him he played great. Then of course I took a selfie. DerekJake.jpg

My and my crew did as well.


It wasn't so much a field storming. More of a slow, polite, walk onto the field. :cool:

Admittedly, I'm guilty of going on the field too. I didn't want to, and the vibe just wasn't there for. But my sons really wanted to go down, so I obliged. I wouldn't call it a 'rush the field' though, more of a meandering down to the field, followed by lots of milling around on the field and smiling. Here's a pic of me and my boys:


Wasn't there but this is one of the reasons that I really love the mentality Kill has instilled in players and fans. Seems like the players really are more in touch with fans and love the support they get and it didn't always feel like that in the past (maybe due to the teams just being not as good). Maybe I'm off base here but the past few years, it seems like we've broken through and players really are happy to interact with the fans that have supported them through some really tough times.

Wasn't there but this is one of the reasons that I really love the mentality Kill has instilled in players and fans. Seems like the players really are more in touch with fans and love the support they get and it didn't always feel like that in the past (maybe due to the teams just being not as good). Maybe I'm off base here but the past few years, it seems like we've broken through and players really are happy to interact with the fans that have supported them through some really tough times.

This is my first time "rushing" the field, but Miles Thomas' reaction was priceless. He was talking to his parents (I believe) who were up from Kansas. They had to go and so for a second or two he was just standing there. My daughter and I walked up to him and asked for a picture. His reaction was great - he wasn't used to it, shrugged his shoulders and said "Great". The first picture he had a slight smile, but was wondering what was taking place. I kept flashing selfies and his smile got bigger and bigger. The last one, I've included (I will always have a soft-spot for this kid after that encounter):


Did not do it for the 1st time it's been done at TCF. We decided we are saving it up for next week.

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