Who needs one ticket to tomorrow's Iowa game?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
I have one extra - I just found out about it. It's $60 retail value, but I'll take whatever. It's in the lower level, section 138, it's with our group of friends. I just want the ticket to go to a Gopher fan!

Click on my profile and send me a message if you're interested. Not a GH message, but click this icon:

* Send a message via email to GopherLady

That'll go to my email, and I won't be on GH much longer tonight. Thanks!

I must thank GL for the great ticket. Too bad the game wasn't so great. But it was a great pleasure to meet the Fabulous Nadine and her pals.

Did GL share any of the ten bucks she made tonight!

Her friend offered to show me his ppenis. I didn't quite know how to deal with that so I politely declined. Other than that she just kept humming' "I'm in the money" to herself all night. Don't know what that was about either.

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