White pleads guilty to misdemeanors

About what most of us predicted: 2 misdemeanors of theft and disorderly conduct; no assault charge. 1 year probation, and the guilty plea will be removed if he doesn't get into any more trouble (a "stay of imposition").

Although some here on GH may have a problem with the result, it really isn't unique or atypical for a first-time offense.

Not to be a "Royce-apologist," but it appears to have ended as well as it could have. If he is cleared of all wrong-doing in the laptop incident, he could be playing in a few days (but it's obviously up to Tubby).

If Royce is cleared of charges in the lap-top case it will be interesting to see what Tubby decides. I'm not sure what the outcome should be but I will trust Tubby's decision.

Good. Thinking very positively here-

He's taken responsibility for his actions, gotten a good legal result, and will be back with the team.

Tubby will take him back but I bet the leash he's on is about an inch long.

C'mon Royce-you can do this!

I sincerely hope Royce is innocent of the lap-top theft and is reinstated. He has paid the price, IMO, certainly in the realm of public opinion. Royce appears to be someone who finds trouble, and I doubt he'll ever be a perfect citizen, but I hope he's learned a life lesson. I will welcome him with cheers if he can climb out of the hole he dug for himself. You can do it Royce!

Shouldn't the laptop thing be settled one way or another by now? I'm not diminishing it, but it was a petty theft from a dorm where the item in question was returned and it occured a month ago. Either you have evidence and arrested someone or you don't and closed the matter. What department is still spending time on this matter?

Hopefully this will resolve things and Royce can get back with the program.

I wish Tubby would chain one or three student managers to Royce.


Your teamates are your friends, your family, and your life. There is no else you need to associate with.

Tubby has to decide if he's done the things he's needed to do to get things right. Just because this situation has resolved itself, he still has to prove to Tubby he deserves to be on the squad. I feel confident in that if Tubby does reinstate him, that means he is doing things in a positive manner, and that's all I really can ask of Royce at this point. It's all up to him at this point, whether he wants to be a part of this thing or not.

Shouldn't the laptop thing be settled one way or another by now?...Either you have evidence and arrested someone or you don't and closed the matter. What department is still spending time on this matter?
Exactly. There is no way this should still be an issue. You know you're slow when the legal system moves faster than your University.

People should be getting on the U to make a decision here...this is ridiculous. The female got the laptop back, he hasn't even been declared a suspect, he was just physically in the building at the time of the incident, and the matter is supposedly over and done with. Everyone is just waiting for the U to clear Royce, but no one seems to know what the hold-up is.

Associated Press

URBANA, Ill. -- Former University of Illinois football player Derrick McPhearson pleaded guilty Friday to stealing a laptop computer from another student's apartment.

McPhearson pleaded guilty to felony theft, and a Champaign County judge sentenced him to 180 days in jail and 30 months of probation. Four counts of residential burglary and another theft charge were dismissed.

Police arrested McPhearson and former Illini player Jody Ellis in March 2007. Officers said they found computers and other high-tech gear in the back of Ellis' car.

Ellis pleaded not guilty and is due in court next month.


Why does the University of Illinois hold their student athletes accountable when they steal things, and the U doesn't? I am struggling to come up with a good answer to this question. As some of us already know, a local Twin Cities athlete was recently kicked off Illinois' baseball team for stealing stereo equipment from a store in Champaign. I am having trouble dealing with the fact that another Big 10 school demands higher standards for the athletes that represent them. If Tubby does not suspend Royce White for a minimum of one year for pleading guilty to shoplifting it will be absolutely outrageous. It will not be Tubby's finest hour by a long shot.

Felony > Misdemeanors, just saying. I don't know all the details, but I'm pretty sure most don't, so I'm not going into any assumptions about things.

The Pioneer Press has a tid-bit on the laptop:

White, 18, declined to comment to reporters outside the courthouse in Edina. However, his lawyer, F. Clayton Tyler, said his client pleaded guilty to resolve the issue and put the case behind him.

"It's time to move forward," Tyler said.

When asked about the laptop theft, Tyler said White made a statement to university police and is cooperating with the investigation. When asked whether White denies taking the laptop, Tyler said, "Absolutely."


Go Gophers!!

Tubby is going to do what is in Tubby's best interests and make his decision on what is best for the basketball team. If he believes that Royce can contribute to this team and help the team to win then he will keep him on the team. For this to happen Tubby must feel that he is in control of Royces behavior and that Royce will perform in a manner which Tubby approves. If Tubby feels that Royce will be a distraction to the team then Royce will be dismissed. I believe it is more about what Royce is currently doing than anything Royce has already done.

Well you all heard it already, I would update you with new info from his uncle, but he said his sister has no other information than was in the article. However, in talking to him, he says that Royce has expressed that if he doesn't get to play here this year, he is going to pack up and go play somewhere else. Just an FYI.

If Tubby does not suspend Royce White for a minimum of one year for pleading guilty to shoplifting it will be absolutely outrageous. It will not be Tubby's finest hour by a long shot.

I disagree. If Royce should have another incident I would agree. But, if he comes back and stays together, I'll revel in the fact that Tubby was instrumental in helping Royce and being a positive influence for him.

Why does the University of Illinois hold their student athletes accountable when they steal things, and the U doesn't?
Every situation is different. The IL case was a felony, which is very different than a misdemeanor, and the entire back of their car was full of high-tech stuff; hardly seems like a single incident.

"He says that Royce has expressed that if he doesn't get to play here this year, he is going to pack up and go play somewhere else."

Is that a promise or a threat?

How long does it take to investigate this allegedly stolen laptop? Especially since the laptop was allegedly returned. I mean, unless whoever took it snuck/broke back into her room and returned it without being seen, shouldn't they have a little more to go on so they can end this investigation? You can bet for sure if White wasn't a suspect in this or the case and it wasn't known by the Star Tribune there's no way this investigation would still be taking place. They would have said, "tough luck kid - leave your door locked next time."

Is that a promise or a threat?

I wish I could tell you, I just asked him for you, and he kinda skirted around answering, but did say he did hear him say it, haha. He said that alot of his family have been telling him to do the same thing for the past few weeks as well. Apparently a good bit of his family is "frustrated with how the U has handled his situation" - Though I dont know exactly what he meant by that.

"He says that Royce has expressed that if he doesn't get to play here this year, he is going to pack up and go play somewhere else."

Is that a promise or a threat?

We don't have to release him from his scholarship. If not, is he really going to go DII or Juco rather then come back next year? To what end, because he's bitter about how the U handled this?

I preface this by saying, IF THE FAMILY is unhappy with the U. ...

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but it seems to me the family should focus its energies on getting their son/grandson/nephew to become a law-abiding, respectful, good citizen rather than passing some of the blame on to the U for how they are or aren't handling the situation? A novel concept in these "pass the buck" times, I know.

Probably a stupid question, but wouldn't he still have to sit out a year if he transferred to a d1 school? That would be a long time to sit out.

Good. Thinking very positively here-

He's taken responsibility for his actions, gotten a good legal result, and will be back with the team.

Tubby will take him back but I bet the leash he's on is about an inch long.

Blizzard, and that inch long leash is hooked to a choke chain for a necklace.

Tubby is a realist. After the debacle in Anaheim, he knows he needs Royce, and Royce needs him. As long as Royce provides adequate cover for Tubby, you know, maybe some counseling or something, he’ll be on the team by the start of the B10. Tubby has high ethics for a coach, but he’s not stupid. He may be willing to sacrifice a game or two, but he’s not going to sacrifice an entire season. He would’ve gotten rid of Gerald Fitch from UK if that true, but Fitch was the leading scorer and Tubby wasn’t about to kick him off the team despite many transgressions.

As for Royce, in a way, I don’t blame him if he transferred if the U decides to suspend him for a year. What would you do in his shoes? If Tubby tells him to sit out the whole year, why wait around in Minneapolis, when you can go play for another top tier D1 program in a heartbeat. And Tubby knows that and he’s not about to see Royce highlights on Sportscenter playing in another arena if he can help it. Royce will be on the team by January. Mark it down.

Well you all heard it already, I would update you with new info from his uncle, but he said his sister has no other information than was in the article. However, in talking to him, he says that Royce has expressed that if he doesn't get to play here this year, he is going to pack up and go play somewhere else. Just an FYI.

I hope none of this is true. If it is it is just futher proof that Royce is still unable to take responsibility for his actions.

I wonder if he feels it would be difficult to face Gopher fans if he is reinstated.

I say he should be red shirted this year and see if he can stay out of trouble. If he leaves it will be interesting to see where he ends up. If offered a red shirt i think he would be smart to take it.

I disagree. If Royce should have another incident I would agree. But, if he comes back and stays together, I'll revel in the fact that Tubby was instrumental in helping Royce and being a positive influence for him.

Jules Camara. Ryan Hogan. Erik Daniels. (Just to name A FEW examples, there are more)

All were guilty of misdemeanors in the Tubby era at UK. All played for Tubby after their pleas.

FWIW, The Strib poll had:
42.8% respond that White be immediately reinstated.
25.7% one year suspension.
31.4% cut from team.

For the record I voted for the one-year suspension (with an absolutely clean record), but would support him being cut loose.

I wish I could tell you, I just asked him for you, and he kinda skirted around answering, but did say he did hear him say it, haha. He said that alot of his family have been telling him to do the same thing for the past few weeks as well. Apparently a good bit of his family is "frustrated with how the U has handled his situation" - Though I dont know exactly what he meant by that.

Well, I was hoping this would be a "lesson learned" situation for Royce. From your information, I guess it hasn't been.:(

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