Some history is needed here.....
For the first half of the 20th century, Minnesota was regarded as among the giants of the sport, right along with Notre Dame, Michigan, Yale,
Army, and a small select handful of others.
Nebraska had always been good, as had Wisconsin and Iowa for the most part.
It was about at the early 1950's when an anti-football sentiment began to slowly creep into consciousness at the U. The Gophers remained competitive
in the Big Ten through the 1960s with everyone else, but academic pressures coupled with budget cutbacks slowed down the Gopher program a bunch.
It wasn't just the U, either. Going into the 70s, only Ohio State and Michigan really amped up their commitments to football success. What had been an
historical "Biggest Three" of the Big Ten (Minnesota, Ohio State, Michigan) had become a Big Two and Little Eight.
As Minnesota waned, Nebraska filled the void and really benefited from the vacuum caused by apathy at the U. They emerged strong under Devaney in the
60s, and reached epic levels of success in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
When Hayden Fry took over at Iowa, Iowa once again made the commitment to be strong in football, and Rose Bowls followed. They returned to the levels
of Howard Jones and Forrest Evashevski. Minnesota waned further, and Iowa helped Nebraska fill the void in the northern plains.
In the 90s, Wisconsin decided to amp up their commitment as well, and the U fell behind them as Alvarez rebuilt the Wisconsin program.
An argument could be made that the great successes of the Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin programs had been built, in part, with the help of
the waning influence of Minnesota. Its as though this once great football giant had fallen asleep, and our neighbors reaped the benefits.
Don't believe me? Go look at conference titles and national titles through 1969. Take a good look at the series records between Minnesota
and those teams through 1969. Minnesota was the true Goliath of the northern plains. Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska were just in the U's
Here's what I find admirable about the coaches and players at Minnesota for the last 50 years or so.......
Despite minimal funding and tepid support....despite a deliberate attempt to put football simply on a maintenance level by the administration,
Gopher football has delivered many winning teams and bowl games. Despite a couple of decided multi-year down periods during the Salem
and Wacker eras, Gopher football has at least been competitive and often on the plus side of winning seasons. That is a testament to the
players, coaches, and support staff who have made something from nothing. I have often wondered what Gopher football could have been
like had they maintained the level of support for the sport they long enjoyed before. How successful could Stoll have been....even Salem.
What that would have meant to Holtz or Gutey. Mason would have added a couple of wins per year and coached here 20 years.
Finally....finally.....the U is ponying up the money to take being successful in football serious. Not competitiveness....success.
This is not a very big gamble, imho. All one has to do is look at the number of 6-5 & 7-4 teams Stoll had.....the 6-5 seasons Gutey had......
the winning and bowl teams Mason and Kill/Claeys have know that if we only started to give this thing the resources it needs the U
would win big consistently.
Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska might be getting a bit wary right about now. If not, they should. They have feasted on this prolonged
nap that the U has taken with football like remora around a shark. If the resources that the U, the Twin Cities, and the state of Minnesota
are applied towards having a highly successful program, they have to believe that they would not be able to keep up. They can't. Those same
resources do not exist in WI, IA, or NE. Minnesota would return as the leading program in this part of the country, and they could stay there.
The present tends to create a prism through which the past is viewed. The Gophers haven't "sucked" these last 50 years, although listening
to some people you would think they did. They have been competitive and have created a boatload of stories. However, that view is largely
reflective of the average fan's view of the program and the lack of support from the U. If/when the Gophers start to reassert themselves
as the dominant program in the BIG West, people will reflect more on the positive things from the past 50 years than the negative. the entire
conception of the Gopher program and its recent past will be changed. National Championships will not seem so distant in the past, and
division and BIG Championships will be in the conversation every year.
That is Minnesota's rightful place in the College Football world. It was built by Williams, maintained by Spears, brought to amazing levels
by Bierman, and grabbed onto the best he could by Warmath. No matter who the coach is at the U, and I hope its Fleck, if the U continues
thsi level of support the Gophers will win. Its simple math, history, and everything else we learned in school.