What's Up With Recruiting?

The fact is that you don't a clue what Jerry has done in the past, what he is doing now, how a program is turned around, etc. etc. etc. The only thing you know how to do is troll and you are not very good at that. Time to move on troll.

Killjoy, I'm with you in that we need to weed out the trolls. Neutral is either another alias used by Patherhawk or Neutral needs to get a room with Patherhawk and keep off our board.

Go Gophers!

Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"

Wipson just committed to Minnesota. He also had an offer from Air Force, which he visited last week.

From the first group, they were all on the same team or each was a shot in a number of team's dark?

Between Mcknight & Decker, how many bowls did they win?

It's about balanced recruiting classes, not a single hit or miss here or there. No team has ever been competitive within its conference with consistent, absolute overall bottom of the basement classes when compared to the rest of the conference. Kill never had bottom rung classes at NIU or SIU, so I scratch my head in wonder as I read these comments about "system" and "coaching them up background?" He was competitive in the MAC, but never won it, but somehow he is going to rule the Big 10 with 12th place recruiting??

No. The point of my post was that these "hit or miss" players are the key to building a program. I never said that each one will work out. Simply stated that Coach Kill knows the type of player he wants, and will bring in the type of player that will thrive in his system.

When it comes down to it....I will trust Coach Kill's judgement over yours. In overwords, a proven winner over an uneducated troll.

From the first group, they were all on the same team or each was a shot in a number of team's dark?

Between Mcknight & Decker, how many bowls did they win?

It's about balanced recruiting classes, not a single hit or miss here or there. No team has ever been competitive within its conference with consistent, absolute overall bottom of the basement classes when compared to the rest of the conference. Kill never had bottom rung classes at NIU or SIU, so I scratch my head in wonder as I read these comments about "system" and "coaching them up background?" He was competitive in the MAC, but never won it, but somehow he is going to rule the Big 10 with 12th place recruiting??

Never won the MAC? He took a 2-10 NIU team to three straight bowl games after he took over, including a top 25 ranked (at one point) 10-3, 2010 team. All in three years. In other words, you have little idea how comprehend facts. A terrible team three years before, became a MAC championship contender. That would be considered a quick turnaround. Don't let the facts cloud your nonsense, but at least consider your idiocy.

stocker08 said:
We play in one of the most prestigious conferences in the country, against some of the most storied programs the NCAA, have a fairly storied program past ourselves, play in a fantastic new stadium, and in one of the best metropolis areas in the country. There is no ceiling for this program.

Great points. Sometimes it seems impossible that we'd ever be better than OSU or Michigan. Oregon is probably the 5th or 6th most storied program in the PAC 12 behind at least USC, Washington, & UCLA. Same for Auburn behind Bama, UT, LSU & Georgia. Even Florida was bad until 20 years ago. You never know when things are gonna turn.

my comments earlier about kill being selective doesnt mean being shy with an offer... of these 150 scolly weve offered how many are contingent on improvment.. if you remember kill pulled quite a few scollys due to lack of on feild performance as well as class room performance.. so yes i do believe kill is being selective...

Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

Well, his recruiting is right in line with "Masonball" recruiting so I am curious to why you think his recruiting can't get us back to that point? Is it that you believe that Mason is a better coach than Kill? The Big 10 conference has improved? It's obviously not a fact, but I'd love to hear your opinion as to why someone recruiting at or really similar to Mason's level, couldn't have the same results as Mason?

Now, to the second part of the argument. We all agree that Mason did a comendable job of building program from a disaster to respectability, correct? If you disagree with that statement, please explain why you disagree with that statement. I'm going to assume that all of us, including all of the Mason haters and Mason lovers can agree on that simple premise, Mason did a good job of building our program from a disaster to being a decent program.

Lastly, I think we can both agree that we are in that similar kind of rebuild mold that Mason walked into. It was worse pre-Mason than it is now. Nonetheless, it's a relatively similar situation. So, since we agree that Mason was able to rebuild the program with the most acclaimed recruiting classes, why is it something that you think is impossible for Kill?

So you're feeling okay with the class, but state that one of the four players we need to keep and the other one we need to luck out with? That's exactly why some are concerned.

Kill actually values recruiting a lot and puts an enormous amount of effort into it, for those who want to listen to what he says and look at the amount of offers he has handed out. I have no doubt the staff has done a lot of work and has only offered guys they think are right for this program. Hopefully a good start to the season gets more guys on board and we can flip a few of the Minnesota kids.

No some are concerned because they expect Kill to recruit well beyond what is realistic.

Well, his recruiting is right in line with "Masonball" recruiting so I am curious to why you think his recruiting can't get us back to that point? Is it that you believe that Mason is a better coach than Kill? The Big 10 conference has improved? It's obviously not a fact, but I'd love to hear your opinion as to why someone recruiting at or really similar to Mason's level, couldn't have the same results as Mason?

Now, to the second part of the argument. We all agree that Mason did a comendable job of building program from a disaster to respectability, correct? If you disagree with that statement, please explain why you disagree with that statement. I'm going to assume that all of us, including all of the Mason haters and Mason lovers can agree on that simple premise, Mason did a good job of building our program from a disaster to being a decent program.

Lastly, I think we can both agree that we are in that similar kind of rebuild mold that Mason walked into. It was worse pre-Mason than it is now. Nonetheless, it's a relatively similar situation. So, since we agree that Mason was able to rebuild the program with the most acclaimed recruiting classes, why is it something that you think is impossible for Kill?

I agree here with this post and even many others bring up some good points. I also agree with the post of Kill turning around a program from the bottom to a contender in the MAC in three years. It's a process that takes time and yes he did do it before. I am in the camp that it is bigger than Kill. But......the head coach is a key component to making it happen and recruiting is important. So...is Coach Kill "that" guy who kids will follow and want to play for? It remains to be seen. Believe me, I too want to see the gophers turn the corner. Here is an interesting article on recruiting kids from highschool to the development of the NFL that is a good read. To me it sheds some light on the bigger picture.


Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

Most people understand that it takes time to turn a program around. If, in a few years, we're in this same situation, then yes, Kill deserves a lot of criticism. The guy has a plan, so we kinda have to wait it out and give it a chance. Will it work? Only time will tell.

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