What's Up With Recruiting?


Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"

The only ones who know are the coaches. You don't like it? Lump it and move on.

I don't expect a highly rated recruited class so no I'm not worried. Kill will have to find some under the radar kids for now. And hopefully get some recruiting momentum from winning. We are one of the worst teams in the conference, Kill isn't known as a big time recruiter. Why would anyone expect a bunch of studs? Winning games impacts recruiting about 10 times as much as a new stadium.

Last year, everybody was bickering about the lack of talent. Then, at the end of the recruiting cycle it turned out okay. We had a well distributed group by position. Talent was evident. The group fit the scheme. The recruits committed love the school. I am not worried. Jerry Kill has me believing that things are going to be just fine. February is a long time from now and some credible talent has already spoken about how they loved their trip to the U. Many of those guys made us their number 1 and are still finishing their road trips for the summer. The coaches have a strategy and they are using it to their best effect. It is July. By now, Glen and Tim would have no more or no less than Coach K. I like the look of the recruits to date.

We did? We had a good group of recuits? Well I disagree, but to each his own. It works like this. It doesn't matter who the hell this coach recruits and gets on campus. What matters in the end is winning. Kill is given the same rope we gave every other coach (actually a little more since Basement Brew was such a disaster) and he will make it or not on his own volition. So I don't much care about recruiting rankings or whether Western Michigan thinks our recruits are worth offering this year. I just care about wins and whether they convince me and many others to continue to financially support this team. I have no reason to be worried, since I'm just concerning myself with results.

It doesn't matter who the hell this coach recruits and gets on campus. What matters in the end is winning.

You can't say that it doesn't matter who the coach recruits and then say all that matters is winning. Those are inherently contradictory statements. So which is it? Do you not care about recruiting and not care about winning, or do you care about recruiting and care about winning? It can't be both.

Basement Brew

You say Basement Brew. You're cool. I want to be just like you.

(P.S. Get your own material, you hack.)

I just care about wins and whether they convince me and many others to continue to financially support this team.

If wins and losses are the arbiter of your support, GTFO. We don't want you. We don't need you.

I think you're a liar. I don't think you base your financial support on wins and losses. You say that you do because you think it makes you sound tough and uncompromising and unwilling to lower your "standards". I think you're a liar because if you honestly based your decision on wins and losses like you say you do, you would've left long ago and never came back.

If wins and losses are the arbiter of your support, GTFO. We don't want you. We don't need you.

I think you're a liar. I don't think you base your financial support on wins and losses. You say that you do because you think it makes you sound tough and uncompromising and unwilling to lower your "standards". I think you're a liar because if you honestly based your decision on wins and losses like you say you do, you would've left long ago and never came back.

Well, dpo, you and I have had our disagreements, but we are 100% on the same page on this. We do not need or want fickle fans. I've been pissed at this program (a lot lately) but my involvement, both in participation and financial giving, has never wavered. Why? Because that's a fan. That's a supporter. That's a booster.

That's all I know. Doesn't matter if it's Mason, Brewster, or Kill. Doesn't matter if we are 3-9 or 10-3. Either you're in or you're out. I'm in for the long haul. If you're not, get out...and stay out.

If you feel guilty about being a fan...you're no fan.

basically recruiting is really no different this year than any other year. nothing to get excited about.

Well, dpo, you and I have had our disagreements, but we are 100% on the same page on this. We do not need or want fickle fans. I've been pissed at this program (a lot lately) but my involvement, both in participation and financial giving, has never wavered. Why? Because that's a fan. That's a supporter. That's a booster.

That's all I know. Doesn't matter if it's Mason, Brewster, or Kill. Doesn't matter if we are 3-9 or 10-3. Either you're in or you're out. I'm in for the long haul. If you're not, get out...and stay out.

If you feel guilty about being a fan...you're no fan.

Drugs you smoke I think. Be picky about our fans, we must not be.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is no answer to this riddle and the same goes for recruiting. Recruiting is directly correlated with winning. No two programs are exactly the same. It comes down to what the coaching staff is capable of doing with the players they have available. How can anyone possibly say that recruiting is going terrible? This isn't a video game. Coach Kill is looking for players that will fit in his system. Do you honestly think he is out there offering random players, hoping that he can maybe win a fourth game this year? Not at all true. When he says that championships are the ultimate goal, I believe him, just as I believed Coach Brewster. Did it work out for Brewster? Of course not, but if you think that these guys are content with being a mid level program, you are clearly mistaken. There is some kind of odd perception around our fan base (as well as many other fan bases around the country) that we have an invisible ceiling. We play in one of the most prestigious conferences in the country, against some of the most storied programs the NCAA, have a fairly storied program past ourselves, play in a fantastic new stadium, and in one of the best metropolis areas in the country. There is no ceiling for this program.

Top recruits will follow the wins. It really all depends on whether Coach Kill can take rust and turn it into gold. I've got faith that he can, as most fans should. He has proven people wrong in the past. He has been able to turn bad fortune teams into winners, and he has done this all while fighting the odds and the negative perceptions. Much like everyone else, when Kill was named our new head coach, I said "wait, who?" All it took was one year and a 3-9 season for me to realize that this may possibly be the best thing that has happened to the program in a long time. Give it some time, have some faith, and let Coach Kill do what he does better than anyone on this site. Championships are the goal. Kill believes that these are the players that can lay the foundation towards a return to prominence. I believe it too.

Yeah, really selective with his two and three star recruits.

It turns out that these two and three star players turn into players like Justin Blackmon, Morris Claiborne, Ryan Tannehill, Luke Kuechly, Dontari Poe, Shea McClellin, Kendall Wright, Chandler Jones, Brandon Weeden, Riley Reiff, David DeCastro, Whitney Mercilus, Kevin Zeitler, A.J. Jenkins, and Doug Martin. For your information, these are all three star to unranked recruits out of high school who were drafted in the first round of this last NFL Draft.

Let's not forget that two of our best receivers in recent history have been two star recruits out of high school.....Eric Decker and Da'jon Mcknight.

I'm not exactly sure why you still post here. Not only do offer little to no substance in the majority of your posts, but you usually sound really stupid attempting to do so.

I don't understand why people think it's a crime against the Gophers to say that recruiting doesn't appear to be going well. We have 4 commits in mid-July, two are unranked from Rivals and one is considering his options. Yes, it's early, and yes, it can turn around. You can support Kill and the programs and still question how recruiting is going.

Win first. Recruiting will follow. At this point, it's about finding the right kids.

It turns out that these two and three star players turn into players like Justin Blackmon, Morris Claiborne, Ryan Tannehill, Luke Kuechly, Dontari Poe, Shea McClellin, Kendall Wright, Chandler Jones, Brandon Weeden, Riley Reiff, David DeCastro, Whitney Mercilus, Kevin Zeitler, A.J. Jenkins, and Doug Martin. For your information, these are all three star to unranked recruits out of high school who were drafted in the first round of this last NFL Draft.

Let's not forget that two of our best receivers in recent history have been two star recruits out of high school.....Eric Decker and Da'jon Mcknight.

I'm not exactly sure why you still post here. Not only do offer little to no substance in the majority of your posts, but you usually sound really stupid attempting to do so.

From the first group, they were all on the same team or each was a shot in a number of team's dark?

Between Mcknight & Decker, how many bowls did they win?

It's about balanced recruiting classes, not a single hit or miss here or there. No team has ever been competitive within its conference with consistent, absolute overall bottom of the basement classes when compared to the rest of the conference. Kill never had bottom rung classes at NIU or SIU, so I scratch my head in wonder as I read these comments about "system" and "coaching them up background?" He was competitive in the MAC, but never won it, but somehow he is going to rule the Big 10 with 12th place recruiting??

Win first. Recruiting will follow. At this point, it's about finding the right kids.

You're right. As I understand it, Kill is very careful in evaluating a kid and won't extend an offer until he is convinced a kid is a good fit. Furthermore, he doesn't want a kid to commit unless he is ready. I hate coaches that use the shotgun approach to recruiting. I'm not worried and actually think it is a good sign in that they are being careful with the few available scholarships.

Go Gophers!

You're right. As I understand it, Kill is very careful in evaluating a kid and won't extend an offer until he is convinced a kid is a good fit. Furthermore, he doesn't want a kid to commit unless he is ready. I hate coaches that use the shotgun approach to recruiting. I'm not worried and actually think it is a good sign in that they are being careful with the few available scholarships.

Go Gophers!
They have offered over 150 kids. I don't know why people keep saying this.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is no answer to this riddle...

It is an age-old riddle that has perplexed generations: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Now British scientists claim to have finally come up with the definitive answer: The chicken.
The scientific and philosophical mystery was purportedly unraveled by researchers at Sheffield and Warwick universities, according to the Daily Mail newspaper.
The scientists found that a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries is necessary for the formation of the egg, according to the paper Wednesday. The egg can therefore only exist if it has been created inside a chicken.
The protein speeds up the development of the hard shell, which is essential in protecting the delicate yolk and fluids while the chick grows inside the egg, the report said.
"It had long been suspected that the egg came first but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first," said Dr. Colin Freeman, from Sheffield University's Department of Engineering Materials, according to the Mail.

You're right. As I understand it, Kill is very careful in evaluating a kid and won't extend an offer until he is convinced a kid is a good fit. Furthermore, he doesn't want a kid to commit unless he is ready. I hate coaches that use the shotgun approach to recruiting. I'm not worried and actually think it is a good sign in that they are being careful with the few available scholarships.

Go Gophers!

Then you are misunderstanding as there is just one team in the Big 10 conference who has extended more offers than MN. How do you feel about "those coaches who use the shotgun approach" now?

I don't know what kind of recruiting class you expected given our lack or recent success and the fact that Kill was never labeled as a big time recruiter. I'm actually feeling okay with this class so far. Brookins is a good get if he sticks (obviously good enough to get a Wisconsin offer, Mayes is a nice get and sets up a great chance at another good get in his brother down the road, Streveler doesn't impress a lot of people, but he's obviously a good athlete at the qb position and I think he looks like a good fit for the offense Kill runs. And Salzwedel is the kind of DE prospect that hopefully we luck out with, could also play tight end. DE is a tough position to fill and the more polished ones typically are in high demand. It is still early in the recruiting season, some early momentum in the beginning of the season could help too.

Neutered Numb Nuts

Then you are misunderstanding as there is just one team in the Big 10 conference who has extended more offers than MN. How do you feel about "those coaches who use the shotgun approach" now?

I always amazed why somebody who acts likes Pantherhawk would want to post here. If you are an Iowa troll then you need to get out of the pig sty, breathe some fresh air, and think about how foolish your behavior is. If you are not an Iowa troll but you don't agree with the direction Coach Kill and the program are going that is your prerogative. But instead of always posting negative remarks about what is happening why don’t you tell us how you would turn the program around.

stocker08 said it best with these words:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is no answer to this riddle and the same goes for recruiting. Recruiting is directly correlated with winning. No two programs are exactly the same. It comes down to what the coaching staff is capable of doing with the players they have available. How can anyone possibly say that recruiting is going terrible? This isn't a video game. Coach Kill is looking for players that will fit in his system. Do you honestly think he is out there offering random players, hoping that he can maybe win a fourth game this year? Not at all true. When he says that championships are the ultimate goal, I believe him, just as I believed Coach Brewster. Did it work out for Brewster? Of course not, but if you think that these guys are content with being a mid level program, you are clearly mistaken. There is some kind of odd perception around our fan base (as well as many other fan bases around the country) that we have an invisible ceiling. We play in one of the most prestigious conferences in the country, against some of the most storied programs the NCAA, have a fairly storied program past ourselves, play in a fantastic new stadium, and in one of the best metropolis areas in the country. There is no ceiling for this program.

Top recruits will follow the wins. It really all depends on whether Coach Kill can take rust and turn it into gold. I've got faith that he can, as most fans should. He has proven people wrong in the past. He has been able to turn bad fortune teams into winners, and he has done this all while fighting the odds and the negative perceptions. Much like everyone else, when Kill was named our new head coach, I said "wait, who?" All it took was one year and a 3-9 season for me to realize that this may possibly be the best thing that has happened to the program in a long time. Give it some time, have some faith, and let Coach Kill do what he does better than anyone on this site. Championships are the goal. Kill believes that these are the players that can lay the foundation towards a return to prominence. I believe it too.

Why don't you either add something useful to the conversation or go back to Iowa.

From the first group, they were all on the same team or each was a shot in a number of team's dark?

Between Mcknight & Decker, how many bowls did they win?

It's about balanced recruiting classes, not a single hit or miss here or there. No team has ever been competitive within its conference with consistent, absolute overall bottom of the basement classes when compared to the rest of the conference. Kill never had bottom rung classes at NIU or SIU, so I scratch my head in wonder as I read these comments about "system" and "coaching them up background?" He was competitive in the MAC, but never won it, but somehow he is going to rule the Big 10 with 12th place recruiting??

You're a troll and can leave now. It must be pathetic to have nothing better to do than follow another team's message board.

Neutered Numb Nuts

I case you were wondered what a useful posting looks like here would be a good example:

Ban the Iowa troll Nuetral now!

I don't know what kind of recruiting class you expected given our lack or recent success and the fact that Kill was never labeled as a big time recruiter. I'm actually feeling okay with this class so far. Brookins is a good get if he sticks (obviously good enough to get a Wisconsin offer, Mayes is a nice get and sets up a great chance at another good get in his brother down the road, Streveler doesn't impress a lot of people, but he's obviously a good athlete at the qb position and I think he looks like a good fit for the offense Kill runs. And Salzwedel is the kind of DE prospect that hopefully we luck out with, could also play tight end. DE is a tough position to fill and the more polished ones typically are in high demand. It is still early in the recruiting season, some early momentum in the beginning of the season could help too.

So you're feeling okay with the class, but state that one of the four players we need to keep and the other one we need to luck out with? That's exactly why some are concerned.

Kill actually values recruiting a lot and puts an enormous amount of effort into it, for those who want to listen to what he says and look at the amount of offers he has handed out. I have no doubt the staff has done a lot of work and has only offered guys they think are right for this program. Hopefully a good start to the season gets more guys on board and we can flip a few of the Minnesota kids.

I always amazed why somebody who acts likes Pantherhawk would want to post here. If you are an Iowa troll then you need to get out of the pig sty, breathe some fresh air, and think about how foolish your behavior is. If you are not an Iowa troll but you don't agree with the direction Coach Kill and the program are going that is your prerogative. But instead of always posting negative remarks about what is happening why don’t you tell us how you would turn the program around.

stocker08 said it best with these words:

Why don't you either add something useful to the conversation or go back to Iowa.

Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

Clueless in Iowa

Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

The fact is that you don't a clue what Jerry has done in the past, what he is doing now, how a program is turned around, etc. etc. etc. The only thing you know how to do is troll and you are not very good at that. Time to move on troll.

Nuetral said:
Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

It's actually your opinion and not a fact.

Nuetral said:
Probably because I'm not getting paid $1,000,000 per year to "turn the program around." You guys can sit here and call the 12th place class of 2012 great all you want, and I gave Kill the benefit of the doubt being year 1, but he is going down the same road with the class of 2013, and 11 or 12 isn't going to cut it on paper or the field. He won't even get us back to masonball with recruiting like that. Deny it and shoot the messenger all you want, but it's fact!

Interesting that you think he will not get us back to Masonball considering Mason's classes were similar to worse than Kill's.

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