What's Up With Recruiting?


Jun 28, 2012
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Back to back 3-9's? Kill's health? The weather? Heck, even Indiana has passed us by and the top talent in the state for 2013 is leaving. I thought TCF was supposed to be a boon to recruiting? Say what you like, I"m worried.

Feels like we're stuck in neutral.

Back to back 3-9's? Kill's health? The weather? Heck, even Indiana has passed us by and the top talent in the state for 2013 is leaving. I thought TCF was supposed to be a boon to recruiting? Say what you like, I"m worried.

I agree, I am worried too.

However, I feel it in the air. We will turn this around.

I sense a troll at work...

we have what 13 schollys... cant and dont want to give them to anyone.. kill is being selective

One thing that really hurts our recruiting efforts is the weather.

TCF is an outdoor stadium.

What kid from the south wants to go to Minnesota to play?

I know TCF was suppose to help but it hurts too.

Anything is better than the metrodome. That thing was trashy.

Weather is not the issue. Not that much digfferent here than it is in Columbus, Madison or Ann Arbor. Kids need reasons to come here. Jerry is starting to give us hope in this area. Coach Kill and staff are bringing some stability to the program and this is one thing that is needed. The area has pluses and minisus as we all know, but the Twin Cities with all it has to offer will bring in more players than it will turn away. Winning, winning, winning. That is the cure all to recruiting. Start putting some winning seasons together and the better recruits will come here.

Before you start slinging flaming arrows why don't you wait until February? Right now it is a moot issue. They've some quality kids scheduled for visits. Look for the local kid Wipson to commit next week. Right now they can sign 15 with the Mitchell departure.

Kill's biggest challenge in recruiting is: Perception.

The Perception that the Gophers are a bottom-feeder program in the B1G; The Perception that fans in the Twin Cities are indifferent, or even hostile to the program; The Perception that the Gophs will always play second fiddle to the Vikings in this market; the Perception that (other than the stadium) the facilities are not top-rank; The Perception that the administration is not committed to making Football a priority.

The only way to dispell the negative perceptions of the program is to Win. Kill needs to show progress; he needs to win games; he needs to upset some higher-ranked opponents; he needs to land some big-time recruits. That is how you change perceptions.

Will it happen? I don't know. I hope it does, but let's not minimize the scope of the challenge.

Kill's biggest challenge in recruiting is: Perception.

The Perception that the Gophers are a bottom-feeder program in the B1G; The Perception that fans in the Twin Cities are indifferent, or even hostile to the program; The Perception that the Gophs will always play second fiddle to the Vikings in this market; the Perception that (other than the stadium) the facilities are not top-rank; The Perception that the administration is not committed to making Football a priority.

The only way to dispell the negative perceptions of the program is to Win. Kill needs to show progress; he needs to win games; he needs to upset some higher-ranked opponents; he needs to land some big-time recruits. That is how you change perceptions.

Will it happen? I don't know. I hope it does, but let's not minimize the scope of the challenge.

short ornery norwegian, unfortunately most of those aren't perceptions, they are realities. I agree that the only way to turn those realities around is to win big and do it consistently. Until then, we have our own self-inflicted issues to overcome. Weather is way down on our list of issues to overcome on the recruiting trail.

Go Gophers!!

No recruits want to play at Boise, Michigan or for the skunks either. Too cold.

No recruits want to play at Boise, Michigan or for the skunks either. Too cold.

OSU and Michigan get recruits not only from the local level but they also have winning programs.

Michigan and Ohio are more geographically sound.

Boise State only has to get up once or twice a season for a big game. They would never be that effective in a more challenging conference.

I agree with Bleedgopher on playing second fiddle but I also think weather is a major factor.

So I ask the question. If they were in Florida do you think the recruiting would be better?

Gainesville or Minneapolis? 40 Miles from the beach or 4 miles from a frozen lake.

we have what 13 schollys... cant and dont want to give them to anyone.. kill is being selective

Absolutely sick of hearing this lame excuse that borders on a lie. We have more offers out than all but 1 Big 10 school. The truth is, with all these offers out--more than all but one Big 10 school--and only 13 rides to give, the opposite should be true; kids should feel compelled to commit SOONER as oppossed to waiting. Doesn't WI only have a dozen rides to give this year? An unintended consequence is that Kill & staff are going to be forced to recruit during the season wheras the schools that are 90% full will be focusing on the games!

OSU and Michigan get recruits not only from the local level but they also have winning programs.

Michigan and Ohio are more geographically sound.

Boise State only has to get up once or twice a season for a big game. They would never be that effective in a more challenging conference.

I agree with Bleedgopher on playing second fiddle but I also think weather is a major factor.

So I ask the question. If they were in Florida do you think the recruiting would be better?

Gainesville or Minneapolis? 40 Miles from the beach or 4 miles from a frozen lake.

Well if we were in Gainsville, we'd have to recruit in the same city as U of Florida, so I'd rather not have to play second fiddle in the same city.

If I wanted to cheer for a team with warmer weather and better variables I would. I like where we are at, I like who we are, and I look forward to better days ahead.

Go Gophers!!

Back to back 3-9's? Kill's health? The weather? Heck, even Indiana has passed us by and the top talent in the state for 2013 is leaving. I thought TCF was supposed to be a boon to recruiting? Say what you like, I"m worried.

What's up with a third of our wins the last two years coming against IA?

Before you start slinging flaming arrows why don't you wait until February? Right now it is a moot issue. They've some quality kids scheduled for visits. Look for the local kid Wipson to commit next week. Right now they can sign 15 with the Mitchell departure.

Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"

Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"

Whatever you say, nue troll.

Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"
At least as far as I'm concerned, it's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. There's an obvious concern when it comes to recruiting. It's been there since the 1950s. What do you expect, exactly? We were 3-9 last year and our coach is a relatively obscure guy from the MAC who looks like my shop teacher. If we turn this thing around, it's going to be primarily with under-the-radar guys.

Last year, everybody was bickering about the lack of talent. Then, at the end of the recruiting cycle it turned out okay. We had a well distributed group by position. Talent was evident. The group fit the scheme. The recruits committed love the school. I am not worried. Jerry Kill has me believing that things are going to be just fine. February is a long time from now and some credible talent has already spoken about how they loved their trip to the U. Many of those guys made us their number 1 and are still finishing their road trips for the summer. The coaches have a strategy and they are using it to their best effect. It is July. By now, Glen and Tim would have no more or no less than Coach K. I like the look of the recruits to date.

You can change your name, but when it smell like a pig it is probably panter hawk.


Are you nuts Dean S?

Last year, everybody was bickering about the lack of talent. Then, at the end of the recruiting cycle it turned out okay. We had a well distributed group by position. Talent was evident. The group fit the scheme. The recruits committed love the school. I am not worried. Jerry Kill has me believing that things are going to be just fine. February is a long time from now and some credible talent has already spoken about how they loved their trip to the U. Many of those guys made us their number 1 and are still finishing their road trips for the summer. The coaches have a strategy and they are using it to their best effect. It is July. By now, Glen and Tim would have no more or no less than Coach K. I like the look of the recruits to date.

I gather by your comment above that you think Kill knows more than all the experts here at the Gopher Hole do. My experience has been the farther away that you are from the issue the more you think you understand about what is going on. That's why our Iowa trolls comments are so easy to recognize. They also don't pass the smell test. The good news is that it is only 25 days until the first day of fall practice.

I think it's interesting that our boy PH is so psychotic that he cannot conceive that dozens, if not hundreds, of people can pick out his style and scintillating personality in a few sentences. Let's not feed the troll and move on.

Who's slinging arrows? I asked a question. You don't like it, lump it and move on. Wipson? February? You do understand that with each passing day, the pool of availible talent gets smaller?? So it's a good thing to focus on recruiting during the season?

Back to Wipson. Let's put some thought into this. Isn't it mildly concerning when a team with a ton of offers out and only 15 rides to give, offers a "local kid" so late in the year? A 5.4 with nothing other than FCS offers? This path doesn't bode well for the level of interest among the other "uber selective" 146 active offers we have out.

Hard questions/thoughts = "troll?"

Not all offers are the same.

Last year, everybody was bickering about the lack of talent. Then, at the end of the recruiting cycle it turned out okay. We had a well distributed group by position. Talent was evident. The group fit the scheme. The recruits committed love the school. I am not worried. Jerry Kill has me believing that things are going to be just fine. February is a long time from now and some credible talent has already spoken about how they loved their trip to the U. Many of those guys made us their number 1 and are still finishing their road trips for the summer. The coaches have a strategy and they are using it to their best effect. It is July. By now, Glen and Tim would have no more or no less than Coach K. I like the look of the recruits to date.

+1 to this. I plan to leave the worrying to the worriers - that's what they do. Based on last year, I'm confident Kill will do just fine!

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