What You Learn Reading ANY NDSU Thread

One thing I have not seen mentioned as a comparison is the head coaches.....thoughts?

After reading any thread on NDSU, I feel dumber. With that said, I really do wish the Gophers would play them again, now that Kill has the Gophers back on the right track. Brewster and his staff were a joke and NDSU benefited from their inabilities to game plan and adjust. If anyone questions Brewsters failures, simply look at the loss to USD (a very average D-IAA program). If you were at that game, it was painfully obvious that Brewster and his staff were out coached. I would like to beg Kill to schedule games with the Dakota schools, so that we can put this to rest, rather than giving them something to hang their hat on.

You may want to go back and look at the gophers first game this season. UNLV was HORRIBLE and the gophers almost lost. If the gophers would have played NDSU at the same level they would have lost. I will admit the gophers would have had much more insentive to win that game but may still have lost playing a experienced NDSU championship team.

After reading any thread on NDSU, I feel dumber. With that said, I really do wish the Gophers would play them again, now that Kill has the Gophers back on the right track. Brewster and his staff were a joke and NDSU benefited from their inabilities to game plan and adjust. If anyone questions Brewsters failures, simply look at the loss to USD (a very average D-IAA program). If you were at that game, it was painfully obvious that Brewster and his staff were out coached. I would like to beg Kill to schedule games with the Dakota schools, so that we can put this to rest, rather than giving them something to hang their hat on.

This. Exactly! As time passed during Brewster's tenure, it became painfully evident he had no idea what he wanted to do. Being out coached by an 'average' (and that is a generous use of the word 'average') FCS squad, is absolutely unacceptable. Anyone who argues otherwise is WAY off base and is, quite frankly, happy with being the toilet team of the B1G Ten. The next year, USD even fired there head coach I believe. Which actually makes that loss even more embarrassing for The Brew Man if you ask me. Timmy's chili wasn't too hot that day.

You may want to go back and look at the gophers first game this season. UNLV was HORRIBLE and the gophers almost lost. If the gophers would have played NDSU at the same level they would have lost. I will admit the gophers would have had much more insentive to win that game but may still have lost playing a experienced NDSU championship team.

You are right, NDSU is a championship team, but they are competing at a lower level. I have heard some NDSU fan's say that they could hang with any BCS team. It is obvious that those people are delusional and would struggle to win more than 1 or 2 games in the BIG 10 on their best year. I will agree that they are a solid D-IAA team, but if they were able to compete with BCS schools consistently, they wouldn't have nearly lost to SDSU at home twice.
The reality is that NDSU has "Napoleon's Disease" and just wish they could be one of the big boys. Now that Kill has started dig the program out of the hole that Brewester buried us in, I would LOVE to see the Gophers shred NDSU.

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