What You Learn Reading ANY NDSU Thread


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Oh and strangely enough there have been a LOT of them through the years. Heck, searched this board for "NDSU" and FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE POSTS :eek: were found that mentioned the term! Four things jump out in the threads that feature the Bison directly.

1. Nearly every fan/supporter of the Bison comes over and first or eventually at least, says that NDSU owns the Gophers.
2. How embarrassing it must be for the U of M that a small school from 1-AA / FCS keeps beating them.
3. Nearly ALL of the Bison's best players are from Minnesota. Players that either weren't offered by the U or were asked to Walk On.
4. Why won't the Gophers schedule MORE games against the Bisons? / Please schedule more games against the Bison.

Now, throw in the facts that:

- The BTN and ESPN do not want to televise ANY games where Conference teams play FCS teams.
- The B1G National TV contract expires in 2017
- That TCF unlike the Dome, doesn't have to fill 30 - 35 thousand seats on a regular basis.

How can anyone not wearing Packer colors know those things and want the series to continue? Thinking that it should continue could cast aspirations on the quality of one's education. Knowing NDSU Grads and some Professors myself, that shouldn't come into play.

Oh, the other thing that comes-up is how much the Gophers need to have that one game to get to six wins and thus to a Bowl Game. Even Teague and Kill themselves have talked about that need ("cough, cough") too. Here's the deal, if they need to play a FCS team every year just to get to Six wins well, then they MAY be looking to fill those 30-35 seats at TCF too..

That they all say the same thing and we certainly didn't need another?

Playing Dakota schools means nothing to gopher fans. The excitement level of playing them is the same as playing New Hampshire or Vermont or whoever we played this past year (as you can tell I was super stoked about that game). I'd tune into a sunbelt game over the FCS title game, sorry Bison fans, I know how much you want us to care about you.

The upside of playing NDSU is financial. When the Bison play at TCF thousands of Bison fans fill the stadium, stay in hotels, eat at restaurants and spend a lot of money in general. Compare this to the handful of New Hampshire, New Mexico or wherever fans who go to their games. The Bison are certainly no doormat and if things go right for Kill it would be payback time for the last 2 losses. I say bring them on.

Playing Dakota schools means nothing to gopher fans. The excitement level of playing them is the same as playing New Hampshire or Vermont or whoever we played this past year (as you can tell I was super stoked about that game). I'd tune into a sunbelt game over the FCS title game, sorry Bison fans, I know how much you want us to care about you.

+1. Me too.

You guys had to start a new thread talking about how it doesn't bother you ...... Another thread about our irrelevance ..... Lol butthurt

You guys had to start a new thread talking about how it doesn't bother you ...... Another thread about our irrelevance ..... Lol butthurt

Ya, we like watching you vermin come out of hiding when we talk about you.

You guys had to start a new thread talking about how it doesn't bother you ...... Another thread about our irrelevance ..... Lol butthurt

The thread wasn't about you're "irrelevance", or Alvarez and his conviction that the B1G may not schedule FCS games after the next few years. It's about the constant avoidance of the facts of situation. A situation that goes back to the opening of TCF and has finally come to a head because of TV money, less seats to fill and a coach who recognizes the worth of getting some of those kids to try and play for the Gophers. Nate's point was well taken, debatable and funny. He usually is. Just marginally disagreed with him. So were the points about finance and excitement levels.

Your response was more predictable of course, it seems you still don't get it. The game changed in 2009 because of TCF and the next TV contract may take the possibility off the table regardless of what anybody wants anyway. The thread wasn't about irrelevance, but if you think about it..

Oh and Dr.Don's response may have been a little harsh but you know he has by far the most experience dealing with Bison fans. Your worrying about your "butthole" seemed to confirm his response anyway.

You guys had to start a new thread talking about how it doesn't bother you ...... Another thread about our irrelevance ..... Lol butthurt

Butthurt no, bored more like it. If we were the bothered ones we would be on your board, not the other way around.

Honestly how long is the new stadium gonna keep the seats full.... Team has been awful.... I grew up loving Rickey and Darrell .... Gopher football is bad am I butthurt absolutely not .... I'd love to see gopher football excel ....

Honestly how long is the new stadium gonna keep the seats full.... Team has been awful.... I grew up loving Rickey and Darrell .... Gopher football is bad am I butthurt absolutely not .... I'd love to see gopher football excel ....

gopher football has been bad and ndsu football has been pretty good at your level. i thought your team this year want nearly as good as the lastyears teams but thats another topic on how bad fcs football is as a whole. i honestly belive the gophers would have handled ndsu this season, especially after watching your georgia southern game. man that was an awful watch, but i lve football and it was on. the thing i really dont understand is how much ndsu brags about beating bad teams? so many ndsu fans think that because the bison beat the gophers, who were brutal, is a huge accomplishment? that would be similar to the gopher fanbase bragging about beating rhode island or whoever the hell that fcs team as that we played. no one brags about beating bad teams...except fargo fans. nds hasnt played anyone of significanceat the fbs level, next year you guys play kstate who graduated nearly their entire offense and half of their defense. you guys schedule smart but your team fears tking any risks.

the other thing i would liketo know, how come ndsu football fans are und hockey fans? thats like gopher hockey fans beig wiscosin fooball fans...doesnt make sense?

i really wish bison fans that seem to think we "missed" on recruits would go to other schools message boards and do the same. i know ndsu has a few kids from texas, longhorns probably "missed" on few. bison took some kids out of illinois so obviously niu, nu, illini all "missed." hell ndsu fans could go brag about beating minnesota etc and i bet he reaction would be very similar that they get here on gopherhole.

I enjoy playing NDSU (other than losing), they are a top notch FCS team. Hopefully at some pt. they become a full FBS school like Montana is attempting.

i cant stand fcs teams, real hope fcs is no longer available for big ten teams

It's funny how you guys have your arrogant we are a big ten attitude but if the bison who play in this horrible football division beat the gophers it isn't some kind of accomplishment.....you can't have it both ways o you beat us but we were horrible and as far as this years gophers beating the bison give me a break unlv was a big win for you guys lol..... 3 over times to beat unlv is absolutely embarrassing for a big ten team ..... Losing to usd embarrassing transition team not even a fcs team losing to ndsu embarrassing repeating trend in gopher football

It's funny how you guys have your arrogant we are a big ten attitude but if the bison who play in this horrible football division beat the gophers it isn't some kind of accomplishment.....you can't have it both ways o you beat us but we were horrible and as far as this years gophers beating the bison give me a break unlv was a big win for you guys lol..... 3 over times to beat unlv is absolutely embarrassing for a big ten team ..... Losing to usd embarrassing transition team not even a fcs team losing to ndsu embarrassing repeating trend in gopher football

you want it both ways, you and the rest of your moronic fanbase want to believe the gophers were some top 10 power when we have an average at best program. we have bad yrs but so has everyone else. ndsu is a great fcs program but you guys will never be the level of even the lowest major conference teams. go away!

It's funny how you guys have your arrogant we are a big ten attitude but if the bison who play in this horrible football division beat the gophers it isn't some kind of accomplishment.....you can't have it both ways o you beat us but we were horrible and as far as this years gophers beating the bison give me a break unlv was a big win for you guys lol..... 3 over times to beat unlv is absolutely embarrassing for a big ten team ..... Losing to usd embarrassing transition team not even a fcs team losing to ndsu embarrassing repeating trend in gopher football

Getting a little frustrating over at the kids table?

The upside of playing NDSU is financial. When the Bison play at TCF thousands of Bison fans fill the stadium, stay in hotels, eat at restaurants and spend a lot of money in general. Compare this to the handful of New Hampshire, New Mexico or wherever fans who go to their games. The Bison are certainly no doormat and if things go right for Kill it would be payback time for the last 2 losses. I say bring them on.

You are completely wrong. We averaged 46.6K lat year (fact). We sold out for Syracuse (fact). We are going to get better and better on the field (Spermy conjecture). The whole spending at bars, restuarants thing is soooo over-rated. The Twin City area will be completely fine financially, and better football-wsie, for NOT playing lower division teams like the Buffaloes.

Give us Fla Int'l, or Ball State, or So. Miss, 1000x over any lower division school like the team from Fargo. All day, any day.

Their "incremental $" means nothing - nothing - proportionately. Our supplemental income from non-ticket revenue vastly trumps any perceived benefit from ANY FCS school.

THEY are the ones that are going to suffer financially when they have to beg a WAC or MWC team to play them.

By the way . . . what the #u(+ are those poor bastards going to call their "division" when the big boys start a playoff system?

Honestly how long is the new stadium gonna keep the seats full.... Team has been awful.... I grew up loving Rickey and Darrell .... Gopher football is bad am I butthurt absolutely not .... I'd love to see gopher football excel ....

Of course you're butthurt. It's the mantra of NDSU when it comes to the Gophers. Being "butthurt" is the same thing as "having a chip on your shoulder". Of course NDSU does. That's why a thread like this bring you people out of the woodwork. A thread about the Gophers on Bisonville. . .I would never know about. Bisonville doesn't exist to me, it's completely irrelevant.

That's not taking anything away from your program or putting a feather in my cap (I did nothing). The issue is that the Bison look at the Gophers as rivals and we don't. You beat us twice with way better teams. In fact, other than Syracuse, you would have been the best non-conference opponent we played.

However, other than the embarrassment of losing to an FCS team, losing to NDSU wouldn't be thought of much differently around here as losing to Western Michigan.

About the stadium . . . um, it's not. What does that have to do with anything?

You are completely wrong. We averaged 46.6K lat year (fact). We sold out for Syracuse (fact). We are going to get better and better on the field (Spermy conjecture). The whole spending at bars, restuarants thing is soooo over-rated. The Twin City area will be completely fine financially, and better football-wsie, for NOT playing lower division teams like the Buffaloes.

Give us Fla Int'l, or Ball State, or So. Miss, 1000x over any lower division school like the team from Fargo. All day, any day.

Their "incremental $" means nothing - nothing - proportionately. Our supplemental income from non-ticket revenue vastly trumps any perceived benefit from ANY FCS school.

THEY are the ones that are going to suffer financially when they have to beg a WAC or MWC team to play them.

By the way . . . what the #u(+ are those poor bastards going to call their "division" when the big boys start a playoff system?

The idea that it helps us more financially than them is absurd.

Why does the U care if some Bison fans fill up the local Old Country Buffets and steal all of the toiletries from the area Super 8's? They fill up the stadium, big deal. It's not much of a difference between the other non-conference AND Syracuse sold out last year too.

As far as why it's dumb for us, it puts a spotlight on your program to athletes that we want to walk on here. The less and less we show their games, the less of a chance a kid will choose NDSU over walking on at the U (it'll still happen).

It's funny how you guys have your arrogant we are a big ten attitude but if the bison who play in this horrible football division beat the gophers it isn't some kind of accomplishment.....you can't have it both ways o you beat us but we were horrible and as far as this years gophers beating the bison give me a break unlv was a big win for you guys lol..... 3 over times to beat unlv is absolutely embarrassing for a big ten team ..... Losing to usd embarrassing transition team not even a fcs team losing to ndsu embarrassing repeating trend in gopher football

Are you drunk? That's the only explanation that would help any of your statement make sense.

I can't name one player on the bison past or present.

That's on me I guess.

Of course you're butthurt. It's the mantra of NDSU when it comes to the Gophers. Being "butthurt" is the same thing as "having a chip on your shoulder". Of course NDSU does. That's why a thread like this bring you people out of the woodwork. A thread about the Gophers on Bisonville. . .I would never know about. Bisonville doesn't exist to me, it's completely irrelevant.

That's not taking anything away from your program or putting a feather in my cap (I did nothing). The issue is that the Bison look at the Gophers as rivals and we don't. You beat us twice with way better teams. In fact, other than Syracuse, you would have been the best non-conference opponent we played.

However, other than the embarrassment of losing to an FCS team, losing to NDSU wouldn't be thought of much differently around here as losing to Western Michigan.

About the stadium . . . um, it's not. What does that have to do with anything?
What was average attendance in the dome..... Football team was better in the dome.... It appears to me that the new stadium is what is keeping the seats full that wears off after time

Another awesome thread.

The question after scrolling through yet another NDSU thread is which fans act more immature and which ones embarrass themselves the most.

Anyone ever notice that we happened to play NDSU during 2 of our WORST seasons of the last 15 years, and 2 of NDSU's BEST EVER?????

2006 when we BEAT NDSU, we only went 5-7 otherwise. But that was NDSU's ONLY LOSS that season. They went 10-1 losing to us, and we went 6-7.

2007 when they FINALLY beat us for the first time EVER IN HISTORY, we went 1-10.

They went 10-1, we went 1-10, yet they still only beat us by 6 pts. lol

So one of the VERY BEST teams the FCS has to offer, can BARELY beat one of the WORST the FBS has to offer. Wow, what a shocker.

Then in 2011, NDSU goes 14-1 and wins the Div 1AA Natl Title. UMn went 3-9, having gone 3-9 the year before and then FIRING our LOSER coach Brewster.

I personally put BOTH losses squarely on the shoulders of Tim Brewster.

But what do NDSU fans think would have happened in 2005, 2008 and 2009? NDSU went 7-4, 6-5, & 3-8 those 3 years, while UMn went 7-5, 7-6 & 6-7.

Those are the kinds of records Mn had when they BEAT 10-1 NDSU.

So NDSU basically GOT LUCKY. Some good timing helped them get 2 wins vs a wounded dog/Gopher team, basically, that they give us the impression are valued higher than their wins in the Div 1AA Natl Title games?! Good for them. Congrats. Glad we could help and let you take advantage of us when we were at our lowest.

Thing is, its a GREAT move shutting out FCS teams, about time the Big Ten did it. If NDSU is so awesome, why don't they put in a request to join the Big Ten and then hold your breath waiting for a positive response. lol

See the thing is, NDSU NEEDS Minnesota. It needs our players, it needs us to be down and out. It thrives in a conference full of nobodies because of our being down.

But Minnesota does NOT need NDSU. We'll never play you again, and will be the better for it.

#alphabet, in summarizing your 4:32 a.m. post, you don't care much for NDSU, right? :)

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