What Will The Non-Renewal Rate Be?

Seat premiums are starting to look VERY questionable.

Part of the acceptance of seat licensing is that you need a competitive program that draws just on it's own merits. It will be very interesting to see if seat premiums work next year.

My guess is renewal's will be OK, however, I doubt there are that many folks willing to shell out extra dough to sit between the 20s.

first year in the new stadium. and people are already going to take their toys and go home? if so, my guess is that they were "event goers" with cash in their pocket, as compared to fans of gopher sports. it is, what it is. i like my seats, however, maybe some premature departures in the season ticket base (as compared to fan base) will work out nicely to maybe upgrade our seats. maybe things will be looking up for fans that didnt have the priority points to get the seats that they coveted.

time will tell.

as an aside, it was sad to see how empty UCLA's game was this weekend. huge areas, no fans at all.

Wouldn't those TRUE supporters have had tickets already? Anyone who gets tickets next year will be casual fans, IMHO.

Um, there are many reasons why some didn't get season tickets last year or any year for that matter. I just moved back to the midwest after living in North Carolina for 5 years. This next year will be the first realistic chance of me getting season tickets.

Look for price increase next year

How will season ticket holders feel when they see price increases of $5-$10 per ticket next year? The U needs to make up for the lost beer sale money and the only way to do it is to increase ticket prices. I'm guessing many fans won't like the price increases even with a good home schedule because they are tired of watching the Weber and Brewster offense.

Um, there are many reasons why some didn't get season tickets last year or any year for that matter. I just moved back to the midwest after living in North Carolina for 5 years. This next year will be the first realistic chance of me getting season tickets.

Fair enough, but I bet there aren't a bunch of people such as yourself out there. There will not be a significant influx of diehard fans.

I have emailed Joel with my cancellation notice until Brewster has his bags packed. And his chilli is dad gum cold right now

I'll still go to a few games, but it'll be a deal where I buy tickets on the street and the weather is perfect for outdoor football on campus. I'm guessing it won't be tough to get a good seat for $30-40 an hour before any games other than Iowa and Wisconsin where their fans travel.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I'm going to try to snap up a couple more. This is by far the best sports bargain in town...

I have emailed Joel with my cancellation notice until Brewster has his bags packed. And his chilli is dad gum cold right now

You are the perfect example of a terrible Minnesota fan. Whiny and bandwagon to a fault, always expecting brilliance and taking your ball and going home when things go south. Offense must be exciting and consistent. No loyalty or patience, only complaining and criticizing.

I hope you give up your tickets, because I have 12 friends who are hoping to get them next year, and you don't deserve them.

Suggest your enjoyment of Gopher Football is too narrow if you are not going to renew after this year.

Factors influencing my enjoyment of a Gopher game:

1. Being with my family
2. Enjoying being around fellow Gopher fans in Ski-U-Mah before the game (including being serenaded by the band)
3. Having a great tailgate meal in the lot
4. Drinking a few beers before kickoff
5. Enjoying the true college football atmosphere (i.e. being outside)
6. Cheering the team as they come out of the tunnel
7. Meeting and harassing the fans of opposing teams (good natured, of course)
8. Listening to the band at half time
9. Singing the rouser after a score
10. Celebrating a Gopher victory
11. Arguing about the game on GopherHole

Yes it sucks when the Gophers lose, but one of the reasons it sucks less now is that you aren't surrounded by irritating fans of the opposing teams who rip down your goalposts after the game. This will of course change if you and others like you cancel your tickets...

I concur with this. I have had great luck with the Gopher fans around me. I'm going to try to sync up with some to have the same parking lot, so we can tailgate together.

Gopher fans are great in person.

Seat premiums are starting to look VERY questionable.

Part of the acceptance of seat licensing is that you need a competitive program that draws just on it's own merits. It will be very interesting to see if seat premiums work next year.

My guess is renewal's will be OK, however, I doubt there are that many folks willing to shell out extra dough to sit between the 20s.

Maybe, although they are mint seats. I know my buddy is hoping to get in the $500 donation level so he can get a tailgating pass in the same lot as me. I know a few others that are planning on getting additional season tickets also. Our group has a sweet time at games with tailgating and postgame stuff. Win or lose, we have fun. Yes, a bad game might make us in a bad mood, but nothing that a cold beer can't fix. :D

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