What grade would you give the Gophers for the Coyle hire?

How would you grade this hire?

  • A

    Votes: 85 70.8%
  • B

    Votes: 19 15.8%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • F

    Votes: 10 8.3%

  • Total voters

How about you do the same since you have nothing to add.
Apparently neither do you. The hire and the tenure are two different things. I.e I would give the Monson years in basketball a D, but his hire an A for poaching an elite 8 coach in the middle of summer right before the program goes on probation. As for this hire, it's the best they could realistically do at this time, I didn't think a P5 AD could happen, give Kaler and Turnkey credit. so I'll give it an A

I feel the same way about experience. I did not want some random dude who "ran a business" to show up at a university and run a big AD.

I would have preferred an outside the box candidate like Najarian to an inexperienced person like Beth, but this hire is the best of both worlds and just enough "one of us" to satiate that crowd too.

By that argument nearly any hire would be an a+. Maybe I'm a little too touchy with all the political bs goin on lately. My apologies to any I offended here. Would a pass/fail grading system suit this?. In that case i'd give the hire a pass.

Not necessarily, hiring the AD from the Jack Rabbits would not be an A, hiring Stern would not be an A. This hire checks all the boxes and leaves less doubt that they are qualified.

How can anyone give this hire a D? Is it someone who thought we should have hired a former Gopher? Or maybe someone who is angry because he or she was excluded from the process. Mark Coyle's qualifications seem to match the pre-determined criteria extremely well. Better than I think most expected.

I would have preferred an outside the box candidate like Najarian to an inexperienced person like Beth, but this hire is the best of both worlds and just enough "one of us" to satiate that crowd too.

I wasn't a huge Beth supporter either. She may have been good but this it is too big a department to learn on the job as a first time AD. But same goes for pony tail guy...

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I give this hiring a "Y," as in "Y did you have to hire an Iowan?"

Ask me again in five years.

I believe this is analogous to telling a newlywed couple that there's a 50/50 chance they might divorce. Nobody wants to listen to reality during the honeymoon period.

AFAIK, what's not to like with Coyle? not a former coach or athlete i suppose, so he lacks that perspective but thats the modern way. Will he hire and fire the right people? Who knows? We'll save that for the post-mortem, hopefully decades from now.

Yep, agree. Along that same line of analogy...out-ran the coverage on this one. BTW, not a D1 athlete but was a D3 one.

Me to. But I am glad that Kaler was able to find an AD with experience. But the issues are many. Time will tell.

IMO, the first step would be to address the football ST donation issue and work to take steps to encourage long time ST holders to stay the course.

You think that over the cluster that is the BB team?

I don't have to wait. Based on Coyle's education and experience at all the places where he has worked, this hire couldn't be better. It is highly unlikely Kaler could have found anyone more qualified for the AD job at any price. He only got Coyle because of his family's affection for Minnesota and the U. The Minnesota connection paid off big time on this hire. Coyle may not turn out to be as good as his resume but that is true of every hire made by every public institution and private company in America. There are no guarantees when you hire somebody new to run your organization or firm.

I don't have to wait. Based on Coyle's education and experience at all the other places where he has worked this hire is couldn't be better. It is highly unlikely Kaler could have hired anyone more qualified for the AD job at any price. He only got Coyle because of his family's affection for Minnesota and the U. The Minnesota connection paid off big time on this hire. Coyle may not turn out to be as good as his resume but that is true of every hire made by every public institution and private company in America. There are no guarantees when you hire a new employee.

Well said. I'm really hoping Coyle is the real deal and the answer to all our problems!

I don't have to wait. Based on Coyle's education and experience at all the places where he has worked, this hire couldn't be better. It is highly unlikely Kaler could have found anyone more qualified for the AD job at any price. He only got Coyle because of his family's affection for Minnesota and the U. The Minnesota connection paid off big time on this hire. Coyle may not turn out to be as good as his resume but that is true of every hire made by every public institution and private company in America. There are no guarantees when you hire somebody new to run your organization or firm.

Agreed. I think he is about as good of an AD we could get at this point. Doesn't guarantee he will be a great or even good AD but right now it looks like a great hire.

then don't vote or comment?

If I don't want to vote in this poll, but still want to comment, is there some law that I broke? If I do comment, but my comment does not agree with some Kim Jong Un wannabe, maybe I should be banned from this board? "...it must look democratic but we must control everything..." - attributed to Walter Ernst Paul Ulbricht

Went with A for the hire because he checks most of the boxes on the surface for what you would want in an AD. Time will tell how he does now that he is in the role. Depending on how things go in Hockey, Basketball, and Football he may be in the position of needing to hire new coaches for the top 3 sports in the department in the near future. Obviously hoping that all 3 turn things around and no heads need to role but this will be a big year for Pitino and Claeys. Pitino needs players to stay out of trouble and for the team to win some games, for Claeys it is "just win baby" because with his buyout there is really no reason for Coyle not to get rid of him if the team isn't performing well on the field.

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