What grade would you give the 2015-2016 Gophers basketball season?

What grade would you give the 2015-2016 Gophers basketball season?

  • A

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 12 15.4%
  • F

    Votes: 58 74.4%

  • Total voters

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
What grade would you give the 2015-2016 Gophers basketball season?

Anyone voting anything other than F is pretty much just trolling

Does anybody know: has Pitino ever coached high school ball:confused:

I went on a pass-fail scale...it still results in an f.
This is likely the worst Gopher squad in the history of history.

Brutal, just brutal

Please suspend the accounts of anyone not grading this season an F. That's a D (at best) last season and an F this year for Coach Pitino...that B+ to A type first year seems a long, long time ago.

F. This will go down as one of the (if not the) worst and most dysfunctional seasons in Gopher basketball history. Thanks to Joey for representing the program well the past three years though and I wish him well. Hope next season brings the opposite luck that this season provided.

Unequivocally, this season was an F from a fan stand point

However, I don't think there is one person in the program that thinks this was a good season. Some KIDS got put into very tough situations at the end. Asked to do more than, quite honestly, they probably ever expected.

In the end, we were playing with one player that probably would see minutes on any other B1G team. The disappointment we saw in the end by the players, was genuine. The athletes that they are, they have probably never experienced anything like this in their careers at any level.

I look forward to next year. I really do think we will see them turn the corner!



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I'll assume those giving an A did so as a joke. For those who voted D, I'm interested in your reasons because this fiasco of a season was to me as clear cut as an F as can be.

I love the players that stuck it out, thank you. But I am happy this season is over.

I'll assume those giving an A did so as a joke. For those who voted D, I'm interested in your reasons because this fiasco of a season was to me as clear cut as an F as can be.

I have it a D. Expectations weren't high to begin with, but we fell way way way short. The D is because you could see improvement, players never quit, and we did beat a top 10 team. Joey's post game interview after Maryland was a great moment. It also gets a D because Pitino/the U faced a few controversial situations and didn't fall flat on their face (yet). Also had some nice moments from Murphy and McBrayer and kids got better. Guys got valuable experience.

Still a failing grade, but this is only an F if I left it feeling like there was no hope for next year. I think without the suspensions this team wins 5 B1G games including the tournament. Players didn't quit, there was no blatant disregard for coach Pitino, etc.

IMO, last year was far worse as it was a senior heavy time that choked over and over again. I didn't expect much this year and yet they still managed to fall far short. That's a D to me.

This defines an "F" season

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It was an F. But at least thanks to the Maryland win, Joey (and Dorsey I guess :cool:) has better memories than this poor BC player:

Afterward, Clifford was asked what his best memory of playing college basketball will be. He choked up and put his head down, pausing for more than 20 seconds. When he looked back up, his face was red, his eyes were welling.

His answer: “Going out to eat.”


I'll assume those giving an A did so as a joke. For those who voted D, I'm interested in your reasons because this fiasco of a season was to me as clear cut as an F as can be.

Wisconsin trolls. We all know they lurk here all the time.

D because I can think of scenarios where it could have been worse... Not beating Maryland, not winning a B1G game, etc. If the 3 amigos all transfer I'll change it to F.

que Dean Wormer:

"Mr. Blutarski - zero point zero - has no grade point average. all classes incomplete."

I went with D. Games were an F. Off court trouble an F. In game coaching an F. Player development a C (McBrayer and Murphy made huge strides). Incoming Recruits A- (part of what went down this season. Overall grade D

D because I can think of scenarios where it could have been worse... Not beating Maryland, not winning a B1G game, etc. If the 3 amigos all transfer I'll change it to F.

This is like saying getting 15 on an exam is a D because you could have gotten a lower score

Worse conference winning percentage including the big10 tournament since 1932-1933. Yeah I'd say that is a f.

I'd like to go lower. The only redeeming value is the next couple of years will be exciting i think. Barring any more unsavory shenanigans.

I give them an "I" for incomplete. Hopefully next year all the players will be able to attend all the games.

Animal House:

Dean Wormer - "Mr. Blutarski, zero point zero. Daniel Day (D-Day) has no grade point average. all classes report incomplete."


Absolutely an F. Was hoping to end on a high note, and believe we would have, but the suspensions were too much. Nightmare season, glad it's over, and I believe there's much brighter days ahead.

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