What grade do you give Kill & Staff for 2011 season?

What grade do you give Kill & Staff for 2011 season?

  • A

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • B

    Votes: 82 42.3%
  • C

    Votes: 82 42.3%
  • D

    Votes: 13 6.7%
  • F

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
Stabilized the program, became the face of the program, installed and instilled his system. Some of the pegs did not fit, others were jammed into place. And accountablity. He changed the culture. He battled injuries, personal problems, and finished with a win. He has a pretty good recruiting class, has closed the border and looks to finalize a couple JC players to round out his first true recruting class. To do all that in less than a year I give him a B. Beating Iowa how good is that, and maintaining our ownership of Illinois at the end of the season is priceless. Sure there were 9 loses, untold mistakes, penalties, and failings. But, we got better, and I am looking forward to 2012.

Given all of the hurdles he & his coaches had to clear this first year, a solid B+. Very impressed how they've managed to hold it together through Coach Kill's medical challenges. This staff has cohesion, folks. The program has lacked continuity and there is very real promise of same now.

Things certainly got better. We are CLEARLY better than Indiana, and in better shape than other rebuilding projects like Maryland, Kansas, and Colorado.

That said, as others have said, I can't give a B to a season that had a loss to New Mexico State. I'll excuse the loss to NDSU because while they are FCS, they were an exceptionally good FCS team playing in their Superbowl.

I also went with a C.

I was actually hoping that someone on the coaching staff would teach McKnight how to catch a football, but not even they could break his bad habits. His attempt at the TD toss in the south endzone was classic McKnight. Instead of having his palms out and fingers sticking UP in the air, his palms were up and his fingers horizontal. That's why he dropped so many passes. I never considered him a go to WR, so I think the Gophers will be fine next year no matter who plays that position.

Also...did you notice the players dancing around on the sidelines in between the 3rd and 4th quarters (yes, I know they've done this much of the year)? I true sign that the kids were having fun, and a coaching staff understanding the importance of this (as well as playing quality football). If you looked over at the Illinois sideline at that same moment, the kids just looked like they wanted to go home...no enthusiasm whatsoever. Don't underestimate the importance of this in building the program...it becomes/became contagious with the crowd as well.

I agree with your point and I like a staff that encourages players to be emotional. Just not sure I would use Illinois players as a measuring stick. They were getting beat by 20 points by a team they were supposed to be able to beat and were mired in a 5 game losing streak with a head coach that is probably going to get fired. Had they been dancing around we all would have ripped them for not caring.

First half of the season = F-. Kill got out-coached in every game (minus USC) and the team look as bad as any Gopher team in recent history (1-11 team was better).

Second half = B. Out hustled several teams which is what we needed to do to beat/stay with teams.

Final grade = Incomplete. Recruiting is part of the grade imo. I'd rather give a final grade after year three to tell you the truth. Things are looking a lot better than they were a month ago.

I went with C also. Agree with Studwell55 about NDSU and NMSU. Those losses drove some fans away

Stabilized the program, became the face of the program, installed and instilled his system. Some of the pegs did not fit, others were jammed into place. And accountablity. He changed the culture. He battled injuries, personal problems, and finished with a win. He has a pretty good recruiting class, has closed the border and looks to finalize a couple JC players to round out his first true recruting class. To do all that in less than a year I give him a B. Beating Iowa how good is that, and maintaining our ownership of Illinois at the end of the season is priceless. Sure there were 9 loses, untold mistakes, penalties, and failings. But, we got better, and I am looking forward to 2012.


I'll say C+/B-. We did some good things. We held USC to the their lowest score of the season. We gave up 19 points to an offense that averaged 36.6 PPG. We finished the season strong. A whole different team from the Michigan/Purdue debacles. If we would have at least been competitive in those games and not had the bad losses to NMST and NDSU, I would have maybe said B+/A-


1st half of the season was an F. 2nd half was a B, and I grade on a curve because we all knew this would take some time and I put more stock in how we're playing now compared to the 1st half of the season. Put like this, I'd rather take our 3 win season with the staff we have and how we've come along than a season like Illinois, where the wheels came off at the end.

5-6 wins should be the expectation for next year, 7 if we really make strides.

I gave him a much higher grade than the rest of you did but I didn't evaluate him on win/losses. I evaluated him on how well he did in changing the culture and implementing his vision. This is what he needed to do in year one and he accomplished this. I have to say I am surprised how many of you don't seem to recognize this. Very sad.

his vison may be starting to be implemented but in no way has the culture been changed in year 1. Kill himself has said it will take years to change the culture.

new mexico state F
North Dakota state F
Miami B-
Michigan F
Purdue F
Nebraska B
Wisconsin C+
northwestern B+
Michigan state A-
Iowa A
Illinois A


I give him a B for the inprovement made in the second half of the season. Next year will have to be a 6 win season minimum to merit a B. Like Coach Kill says, "he has much higher expectations for next year." So do I.

Until all games are treated to be tests, which was clearly not considered the case with the previous staff, which is a clear part of BS cultural changes that are being addressed by this staff, not every game carries the same wait in grading the coaching staff for this season. Which for this year is over. Recruiting will have to wait until year of grading. This team failed some games that should not have been difficult - roughly the value of a quiz. These seemed more attributable to intesity level of play than any other. These should be easy A's if played at "test" level, but plenty can go wrong if the game is played at or below the level of the competition.

I would have given a B- on the season which is over. But since that is not a B, I had give a C.

Recruiting can be graded after NSD. This Staff earned a chance to take a seasons worth of tests next year. There will be no quizes, only tests.

I gave him a much higher grade than the rest of you did but I didn't evaluate him on win/losses. I evaluated him on how well he did in changing the culture and implementing his vision. This is what he needed to do in year one and he accomplished this. I have to say I am surprised how many of you don't seem to recognize this. Very sad.


Of course wins/losses are important (BT wins are all that counts :) ). I looked at this year differently. Kill and Co. came in to change the culture and attitude of Minnesota football. I believe they did it, at least partially. Becoming bigger, stronger, and faster will come with time with coach Klein in the offseason. Understanding the playbook will come over time as well as we see more sets being installed. This year was about attitude. Look at the sideline between the 3rd and 4th quarters last night and try and tell me that Kill isn't doing his job.

Time passed is the only way to grade

Grading someone after one year is premature, although things are looking up. Things could really went south after Mich and Purdue, but he held them together.[/QUOTE

This is merely the first grade to be given. This season is over - a grade can be given on the games played.

Score the recruiting season separately, and carefully. Personally, I am far more resistant to grading recruiting.

I'm differentiating a bit. I give Kill a lot of VGs and Ss on the "plays well with others" and "is well groomed" side of the report card, but give him a C on the achievement side. He should have pared back the playbook going into the season instead of waiting until mid-season. I also didn't like the brief "woe is me" episode around the time of the Purdue and Michigan blow-outs. This team had a ton of holes, but there were some talented guys. I never buy "the cupboard is bare" argument.

I can't remember any Gopher team (saw my first game in 1951) improving like this. Looking back now I think Kill decided to completely break down everything in the program. He didn't want any carryover from Brewster. Then at the break he started to rebuild. You can see players making tremendous strides in confidence (especially Gray, Hageman, Royston, Henderson, Bak). because of this I gave him a B. The improvement in the O line was massive. The future OLs will be even better with no seniors playing there next year. The heart of any team is the OL. It allows you to run and keep your defense off the field. Ours will be solid for years to come. We have huge gaps at receiver and punter. Hopefully some jucos can fill those gaps.

new mexico state F
North Dakota state F
Miami B-
Michigan F
Purdue F
Nebraska B
Wisconsin C+
northwestern B+
Michigan state A-
Iowa A
Illinois A


I am in almost complete agreement with all of these. I would give New Mexico St. a lower grade if possible.

I jumped from a C to a solid B. I had low expectations, at was laughing at all the rubes who were saying 6-7 wins and a bowl berth.. with what Brew left us, the academic situation, talent and where to put them, I thought we would get 2 non-con wins and that's it. The start was a lot rougher than I thought, but what I looked for was season long improvement, and boy did I see it. These kids bought into Kill's system very nicely and in the progression of the season, they too progressed and got wins over Iowa and Illinois, impressive wins at that. I'm sold into this Man, I just hope he keeps getting these kids on the ball. I have faith.

As usual you think you understand what is going on but you don't have a clue why Jerry says those things.

You mean, I'm the 3rd economist in the following joke:

Three economists are out deer hunting and they see a buck just beyond their blind. The first economist takes a shot at the deer. The bullet misses about 20 feet in front of it. The second economist takes aim. He shoots and the shot goes flying past the deer 20 feet. Afterwards, the 3rd economist makes a short calculation and starts slapping his 2 colleagues on their backs, and shouts, "Great correction."

You mean, I'm the 3rd economist in the following joke:

Three economists are out deer hunting and they see a buck just beyond their blind. The first economist takes a shot at the deer. The bullet misses about 20 feet in front of it. The second economist takes aim. He shoots and the shot goes flying past the deer 20 feet. Afterwards, the 3rd economist makes a short calculation and starts slapping his 2 colleagues on their backs, and shouts, "Great correction."


It just seems really odd that someone who predicted 1 win would give him anything lower than a B. If a coach won 3 times as many games as I was expecting him to win, he would get a good grade from me.


1st half of the season was an F. 2nd half was a B, and I grade on a curve because we all knew this would take some time and I put more stock in how we're playing now compared to the 1st half of the season. Put like this, I'd rather take our 3 win season with the staff we have and how we've come along than a season like Illinois, where the wheels came off at the end.

5-6 wins should be the expectation for next year, 7 if we really make strides.


Gave a B due to the fact that the Gophs improved over the year, and soundly whipped the Illini. Coach Kill and his staff are "No BS" guys and have the program headed the right direction, though a long, long way to go. Go Gophers!



It just seems really odd that someone who predicted 1 win would give him anything lower than a B. If a coach won 3 times as many games as I was expecting him to win, he would get a good grade from me.

But Oneoldgopher must have have made a great correction because he only missed by 20 feet. If only the coaches were as smart as he is we would have won one game.

A good enough grade to "go after" reusse, barrerio (sp?), max, doogieman or ANY of the long-time sports media types and sports-media wanna-bs's who might "go after" Coach Kill.

Getting a 2nd Big Ten win in his first season, after beating iowa, was a VERY GOOD sign as far as I am concerned. Big Ten wins are precious.

Obviously, in his FIRST season, Coach Kill and his staff found a way for the Gophers to experience some success. This was a far cry from a winless Big Ten season that a first year coach subjected his team to back in 2007.

A note to the sports-media types: Coach Kill has 6 years left on his contract...at LEAST. I personally like Coach Kill a hell of a lot more than I like any of you over the hill, long-time sports media types and sports-media wanna-be's. I don't subscribe to any of your employers services. But, I am announcing that I WILL, most certainly be renewing my family's season tickets for the 2012 Football Season. Gopher Football will make progress in 2012. Winning Big Ten Football Games is a LOT tougher than writing your piddly little sports-media pieces. But, the value of each Big Ten win far surpasses the value of any of your piddly little sports-media pieces too.

The 2012 Football Season will continue to be a building season. There will be progress made. There will also be some frustrations for those fans who set their "expectations" too high. Moving up in the standings of this conference is something that needs to be "done on the football field..." and NOT just "talked about on the message boards..." And EVERY team in the conference is hell-bent on improving over their 2011 Conference Finish...or...at least duplicating their finish IF they did well in 2011.

So, while I do expect the Gophers to have a better 2012 Big Ten Season than they had in 2011, I FULLY expect some on this board to be at times frustrated or disappointed because their totally unrealistic "EXPECTATIONS..." are not fully met. And, the sports-media types will attempt to maximize any perceived or manufactured disappointments there may be...OR...appear to be. But, it certainly will be fun providing contrast to any "mobbing or bashing" activities of those who would take a totally negative approach... ; 0 )

It is ALWAYS fun, and good to "...fight on!" where ever and when ever the contrast is NEEDED...

Perhaps the MOST important thing that will happen during the next 12 months will be mandated assignment of the athletic director postion to a NEW, Football Guy to replace the lame-duck ad. You sports-media people should focus on the athletic director position at the University of Minnesota. THAT will be the big story this off season in the University of Minnesota Athletic Department. That's the deal reusse, et al...

And HEY: "how 'bout them vikes?????????"sports media people?

; 0 )

C+ based on the improvement through the season and the off the field intangibles, that do a lot to build the program the other 353 days a year and into in the future. If his record was better i.e. 5 wins=B, 6 wins=B+, 7 wins=A.

John Galt said:

1st half of the season was an F. 2nd half was a B, and I grade on a curve because we all knew this would take some time and I put more stock in how we're playing now compared to the 1st half of the season. Put like this, I'd rather take our 3 win season with the staff we have and how we've come along than a season like Illinois, where the wheels came off at the end.

5-6 wins should be the expectation for next year, 7 if we really make strides.

Well put!!

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