What do you hope to hear from Fleck during his press conference?

I hope we can win the press conference.

(being sort of serious. the program needs some good news)

A string of profanity aimed at Wisconsin.

But seriously, I want to hear why this job. Why Minnesota? What's his pitch about this job and this University and this situation? And, what are his short- and long-term goals?


"F*** the Badgers would be a good start"

"Harbaugh I'm coming for you" would be a nice middle

"I'm gonna make Urban retire again" would be a nice closer

I hope we can win the press conference.

(being sort of serious. the program needs some good news)

I have very little doubt he'll win the press conference. I am a bit skeptical of him (still excited about the hire), but he will win this part of it.

The state is going to love him until at least September.

I have very little doubt he'll win the press conference. I am a bit skeptical of him (still excited about the hire), but he will win this part of it.

The state is going to love him until at least September.

Until he gets a rodent beat down in Corvallis LOL.

Hope to hear just the usual stuff. Nothing too goofy. Will be scoping out who he is with and how they are acting, etc. Going to be an interesting era. (Want that West Title. Soon)

'I'm officially announcing my resignation as the head coach at the University of Minnesota'

I want Coach Fleck to greet everyone and say thank you for this opportunity. I then want him to say I am being paid $3.5 million per season to change a culture and win football games. I am going to do my best to do that. The only way to improve and make this program one of the best in the Big Ten is hard work and because I need to hire a coaching staff and complete a Big Ten quality recruiting class that can help us win I have no more time for this. I will take all your questions in February sometime after National Signing day and before spring practice. As for now you must all understand I have a busy 6 weeks ahead. So thank you to the University of Minnesota for this great opportunity but I have work to do. Have a great day. Ski U Mah!!!!! For dramatic effect he can drop the mic and walk out if he wants.

"We are taking Gopher Nation back to Pasadena"

"Stroke the Post, Let's GO!!!"

"I knew this was the place I wanted to be when during negotiations I told Kaler and Coyle I would take this job if they resigned."
Don't want to hear all that Brewster type BS

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I want Coach Fleck to greet everyone and say thank you for this opportunity. I then want him to say I am being paid $3.5 million per season to change a culture and win football games. I am going to do my best to do that. The only way to improve and make this program one of the best in the Big Ten is hard work and because I need to hire a coaching staff and complete a Big Ten quality recruiting class that can help us win I have no more time for this. I will take all your questions in February sometime after National Signing day and before spring practice. As for now you must all understand I have a busy 6 weeks ahead. So thank you to the University of Minnesota for this great opportunity but I have work to do. Have a great day. Ski U Mah!!!!! For dramatic effect he can drop the mic and walk out if he wants.

I really hope he doesn't insinuate we didn't recruit well enough to win in the Big 10. We can rip Claeys (I ripped on his game management a lot), but we had enough talent to win every single game on our schedule. I don't think we lost any of those 4 games because of a lack of talent.

I know Fleck will talk about recruiting and he should. However, any insinuation that we aren't talented enough will worry me. It will kind of show that NSD is more important that the amount of talent coming into the University.

I like to hear him support the players on their boycott for due process
Seriously? Want to hear that we are going to do things the right way on the field (fewer targeting calls) and off (No more trains on cheeeleaders). We are going to be the good guys and beat Wisconsin.

Before the garden grows he needs to address all the weeds. ( Suspensions, transfers, apathy,etc.) I want him to come out determined to put the past behind and ask for support on the future. What tone he uses is OK by me , it's the delivery that is important.

Sorry, can you explain? We've generally not paid our coaches well compared to others in the conference (almost never in recent memory have we been top half). Is that what you're alluding to?

Yes..we have paid coaches in the bottom half of the Big10 for years. We still achieve average results with a few up years here and there. My point we are now paying a coach a 3.5MM salary, which is middle of the pack but for historical purposes here in MN it's a new bar. My point..if in 3 years we are the same team as we were or sinking, we will look like idiots for firing Claeys and his staff for what we were paying and the value we were getting out of them.

It's one thing to pay a coach 3.5MM and fire him and bring in a new guy and pay 3.5MM. But we actually went up $2MM to get Fleck.

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I want to hear that immediately upon the conclusion of the press conference, that he is going to meet with and start getting to know his team.

I'd like to hear him say:

1) What makes Minnesota such a great opportunity (stadium, facilities, 50k+ students,)
2) That his first priority is getting to know the players and starting the healing process
3) That he will be working to assemble a great team
4) That he seems somehow both humbled at the opoortunity and extremely confident that he's up to the challenge.

I'd like to hear him say:

1) What makes Minnesota such a great opportunity (stadium, facilities, 50k+ students,)
2) That his first priority is getting to know the players and starting the healing process
3) That he will be working to assemble a great team
4) That he seems somehow both humbled at the opoortunity and extremely confident that he's up to the challenge.

You want him to lie.
The great opportunity in MN had to do with the number 21

Seriously? Want to hear that we are going to do things the right way on the field (fewer targeting calls) and off (No more trains on cheeeleaders). We are going to be the good guys and beat Wisconsin.

Um ... disagree. He obviously is being brought in to do things the right way but it would be stupid to dump on these guys publicly and point out things done wrong in the past. He's got to win this team back. If you read Elmore's interview, they are pissed. Not saying they're totally wrong in being so, but the healing has got to start, and it's got to start with the leaders.

I'll be just as interested in hearing what Coyle has to say. Will he emphasize changing the culture or will he go with we have many fine young men on the team route. Hopefully, he doesn't take any shots at Claeys. Also, this is going to cause an outcry when people hear the cost. Can he convey the idea that all this money spent on coaches is cost effective if you plan on being a member of a major conference?

"I got an iron clad contract so I don't get fired based upon emails and recruiting agencies opinion.

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