When do you we'll find out? After the big ten championship?
So they ripped down the older parts in the lower deck and put in some chair back seats, this is cosmetic stuff. The Citrus bowl is still in a really crappy part of Orlando, lot's of strip clubs near by, bad freeway access, frickin Florida tolls that are too expensive and numerous,The Citrus Bowl has been rebuilt into a brand new Stadium.
The Citrus bowl is still in a really crappy part of Orlando, <b>lot's of strip clubs near by</b>, bad freeway access, frickin Florida tolls that are too expensive and numerous
I'm hoping this is a little tongue and cheek.I'm changing my vote to the Citrus Bowl!
I'm hoping this is a little tongue and cheek.
They have plenty of those in San Diego too, a lot nicer clubs too if that is your thing, not the skanky, sleezy kind you will find in Orlando and the neighborhood of the Citrus bowl. It's my honest opinion that because of location the Citrus bowl will be a real hassle for most Gopher fans.
Have been to both places as recent as February of 2014, there is no comparison Cost wise Citrus bowl will be a reach for many fans because of being on January 1 and airline flights. Golfing options are equal in both places although Florida would be cheaper if that is what you are looking for.
I want as many people and Gophers fans that can afford to go or that will be able to buy tickets(locals) to be there, and yes I would like to have the cheaper options. Even a remodled Citrus bowl is not a great place, if were in Florida we better hope for the Outback bowl.
I'm hoping this is a little tongue and cheek.
They have plenty of those in San Diego too, a lot nicer clubs too if that is your thing, <b>not the skanky, sleezy kind you will find in Orlando and the neighborhood of the Citrus bowl</b>.
So they ripped down the older parts in the lower deck and put in some chair back seats, this is cosmetic stuff. The Citrus bowl is still in a really crappy part of Orlando, lot's of strip clubs near by, bad freeway access, frickin Florida tolls that are too expensive and numerous,
the upper deck is still creeky old benches with steep deck and narrow seating (lucky if you get room for 1 cheek not two),
and the parking situation at the Citrus bowl is a clusterbleep(think big traffic jams) to get to the stadium and takes well more than an hour to get in to park, and hour and half to get out of the parking lot after a game with little in the way of cops directing traffic. I know our fan base everyone likes to show up late to games just like they do all other events back here in Minnesota, everyone squeezing in every possible tailgaiting moment, there will be lot's of whining that they missed kickoff if they show up a half hour before the game at the Citrus Bowl, that is just a personal note and for security reasons, I want a place with a better police pressence.
Tie that in to steep hotel and flight arrangments to Florida being extremely expensive, and those wishing for the Citrus bowl that want to go to the bowl game are kidding themselves. Outback bowl would be much better for us if we were going to go to Florida better Stadium, better parking, all of it and the area feels much safer. The Citrus bowl like I said the stadium experience blows and the parking on grass and dirt lots is lousy with few people dircting the parking because it is not a year round has a lot of events stadium.
In Tampa there is more access to time shares, condos and beach front than anything you will find reasonable in Orlando, in Tampa and St Petersburgh there will be a lot more places to stay available and you would not have to compete with the first of the year Disney crappola. Tampa St Pete seems like paradise compared to most of Orlando.
Without Disney World and Disney parks, Orlando metro as a whole would be big pile of yuck, even the Suburbs there are quite dumpy. Disney rips you off for a lot of stuff there park prices are way too expensive and the food is worse.
Would rather play the third or fourth team not the number two team from SEC and get whacked.
Seems like those that want the Citrus bowl want it for ease of acces of watching the game on TV from there own couch, and the prestige of playing a name SEC opponent.
We need to travel well this year to improve our fanbase reputation this year and sell tickets. San Diego has beggers and homeless people too but they do not hound you for money like they do in Orlando, especially those carrying brown bags with bottles.
Those that want the Citrus bowl will likely mostly be staying at home and watching it on TV so they want the January 1 bowl at noon sitting on there own coach with friends hosting a party. To me there is more Alumni and Minnesota transplants that are more likely to buy tickets in San Diego so our fan pressence will be larger.
IF your talking about cost of flights and hotels and things to do it is my opinion that San Diego will offer much more to Gopher fans, plus if you need an alternative you can fly in to LA and still drive down (will take 3 1/2 to 4 hours to drive from LA to San Diego but flights are usually less money.
USC that would not be a bad opponent nor would UCLA if ASU has to go elsewhere. Would much rather have an opponent where we have a chance to win and the crowd experience even if it is a dumpy stadium, yes the stadium Qualcomm is a dump with no suite or club seating also, but there is mass transit to the San Diego stadium, Qualcomm, and the concession are way better, the views in the stadium are better even from the upper deck seats, it is a Saturday 12/27 night but it will still be warm, they are having really warm fall and early winter so far so the temperature at the ocean should be good.
For me I already know there is easier Freeway access, from Airport, hotels, to stadium area all of it in San Diego, the beach towns have more access and are free with more numerous areas and less crowded this time of year, and more room overall to sit in the stadium. You do not get raked for Steep parking and the concession at the Chargers Qualcomm like the Citrus bowl. From personal experience there is a lot not to like about the Citrus bowl that is for sure, Orlando sucks unless you really want the Disney experience and all of that week long stuff of dishing out all of your vacation savings. IF you go to California you can make it a four or five day weekened, fly out Friday 12/26/14, come back 12/29 or 12/30 and you are back Monday afternoon or Tuesday afternoon and your not getting hit with the Christmas or New Years pinch or shakedown as much. Like I said, La Jolla shores, Cornado the beach and the Island is always sunny, Mission beach has a lot of cool places to eat.
Being able to take the train to Qualcomm is a big plus from your hotel, and to avoid parking and freeway traffic becuase of it is a big plus especially if your a Gopher fan and want to have a good time without worrying about DD or high cab fair. Another thing that sucks about both Citrus Bowl and Qualcomm is neither place has much in the way of local good restaurants nearby, so if your planning on not tailgating and need to have a meal before hand plan ahead. Minnesotans are frugal, yes we will splurge on this because it was a good year but for me to get the best bang for our buck we are better off being in California this year than Florida, just my five cents. IF you want fans to have a good first time impression of a bowl game to me the Holiday bowl is going to be the way to go.
I would love for this to be the case.
Gophers will be 4th B1G team to be placed. There is a pecking order for these bowls:
1. Playoffs (can't/won't happen)
2. NY6 bowls (can't/won't happen)
3. Citrus
4. Outback
5. Holiday
If 3 B1G teams go to NY6 games, gophers get Citrus
If 2 B1G teams get NY6, or Orange Bowl takes a team from our conference, Gophers get Outback Bowl
Holiday Bowl is nice but because it isn't played Jan 1 there is a level of disappointment in going to that one.
Bring on the Citrus, bring on the SEC!
I only see Citrus or Outback as being likely.
If it's the Holiday Bowl, the opponent would probably be USC, who has never appeared in the game. Arizona State was there last year.
Holiday Bowl is nice but because it isn't played Jan 1 there is a level of disappointment in going to that one.
So they ripped down the older parts in the lower deck and put in some chair back seats, this is cosmetic stuff. The Citrus bowl is still in a really crappy part of Orlando, lot's of strip clubs near by, bad freeway access, frickin Florida tolls that are too expensive and numerous,
the upper deck is still creeky old benches with steep deck and narrow seating (lucky if you get room for 1 cheek not two),
and the parking situation at the Citrus bowl is a clusterbleep(think big traffic jams) to get to the stadium and takes well more than an hour to get in to park, and hour and half to get out of the parking lot after a game with little in the way of cops directing traffic. I know our fan base everyone likes to show up late to games just like they do all other events back here in Minnesota, everyone squeezing in every possible tailgaiting moment, there will be lot's of whining that they missed kickoff if they show up a half hour before the game at the Citrus Bowl, that is just a personal note and for security reasons, I want a place with a better police pressence.
Tie that in to steep hotel and flight arrangments to Florida being extremely expensive, and those wishing for the Citrus bowl that want to go to the bowl game are kidding themselves. Outback bowl would be much better for us if we were going to go to Florida better Stadium, better parking, all of it and the area feels much safer. The Citrus bowl like I said the stadium experience blows and the parking on grass and dirt lots is lousy with few people dircting the parking because it is not a year round has a lot of events stadium.
In Tampa there is more access to time shares, condos and beach front than anything you will find reasonable in Orlando, in Tampa and St Petersburgh there will be a lot more places to stay available and you would not have to compete with the first of the year Disney crappola. Tampa St Pete seems like paradise compared to most of Orlando.
Without Disney World and Disney parks, Orlando metro as a whole would be big pile of yuck, even the Suburbs there are quite dumpy. Disney rips you off for a lot of stuff there park prices are way too expensive and the food is worse.
Would rather play the third or fourth team not the number two team from SEC and get whacked.
Seems like those that want the Citrus bowl want it for ease of acces of watching the game on TV from there own couch, and the prestige of playing a name SEC opponent.
We need to travel well this year to improve our fanbase reputation this year and sell tickets. San Diego has beggers and homeless people too but they do not hound you for money like they do in Orlando, especially those carrying brown bags with bottles.
Those that want the Citrus bowl will likely mostly be staying at home and watching it on TV so they want the January 1 bowl at noon sitting on there own coach with friends hosting a party. To me there is more Alumni and Minnesota transplants that are more likely to buy tickets in San Diego so our fan pressence will be larger.
IF your talking about cost of flights and hotels and things to do it is my opinion that San Diego will offer much more to Gopher fans, plus if you need an alternative you can fly in to LA and still drive down (will take 3 1/2 to 4 hours to drive from LA to San Diego but flights are usually less money.
USC that would not be a bad opponent nor would UCLA if ASU has to go elsewhere. Would much rather have an opponent where we have a chance to win and the crowd experience even if it is a dumpy stadium, yes the stadium Qualcomm is a dump with no suite or club seating also, but there is mass transit to the San Diego stadium, Qualcomm, and the concession are way better, the views in the stadium are better even from the upper deck seats, it is a Saturday 12/27 night but it will still be warm, they are having really warm fall and early winter so far so the temperature at the ocean should be good.
For me I already know there is easier Freeway access, from Airport, hotels, to stadium area all of it in San Diego, the beach towns have more access and are free with more numerous areas and less crowded this time of year, and more room overall to sit in the stadium. You do not get raked for Steep parking and the concession at the Chargers Qualcomm like the Citrus bowl. From personal experience there is a lot not to like about the Citrus bowl that is for sure, Orlando sucks unless you really want the Disney experience and all of that week long stuff of dishing out all of your vacation savings. IF you go to California you can make it a four or five day weekened, fly out Friday 12/26/14, come back 12/29 or 12/30 and you are back Monday afternoon or Tuesday afternoon and your not getting hit with the Christmas or New Years pinch or shakedown as much. Like I said, La Jolla shores, Cornado the beach and the Island is always sunny, Mission beach has a lot of cool places to eat.
Being able to take the train to Qualcomm is a big plus from your hotel, and to avoid parking and freeway traffic becuase of it is a big plus especially if your a Gopher fan and want to have a good time without worrying about DD or high cab fair. Another thing that sucks about both Citrus Bowl and Qualcomm is neither place has much in the way of local good restaurants nearby, so if your planning on not tailgating and need to have a meal before hand plan ahead. Minnesotans are frugal, yes we will splurge on this because it was a good year but for me to get the best bang for our buck we are better off being in California this year than Florida, just my five cents. IF you want fans to have a good first time impression of a bowl game to me the Holiday bowl is going to be the way to go.
My deepest fear is that somehow we will drop to the Foster Farms Bowl
Only people who are mentally stuck in the past with a maudlin sense of nostalgia would be disappointed. There's nothing all that special about New Year's Day games anymore. The Holiday Bowl is on December 27th (a Saturday night) and will be on at every sports bar around the country as the only game in that time slot. Meanwhile, the Citrus, Outback, and Cotton are all on at the same time on New Year's afternoon.
Only people who are mentally stuck in the past with a maudlin sense of nostalgia would be disappointed. There's nothing all that special about New Year's Day games anymore. The Holiday Bowl is on December 27th (a Saturday night) and will be on at every sports bar around the country as the only game in that time slot. Meanwhile, the Citrus, Outback, and Cotton are all on at the same time on New Year's afternoon.
Only people who are mentally stuck in the past with a maudlin sense of nostalgia would be disappointed. There's nothing all that special about New Year's Day games anymore. The Holiday Bowl is on December 27th (a Saturday night) and will be on at every sports bar around the country as the only game in that time slot. Meanwhile, the Citrus, Outback, and Cotton are all on at the same time on New Year's afternoon.
The what now? If they drop that far, I will not be watching a Gopher Bowl game for the 1st time ever.
Well, it has been stated that the Big Ten prefers to avoid repeat appearances but what makes you think the Pac 12 has the same policy? AZ St. finished with the same conference record, beat USC on the road, and has a better overall record. Az St. is rated #13 and USC is unrated