What are your favorite music videos of all-time?

Not a giant fan of XTC but this song is absolutely perfect Beatle Pop and I love the homage to The Avengers.
It IS a dang perfect song. I could listen to it over and over.

Well, I am going to go local. Dino's Ballroom in Avon, Press Bar in St. Cloud, Mirage at 26th and 26th.

An old song but a recently discovered original video because it got pushed to me on my YouTube algorithm.

Pete Townsend has covered it with renown. That connection is probably why Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder often tag it with Better Man in live shows. Sometimes it's just a verse or two, but it can also be the whole thing. I used to think it was their own stylized version of it, but after seeing this, I realize it's a pretty straight forward cover (without the horns).

The English Beat / Save It for Later
I see your English Beat, and I raise you a General Public.


OK, one more. Perhaps the greatest piece of film ever filmed.


Lots of Friday Night Videos staples have been thrown into the mix recently.

This Vaughan Brothers track from Family Style seems appropriate given current events.

Tick Tock

Released posthumously for Stevie Ray, it served as a powerful tribute.

I think if I were forced to choose between these options...

- All day hangover
- Watching this video multiple times

...I would opt for hangover.

The original is iconic. Weezer’s version is pretty good too.


The visuals of this video are so intoxicating that it took me a while to realize that the song is an absolute banger.

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Never liked Jack White, I think he’s an overly arrogant, pompous asshat, and I think his sister Meg got way too much credit for being a good drummer, when she’s average, at best.

But I can’t deny that this video was mind expanding. When it first came out.

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Never liked Jack White, I think he’s an overly arrogant, pompous asshat, and I think his sister Meg got way too much credit for being a good drummer, when she’s average, at best.

I'm not really a Jack White fan, never purchased any of his music, but he hasn't appeared arrogant when I have seen him interviewed. He's pretty good in the SNL/50 Years of Music Documentary that Questlove directed airing tonight.

He must not take himself too seriously having appeared in Portlandia & The Dewey Cox story.

I caught a show (Bob Mould) at his club/studio in Nashville this fall. Best sounding room ever.

The Stones' videos from Tattoo You are beautiful in their simplicity.


I HAVE been known to watch this one over and over. I'm not capable of hearing this song without getting the chills. It's perfect. One of the bittersweet appeals of the video is casting eyes on Farndon and Honeyman-Scott, who were not long for this world at that moment.


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