Wetmore: Ousted Gophers coach Claeys didn’t like the way Mark Coyle handled firing

(b) it bothers him that there has been little or no acknowledgement of how hard they worked, and how much progress was made across the board, in the Kill/Claeys era.

That, I have to admit, is well-played. But in seriousness, you can't entirely expect the guy to sit mute when they start questioning what he did over the last five years.

If it took that long for the leaders to figure it out they are piss poor leaders. As they demonstrated.

Been saying this in posts since the decision came down. Took a while, but seems most are now starting to get it. Watch the BoR...it will wait until the appeals are heard and a decision is made. Even with the hire of PJ, it sucks to be Coyle and Kaler.

Exactly, he didn't have to say anything except we are going in a different direction. Period end of story...

Let the board members leak out the reasoning if they want.

The funny thing is PJ fleck is from the poison culture tree of Jerry Kill, which is basically what Coyle said.

Big surprise Kill and Claeys are both pissed.
Coyle would've been criticized regardless of what he said or didn't say. Claeys agreed to the suspensions when asked by Coyle and Kaler. He had a chance to disagree there or explain to his team why he went along with the decision. It appears he did neither. He tried to have it both ways, go along with the bosses and support the players. Not a smart move.
Claeys made his mess, acknowledged it might get him fired, but did it anyway in a really haphazard way.
Also, PJ Fleck may have coached on Kill's staff for a short time at NIU, but he was not a part the staff that Kill started with and developed over the many years like some of the others. I've heard from a reliable source that Fleck was not liked by the Kill core staff while at NIU, and looking at the style differences, it's not hard to imagine that's true. I bet Claeys likes him even less now.

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