No hero worship. I am just stating the facts. Mason managed to get more done, especially with his part in obtaining the stadium than any coach since Cal Stoll. He started bringing the program up from rock bottom from the last years of Gutey and Wacker. When hoax bolted for South Bend, a daggar pierced the very heart and soul of the Gopher Football Program. hoax also gave the "thumbs up" to playing in the damn dome before he left in the middle of the night. In the wake of hoax, not only were the hoax bandwagon fans gone and no longer buying tickets, but the NCAA also brought in penalties and sanctions directly related to the hoax years and the hoax "style" of running a football program. By the time Gutey was fired, watching hisweekly coach show was downright depressing. I was a huge fan of Wacker as a human being, but the plight of the program was almost beyond salvage when Mason got the call. With all of the coaches that followed Stoll, until Mason, there was no real upward direction for the program. There was no real identity established. But, Mason changed that. The running game became the trademark of Minnesota Golden Gopher Football. All across the nation Mason's runners were being talked about.
Mason gave the program some identy. There were suddenly All-American and All-Big Ten players wearing the Maroon & Gold. There were bowl games. There were some Big Ten wins. The Gophers hadn't beaten MSU in something like 17 or 18 straight meetings. Mason got that monkey off the program's back. There were the wins against PSU. Eventually there were more big wins. There were some heartbreaking losses too. Such is life in the Big Ten. But, any way you cut it...there would have been NO mention of an on campus stadium. There would have been continued absence from any kind of bowl game situations. There would have been no games and wins against teams like Arkansas, Oregon, Alabama.
That win against MSU for the first time in 18 meetings was truely remarkable though. I'll NEVER forget that win. Sparty had a bigger hold on the modern era Gopher Football Program than Michigan had. Mason put an end to that. And, until that win at PSU, usually only miracles happened against the Gophers.
Mason was the best since Stoll. Now I hope that Kill becomes not only the best since Mason, but also the best since Stoll. I hope he will turn out all kinds of All-Big Ten players and some All-American players. I want Kill to establish a "Golden Gopher" identity for this program that is known all across the Big Ten and the nation.
And, whenever the people who would bash Mason feel a need to act out, the other side of the picture must be presented. It will be presented. That is a very good thing!
; 0 )