Welch and Chip

Bleed- Do you see a little Mel Newbern in Chip? Offensively I see it, though Newbern had a better handle even as a soph. Now if Chip could become the defender Newbern did (king of the steal) he could be a terrific player even as a sixth man type.

Townsend Orr, right down to the ability to only finish with one hand.

I watched the game tonight on the DVR (was able to avoid the result) and came away impressed with what I saw from Chip and Julian. It's not that they just played good today, but both did good things yesterday too. That gives me more confidence that it's not a mirage and that both of these guys can help us this year. The underrated aspect of Julian's performance was his defense- Andre Hollins had a terrible time trying to defend Odom today and Julian was a significant upgrade while he was in the game. I think the energy that both these guys bring (especially Chip) is a huge key to our team.

I'd also like to point out that Oto's outside shooting and a couple of nice inside baskets from Elliott were also good to see today. We will see if these guys can play inside against Big 10 competition, but both have had some nice moments recently.

I'd also compare Chip's mentality to Westbrook's. They both seemed absolutely fearless when it came to shooting and taking it to the hole. Sometimes that can get you in trouble but we don't have a lot of players with that mentality so it's helpful when our offense goes stale.

I've been scared to say his name, but there IS some Lawrence Westbrook in Chip (in a negative, jack-one-up, gunner kind of way). Chip can be better though, in a team sense because his skill set is more diverse & he's a much better athlete. They're similar in their mentality though. In that if everyone stands around, waiting for someone to do something, Chip (like LW) will take the initiative & jack one up or take it to the hole...for better or for worse. Also, if someone starts getting rough, Chip will get into it with them. Who else on our roster will? The problem is LW came to see jacking up shots as his right, rather than his role. Chip is taller, plays a different game, is more of a slasher than a shooter and IF his intensity can be harnessed into defense & a jump shot taught, he could be a very good player. I hope to see him as an energetic, fan favorite, 6th man as an upper-classman...our poor mans's version of Ron Artest maybe?

Really like what we're seeing from Welch. He could turn out to be a really nice addition. By the time BT play starts, he could be playing like a veteran.

Not a real big fan of Chip's game, I hate to say it. Yes, I like the energy and athleticism, but his game doesn't really seem to fit with what the Gophers and Tubby want to do. I hope he proves me wrong and plays meaningful minutes, like he did today.

As Hodger said, nice to see some good minutes from EE as well.

I'm not sure why so many are down on the last two games. Besides the fact that DePaul will likely be better than people think and that SOME actually said Indiana State was the best team in this tournament going in, there are a few other factors at play here.

For Welch (not counting UC-Davis play), EE, Coleman, Oto, Andre Hollins, and Andre Ingram, these last two games were the first minutes they've played in a meaningful game away from The Barn.

Minor side note: Also LOVED the fact that Welch and Andre Hollins combined to go 8-for-8 from the FT line. Definitely not something to overlook as they'll be counted on from the line down the stretch more than a few times this year. Already feel more comfortable with them at the line than I ever did with Nolen.

I think this is the most talented team the Gophers have had in a while. I'm optimistic because for the most part, the mistakes that are being made are ones that are easily fixable. The only thing that alarms me going forward is the continued problems defending the arc, which I don't see going away simply because Tubby's Gopher teams have never been effective doing that. Any team that actually shoots it well for BOTH halves from the arc could bury the Gophers.

Nice to be 6-0!!!

So a 10 minute stretch of good basketball against Indiana St is enough to dismiss the previous four years under Tubby?


The previous 4 years under Tubby weren't a train wreck...not sure why you trolls are acting like it has been crap under Tubby since he got here. Tubby took a 9 win team to 20 and a NIT bid in year 1 and then that same team to the NCAA the following year...last year we were ranked in the top 20 and poised for a nice run and Devoe quit and Nolan got hurt and we fell apart. In 30 years of coaching, that has NEVER happened under Tubby. Of course we later found out he was going through CANCER treatment while all this was going on. We start this year 6-0 with very young guards, a bunch of new faces and one beast inside...so while I am not going to say we should praise all things Tubby, I will state that it aint so bad and except for the last 11 games of last year, hasn't been so bad...and we are one player a couple of breaks from being very good...lets hope we get those this year.

The previous 4 years under Tubby weren't a train wreck...not sure why you trolls are acting like it has been crap under Tubby since he got here. Tubby took a 9 win team to 20 and a NIT bid in year 1 and then that same team to the NCAA the following year...last year we were ranked in the top 20 and poised for a nice run and Devoe quit and Nolan got hurt and we fell apart. In 30 years of coaching, that has NEVER happened under Tubby. Of course we later found out he was going through CANCER treatment while all this was going on. We start this year 6-0 with very young guards, a bunch of new faces and one beast inside...so while I am not going to say we should praise all things Tubby, I will state that it aint so bad and except for the last 11 games of last year, hasn't been so bad...and we are one player a couple of breaks from being very good...lets hope we get those this year.


Chip is finishing the games!

It should not be lost on all of the Chip bashers that Chip has played in both of the last two game during the most critical time. The end of the game. Yes he definitely has a unique style of play but that is why he seems to be more difficult to defend. I agree with a previous poster that he is the one guy who doesn't just stand around on offense.

Obviously Tubby has recognized his value or he wouldn't be playing the ends of these close games. The good news is not only is he playing during crunch time, but making a difference. Three games ago he barely played. It's great to see that Tubby has recognized that both Chip and Welch should be the first two guards off the bench.

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