We are INFESTED....must exterminate

Any way you cut it, the success you have seen at Wisconsin falls on one person feet and that is Pat Richter. He is incredibly classy and respectful. People can sit there and claim Barry; but Pat turned that entire athletic department around from a money sucker to a strong revenue generator. Barry has a large number of critics for many reasons, but nobody ever says a bad word about Pat.

To me, it was the triumvirate of Richter, Shalala, and Alvarez. It is too easy to ignore Shalala, but if the university administration doesn't think athletics is important, it doesn't get the support it deserves (monetarily and otherwise). It is very easy for the academic types to say "athletics doesn't matter" while ignoring that athletic success brings in admissions and corporate support. Donna got that and supported Richter and Alvarez when the academic mafia got their dander up. Her role, in my opinion, is too often overlooked and other universities need to consider administrative support as a necessar part of athletic support.

We've many folks at work who hailed from surrounding states, so we put up with all the football/basketball antics especially from Badger/Packer fans. But, it is all in fun and zest. It makes good coffee station conversations on Monday mornings.

We live in a great metropolitan area, and we are one of the great regional centers that attract folks from surrounding states for jobs and quality of life. Once they live here, they become gentrified tax paying Minnesotans.

I never felt threatened by rowdy younger Badger fans. The Iowa fans are a little more vitriol. Rivalry adds color and makes drinking a tankard of beer among friends of different school colors more enjoyable. This season is the most fun I have ever had heaping crap the other way instead of being on the receiving end all the time.

Let then come and fill up our restaurants and bars. Keep ringing those cash registers up!

Go Gophers!

We've many folks at work who hailed from surrounding states, so we put up with all the football/basketball antics especially from Badger/Packer fans. But, it is all in fun and zest. It makes good coffee station conversations on Monday mornings.

We live in a great metropolitan area, and we are one of the great regional centers that attract folks from surrounding states for jobs and quality of life. Once they live here, they become gentrified tax paying Minnesotans.

I never felt threatened by rowdy younger Badger fans. The Iowa fans are a little more vitriol. Rivalry adds color and makes drinking a tankard of beer among friends of different school colors more enjoyable. This season is the most fun I have ever had heaping crap the other way instead of being on the receiving end all the time.

Let then come and fill up our restaurants and bars. Keep ringing those cash registers up!

Go Gophers!

Agreed. I've always felt I have had a little more in common with people from Wisconsin than Iowa. People from Wisconsin still seem to be from the upper-Midwest, while the trolls from Iowa might as well be from the deep-South.

I went to St. Cloud State from 1991-1996. My first few years I can't recall seeing any Badger or Packer gear anywhere. About 1994-1995 Packer and Badger fans were dense, seemingly falling out of the woodwork. A lot of WI residents hit up our other state colleges too. I recall going to a party for the PPV Tyson/Irish fat guy Peter McNeely fight (I'm going to wrap him in my cocoon of horror), and listening to the dolts go on and on about Badger and Packer football. They apparently weren't that smart, as they passed around the hat for "donations" to cover the PPV cost AFTER Tyson knocked him out (1st or second Rd.).

Pretty bold for someone that went to St. Cloud State University for 5 years to be making fun of other people's intelligence.

We've many folks at work who hailed from surrounding states, so we put up with all the football/basketball antics especially from Badger/Packer fans. But, it is all in fun and zest. It makes good coffee station conversations on Monday mornings.

We live in a great metropolitan area, and we are one of the great regional centers that attract folks from surrounding states for jobs and quality of life. Once they live here, they become gentrified tax paying Minnesotans.

I never felt threatened by rowdy younger Badger fans. The Iowa fans are a little more vitriol. Rivalry adds color and makes drinking a tankard of beer among friends of different school colors more enjoyable. This season is the most fun I have ever had heaping crap the other way instead of being on the receiving end all the time.

Let then come and fill up our restaurants and bars. Keep ringing those cash registers up!

Go Gophers!

+1 one everything you said. I'm having so much fun talking football with my friends throughout the B1G. For this year, at least, we're relevant and my friends from Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Northwestern are including us in their day-to-day conversations about the season. We give each other **** but it never goes beyond that. People are free to cheer for whoever they want to and for people to get their panties in a wad about them living here is absolutely pathetic.

To me, it was the triumvirate of Richter, Shalala, and Alvarez. It is too easy to ignore Shalala, but if the university administration doesn't think athletics is important, it doesn't get the support it deserves (monetarily and otherwise). It is very easy for the academic types to say "athletics doesn't matter" while ignoring that athletic success brings in admissions and corporate support. Donna got that and supported Richter and Alvarez when the academic mafia got their dander up. Her role, in my opinion, is too often overlooked and other universities need to consider administrative support as a necessar part of athletic support.

As someone born and raised in Madison (although I am 100% Gopher) this is absolutely the case. It was all 3. I am in my early 30's so I have some early memories of bad Badger football. Ask any rational older Wisconsin fan next weekend and they will tell you. It takes a great coach to build a program, but that coach needs support from an administration that understands what winning athletics does to the university as a whole.

This thread is the epitome of true meaning of "Minnesota Nice". Seriously, everyone, respect your rivals and they'll respect you. Every Hawkeye, Packers, Sioux fan contributes to the MN economy either by their tourism dollars or their income/property/sales tax dollars, which makes this state run and be the great state that it is.

I grew up in Green Bay and have been a die hard Gophers/Packers/Brewers Fan since my Freshman year of college at the U (and I did get into UW by the way, I chose to go to the U of M) and a S Mpls resident for the past 10 years so I see this from all angles. Stop assumimg that the 1-2% of idiot fans you see from these places are representative of the entire population. If every import fan made that same assumption, then all Minnesota sports fans would be arrogant pricks, which I KNOW is not the case....it's just the ones that spit in my face for even showing up at the Dome on Sundays when the Packers are here.

As Denny Green would want, stay on 'the high road', Gopher Fans!

20 years. Remember nothing before 1993 exists or matters.

But it now has turned in to 2 generations of fans and students. We haven't been relevant since the decade my parents were born. And my parents are grandparents.

Who are the fans that keep the fan community vibrant? The fans willing to go to bowls, brave the cold, and actually stand up during a game? It is the recent grads - the under 40 crowd.

Pretty bold for someone that went to St. Cloud State University for 5 years to be making fun of other people's intelligence.

Ouch. Some people take their time on purpose in college. That's what I did. It's was a great time; now I'm 30 and don't regret it.

I lived in Minneapolis for 12 years after graduation from the U, then moved to Chicago. On my block in the burbs right outside the city is a melting pot of B1G grads... Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State and Northwestern. Everybody flies their respective flags on Saturdays and everybody has good natured fun with the others. It's all respectful and most of them are genuinely happy for me (the guy from Iowa not so much) because the Gophers are doing so well this year. Just because someone went to another school doesn't automatically qualify them as a brainless tool who hates you. I've found the great majority of people are grounded adults who don't take things too seriously.

I think for those who grew up in Wisconsin or Iowa, and attended their home state school, the shame of having left the old country for a better place leaves them conflicted.

So they celebrate their roots by doing those things that are so part of the fabric of life back home, like drinking themselves senseless or acting like complete jackasses. It is just their way of maintaining a connection to what they have lost.

Sad, really.

I can't speak for Wisconsin, but the Iowa fans who live in Iowa seem to be a lot more respectful and down to earth than those I've met who live in Minnesota.

I have been around too many drunk becky fans to respect them. I have low tolerance for sloppy trashy drunks. I am respectful to all fans except Wisconsin. They have shown their true colors too many times. If they get into my face on Saturday I will let them have it. They are usually so drunk at that point that it requires little effort for you to push them down. They are embarrassing enough just wearing all that red.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some interesting stuff if you look at this study.


It shows that Minnesotans and Wisconsinites are much more alike than they are different. The difference in ranking on the five scales is

Openness (to new ideas) = MN 2 places above WI
Conscientiousness = MN 8 places above WI
Extroversion = WI 20 places above MN (Wisc is ranked 1st in this measure)
Agreeableness = MN is 5 places above WI (MN ranked #6)
Neuroticism = WI is 10 places above MN (not sure that is a good thing)

So, pretty darn similar with the exception of Extroversion, which is quite similar to my experience with natives of the two states.

It's a compliment to our state's success and high quality of life.
The jobs are here or Chicago.
There's no major metro area worth mentioning in ND, WI or IA.
Any crap those fans talk is always with the asterisk that they love living here and with the understanding that the cities/states those schools reside in cannot offer the quality employment MN and Minneapolis/St Paul can for U grads.

But didn't you hear? Wisconsin is more metropolitan than Minnesota!

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