Watching tonight's game.

I'd say there is a lot to be positive about for you guys. You have 3 capable ball handlers as opposed to none last year. Mav played great, Chip Played great. Andre was in foul trouble and never really got into the flow of the game but he's going to be fine. He's the type of kid that keeps after it. Austin was good on defense 2 steals and a bunch of deflections. Rodney had 3 steals. As a team you had 14 steals but now you have the guys who can finish and convert that into points. I see great potential in the press. If you would have rebounded better you would have saw more fast breaks. You basically have 6 guards that can all contribute. You'll be able to win on defense like no other team in the league. Once you get your new guys all on the same page your half court sets will get better on both ends of the floor. I think you have one of the most athletic teams in the big 10. Hopefully you put it all together before conference play begins.

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