Wanted: 1997 Video Highlights of Final Four Game vs Kentucky

Just STFU. You are free to not read this thread. I have every game from that tournament on DVD. I will relive those great games forever. I am a teacher and obviously don't condone cheating. That doesn't change what I actually lived through and experienced.

Obviously, you do condone cheating. If I owned DVDs of that "tournament", I would burn them. Instead, you celebrate unethical behavior. You are a great example for your students. In addition to glorifying cheating, you also advocate censorship, but I will say whatever the hell I want to say, thank you very much.

It is very likely, with almost 100% certainty, that the Gophers don't even sniff the Final Four if their players actually had to go to class and do their own homework. Therefore, you are celebrating something that almost certainly wouldn't have happened if not for widespread systematic cheating. So anyone who waxes nostalgic about is implicitly condoning cheating, whether they realize it or not.

Lol. I agree with what you say 90% of the time, but the other 10% you are ridiculous.

So anyone who waxes nostalgic about is implicitly condoning cheating, whether they realize it or not.

OK Flanders, whatever. How's the view up there on that soapbox?

The reason most fans don't agree with you is that most fans have long viewed big time college athletics for what is -- semi-pro sports entertainment. If you want to relish and celebrate the traditional "student-athlete-gentleman" model, then go watch a Harvard-Yale crew meet. The NCAA was justified to take the banner away, but I'll continue to enjoy all of the happy memories - personal good times as well as pride in the team I've followed for years -- associated with our 1997 Big Ten title and Final Four run. Frankly, the only thing I regret is that Eric Harris got hurt and we didn't win the title. It's the one year I can honestly say our team was good enough to deserve to win it all.

Well if Derrick Rose had to the his ACT, Memphis probably doesn't sniff the final four without the future NBA MVP. As for Gangelgate, one of my professors told my class that Gangelhoff was having an affair with one of Clem's assistant's and when the coach cut her off, that's when she went to the Pioneer Press. I can't think of it off the top of my head, but I know Shakspeare had a famous saying about a woman's scorn and that always comes to my mind when I think of the scandal.

Watched the first half, I was nine when this happened and this is the team that got me hooked on gopher basketball, just some of the plays this team ran, they were a way more exciting team to watch than the current squad. So when I read dpoll's comments it offends me because if it weren't for this team and I'm sure there are others my age, I wouldn't care about gopher hoops, I was a hockey player growing up, so if this team doesn't count than I guess the people who love the gophers because of it to this day don't count as fans in his mind?

It's the one year I can honestly say our team was good enough to deserve to win it all.

With apologies to '76-'77 (24-3 with Thompson, Lockhart, McHale, Saunders and Williams), '72-'73 (21-5 with Behagen, Brewer, Nix, Taylor, Turner, Winfield) and '81-'82 (23-6 with Bruce Kaupa).

With apologies to '76-'77 (24-3 with Thompson, Lockhart, McHale, Saunders and Williams), '72-'73 (21-5 with Behagen, Brewer, Nix, Taylor, Turner, Winfield) and '81-'82 (23-6 with Bruce Kaupa).

True, though before my time.

The Shakespeare quote is "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Hard to believe anyone would want to have an affair with Ganglehoff though. Yuck.

I'm saying that it's more difficult to do your homework, go to class, and go to practice than it is to just go to practice. I thought that was obvious.

I understand that. My roommate had to quit baseball because it was affecting his grades. But you haven't explained how this was unique to that Gopher team - why that Gopher team couldn't have gone to the Final Four without cheating. You assert that the Gophers were relatively unique in the breadth of their cheating, but then you seem to say that there's something inherent that forced them to cheat. If so, why don't you think that inherent condition is widespread in college sports? Or is it? You seem to be disagreeing with yourself.

Obviously, you do condone cheating. If I owned DVDs of that "tournament", I would burn them. Instead, you celebrate unethical behavior. You are a great example for your students. In addition to glorifying cheating, you also advocate censorship, but I will say whatever the hell I want to say, thank you very much.

One more question, I guess. What amount of remembrance is acceptable without being complicit in the cheating? I'm guessing you want me to burn my T-shirts, even if one of them is nice and warm and serves a purpose. Is it alright if I wear it inside-out? And what if something a Gopher team or player does now reminds me of something on that 1997 team? Is that a thought crime?

I like you dpodoll68, but in this case I think you're way off. My best memory of the 1997 NCAA run was watching the games with family and friends. Getting excited, having pride in your favorite college basketball team. Watching clips of the game brings back those memories.

Yes, back to this being a wonderful thread. We couldn't get tickets to the Final Four, but we did make the road trip to KC for the second-round game against Temple. Lots of good memories for a short, one-night trip. There were so many Gopher fans in town - it's like we took over. Maroon and gold dominated Kemper Arena. The first game was Bill Self's Tulsa team against Rick Barnes' Clemson team. Tulsa led for most of the game but seemed to get disinterested late and let Clemson sneak ahead and win. What I remember was the anticipation through that entire game for the main event, Minnesota/Temple. In fact, Gopher fans in the building led "here we go, Gophers, here we go" chants a couple times during the first game.

Dick Vitale had predicted a Temple upset the night before on TV, so when the Gophs took a big halftime lead, there were angry packs of Gopher fans roaming the concourses during intermission giving Dicky V a hard time. One group had even thrown together an anti-Vitale banner!

The caravan back to the Twin Cities in the middle of the night was unreal. A stream of traffic with Minnesota plates, like the Israelites leaving Egypt.

I look forward to the next time we can do this with a championship-caliber team. This is what it's all about - why we follow sports.

I would, however, add that for those interested, this is a good read (below). It reminds me of some of the reasons a lot of fans like me are still bitter at the PP, Gangelhoff, and others involved in breaking the story even though the story was true. Namely, despite the paper's after-the-fact explanation, I think the timing and secrecy of the story had everything to do with trying to get the most sensationalist effect possible. You can't tell me it's a coincidence of "readiness" that this story they had worked on for more than six months just "happened" to be ready to publish on the very eve of the team's NCAA tourney opener.


I was pretty young for this, 10 years old. I do remember watching the Gophers during the year and going to a family friend's house for the Kentucky game. All of us kids (about 15) were decked out in Gopher gear and crowded around their basement TV. Its one of the best basketball/sports memories I have because we all wanted to be Gophers. These were the guys we pretended to be in the driveway when we played basketball ourselves.

Unfortunately I am no longer able to look back fondly on these memories because it makes me a bad person who condones cheating, affairs and academic scandals.

It is very likely, with almost 100% certainty, that the Gophers don't even sniff the Final Four if their players actually had to go to class and do their own homework. Therefore, you are celebrating something that almost certainly wouldn't have happened if not for widespread systematic cheating. So anyone who waxes nostalgic about is implicitly condoning cheating, whether they realize it or not.

Why do people say things like this? There is absolutely no way to prove or disprove it, by definition. I say we would have won it all had we not cheated. So there.

Why do people say things like this? There is absolutely no way to prove or disprove it, by definition. I say we would have won it all had we not cheated. So there.

I don't know dpodoll68 personally, but I'm guessing if you asked people who know him or have worked with him, they would tell you he has a history of being self-rightous...lol

Does anybody remember if the Gophers were ranked to start that season and where they were picked to finish in the Big Ten?

I remember watching the Kentucky game on TV. I was convinced the physical toll playing the Gophers left Kentucky a shell of there former self. They looked like a completely different team in the championship.

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