Want to know why KFAN has a bad name?


I knew when this thread started Doogie would pop in to defend his close personal friend PA.

Trent Tucker is always an option for a good person to talk Gopher basketball. Now that Quincy is back in town I like the idea of getting him in that role as well. I enjoy Spencer Tollackson for just saying it like it is. Myron Medcalf is a bit too close to the vest in my estimation about revealing info. about the team, he always makes it seem too much like it's his job and not something he might be invested in personally. I know that is probably how media members should be, but when I heard the passion in Quincy's voice about Gopher basketball in his interview with PA, he might be my top choice. Henry Lake is a good basketball mind.... Who else could be a candidate?

By the way.... being a huge fan of the Big Ten Network, wouldn't it be fun to see an ex gopher join the ranks of Steve Smith, Bardo, Jimmy Jackson, Tim Doyle. They're missing the gopher flavor. What's Willie Burton up to to stand tall with the likes of Jimmy and Steve. Those were good times.

I knew when this thread started Doogie would pop in to defend his close personal friend PA.

Yeah, except it was a pretty half-hearted defense. Here's a synopsis: PA's a nice guy, but no, he didn't prep, that's why you should spend your time listening to AM1500!

I used to love KFAN, but the shtick's getting tired to me. To be honest, I still find Common hilarious, but Barrio's constant negativity and overreaction to weathermen gets really boring. And besides Sludge, the Power Trip can get tiresome at times too. However, KFAN's still got Charch, and Beyond the Pond. To be honest, the best radio in the Twin Cities, and I never thought I'd say this, is on the Old Neighbor from 10 to Midnight. Mischke's a genius.

Also, Doogie, c'mon man. Even a homer like yourself can't really be talking smack when 1500 employs Souhan (aka, the least talented man in the history of the written word) and Reusse (currently battling it out with Rick Reilly for title of laziest formerly talented writer).

Common/Rosen is the best segment of sports radio in the market. Hands down.

The only problem with Rosen is this.
On his WCCO sports cast, it could be March 27th, with the gopher basketball team still alive, Kevin Love goes for 35 and 30 on Kevin Garnett when Boston comes to town, the Wild are on a 10 game win streak and are looking like Stanley Cup contenders ...the NFL draft still a month away and the NFL set to lockout......and Rosen would still lead with a Ryan Longwell charity pie eating contest.

He leads with the Vikings at least 320 days a year.

I'll preface it with this. I know PA (I'm a former KFAN employee) and I really like him as a person. He'll be the first to tell you that he's not a Gopher expert. He puts his heart and soul into everything that he is involved with (which is pretty much Vikings, Horse Racing, Kids/Family). His radio show still pulls good ratings and the biggest demand is for the Vikings. He doesn't live Gophers like most of us do and we'll catch a lot of mistakes because he really doesn't care that much.

With that said, if they are going to book an interview with someone like Q, they have to do it with Bump. Even if he doesn't like the Gophers, he'll at least do the time and research ahead of time because he still has journalistic integrity. Something has to give. KFAN has to get down on their knees and kiss some Gopher ass to get them to be a bigger part of the station or the Gopher pub department needs to reach out and start getting more players/coaches on the fan in general.

It was sad that so many blunders were made in the interview. If you're going to have a Gopher great on, get an intern or producer to do the research. Nelson is to blame as much as PA.

Max: Why does "something have to give?" KFAN doesn't cover the Gophers and does fine, and thanks in part to newfound outlets who do a good job with Gophers coverage, how is the "U" missing out if they are not intelligently discussed on KFAN?

Max: Why does "something have to give?" KFAN doesn't cover the Gophers and does fine, and thanks in part to newfound outlets who do a good job with Gophers coverage, how is the "U" missing out if they are not intelligently discussed on KFAN?

I guess it would be worded incorrectly to say that some "HAS" to give, but both entities are missing out. Something can be gained by both parties with a better partnership.

1. KFAN can gain Gopher fans as listeners. I for example care about the Gophers first, Twins 2nd and to a lesser extent the other teams. I have started listening to your ESPN station more because of their more comprehensive coverage of the teams that I care about.

2. The Gophers need to recognize that they're not top dog in this town and they need to start building a more passionate fan base because a good portion of their season ticket and fanbase is going to be dying off any time now. KFAN still has better rating with M25-54 and with better coverage and a better relationship, they may be able to drum up more interest and more passionate fans.

It's not going to change overnight, but both parties have something to gain and little to lose. Unlike many on here, I find Bump and PA to be entertaining on their good days (Can't stand Common or Morning Show regardless of topic). While it's nice to have another sports option, I would tune to 1130 more if they talked more about the teams that I liked.

With that said, if they are going to book an interview with someone like Q, they have to do it with Bump. Even if he doesn't like the Gophers, he'll at least do the time and research ahead of time because he still has journalistic integrity.

It was sad that so many blunders were made in the interview. If you're going to have a Gopher great on, get an intern or producer to do the research. Nelson is to blame as much as PA.

LMAO @ this

You're basically saying, if it's a tough or obscure interview, well then you have to give it to Bump because he's the only professional there.

PA, you're a professional. Prepare like one. If you don't care about Quincy Lewis or Gopher basketball, then that is perfectly fine. Don't talk about it, don't discuss it. It's your show.

However if you are going to have Quincy on, due at LEAST the bare minimum of due diligence.

Also congrats to 1500 for having the best Gopher coverage. You're basically running for that crown unopposed. I appreciate that you guys talk Gophers, I really do, but let's not start S-ing each others D's over that already.

1500 will never be anything in this town until they bag and tag Reusse, Soucheray and all the other old crusty windbags they have polluting the air.

Here's an idea...GO OUT OF MARKET AND FIND SOMEONE WITH SOME TALENT. Stop jamming these boring, folksy Minnesotan, uninteresting pieces of blah who have been grandfathered into the sports media into prime time slots.

1500 is an excellent opportunity in this town and it's been completely wasted on people who used to matter, who never should have mattered. Get someone with a POV. Someone with an opinion. Someone with a personality.

Max: Why does "something have to give?" KFAN doesn't cover the Gophers and does fine, and thanks in part to newfound outlets who do a good job with Gophers coverage, how is the "U" missing out if they are not intelligently discussed on KFAN?

It's sad to say, but KFAN is still a powerful force in the sports talk radio market. The lack of exposure for the Gophers on one of the most powerful sports mediums is not a good thing. I do really like what you all are doing at 1500, and I rarely listen to KFAN (unless there is a guest that I really like), but KFAN still would get the U a ton of exposure/excitement.

KFAN will continue to not cover the Gophers very well and do fine, but I really hope that the U athletic department remembers this when/if things turn around. If Kill turns the program around (I know, a big IF), Tubby goes to a Final 4, or Gopher Hockey return as a national power, I would imagine that the demand for Gopher related talk will increase and KFAN will be a little out in the cold.

I don't think any of us really expects guys like PA to really follow Gopher athletics and have them be a big part of their show. However, I think we all would like for the station to be a tiny bit prepared if/when Gopher talk comes up. PA was talking about Scott Linehan and Darrell Bevell being our next coach for football, he then does these kinds of interviews with former Gophers, it's simply worse than someone who doesn't follow Gopher sports.

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