Can anybody befriend Estime on Facebook and post some replies to this PantherHawk creep? Do we have any idea if he is doing this with more of our recruits?
Don't stoop to his level.
...I wonder if a fan of an NCAA team contacting recruits to steer them away from a competing program would be a NCAA violation. We all now outreaching to when recruiting to one's school could certainly be. I wonder what Pantherwhatever's family and employer would think of his behavior. He/She is certainly one low life individual.
I kinda think that if the recruits themselves do not have enough between the ears to recognize this guy for what he is, I don't know if they are a recruit to worry about.
Most people do not want to hang with people who have obvious issues.
I say we just win Floyd every year and drive Pantherhawk crazy instead of figuring out how to stop him.
that is really that guy is probably sick in the head. that is just creepy. yuck. disturbing.
Don't stoop to his level.
I tend to agree. You can't get into to a monkey cage and have a poo flinging contest and walk out with your dignity intact.
Panther Hawk still at it. Here's his latest:
Panther Hawk
How is the big VT visit going, buddy?! A lot warmer then you know where?!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike · Comment
What a sad, pathetic, little man.
Panthertwat is still updating Wedleys page with stories about the snow storm coming to Minnesota, a VT fan even told him he had no life, lmao.
My question on Estime is how is his name pronounced. Is it phonetically correct ala Es-time, or is it the trickier Es-teem? If it's Es-teem, then if he smoked a bowl, climbed a mountain, or was feeling very happy, you'd have a high esteem, and that would be kind of cool.
I've got to root for someone with such a unique name as that. For all I know, this gentleman might very well be the first Wedley Estime in the history of the world, and that increases his coolness factor by a multiple of at least 10.