Very, very confident they are in

Not a big deal, he's just trying to save face a little bit. That's one thing I don't "get" about Internet chat boards. There's nothing wrong with being wrong on occasion. It happens to all of us. When ego gets involved -- not being able to acknowledge you don't have all the answers -- that's when it becomes a problem.

The problem with Doogie is two-fold:

1) He's very rarely had an original thought...ever. He reads various articles from around the country every day and then gleans some "thought" from all of those. Heck, he steals a lot of opinions from message boards. Which is fine, he just acts as if they are his opinions in most cases.

2) A bigger issue is that Doogie thinks that being a sports journalist (I use the term very loosely) means "creating controversy" or as he would call it "a talker." He CONSTANTLY refers to "it's a good talker." He thinks, because it's what's been taught to him by Hartman and Barreiro (see above reason for lack of originality), that he has to be a d-bag in the guise of "not being a homer." You could call the KFAN crew a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag pedophile and it wouldn't hurt them as much as being a homer.

So with that I'll offer Doogie some free advice I hope he takes. Doogie, there are 100 types like you're trying to be in the Twin cities media. You are NOT original and you'll rarely, if ever, have an original thought. You want to know how to be original and create a niche for yourself here? BE A HOMER!! Anyone can spin a coach's tenure, team's story, etc. any way that they want. There are virtually always positives and negatives. Instead of always trying to spin the negative....SPIN THE POSITIVE. Then you'll start to create a different identity than your KFAN buddies. Why is PA so popular in town? Because he generally sucks the Vikings off on a daily basis. People enjoy not having to be negative on a non-stop basis.

Just some friendly advice.

The problem with Doogie is two-fold:

1) He's very rarely had an original thought...ever. He reads various articles from around the country every day and then gleans some "thought" from all of those. Heck, he steals a lot of opinions from message boards. Which is fine, he just acts as if they are his opinions in most cases.

100% agree with this part. Agree with the rest to for the most part, but point #1 is the most annoying thing about Doogie.

2) A bigger issue is that Doogie thinks that being a sports journalist (I use the term very loosely) means "creating controversy" or as he would call it "a talker." He CONSTANTLY refers to "it's a good talker." He thinks, because it's what's been taught to him by Hartman and Barreiro (see above reason for lack of originality), that he has to be a d-bag in the guise of "not being a homer." You could call the KFAN crew a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag pedophile and it wouldn't hurt them as much as being a homer.

I think Doogie takes way too much undeserved crap on this board. But I do agree with much of this take. Especially when I read his blogs in the Strib, I often get the feeling that Doogie is trying to sound like what he thinks a sports columnist is supposed to sound like, rather than who he really is. (I do think he's more himself on this board.)

Just give us an informed opinion based on what you really think or tell us something we don't already know. If people disagree with you ... well, some people here will hate anybody who dares criticize the Gophers. But providing good information and writing with honesty is what gives you credibility with most fans over time. Encouraging a reaction for reaction's sake (Barriero) or trying to be entertaining when you're not funny (Souhan) aren't the answer. Be who you are.

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