Very Troubling GopherLady

I wouldn't ever call or consider Nadine a journalist. Sorry but I've never see a good piece of writing come from you.

I don't know how she got this job but if GH had a rolling board or voted people into positions this would be a much better site.

This thread is retarded. NCAAGophers doesn't know sh*t. Ralph stinks (sorry, but he does). Nadine is good for Gopher Athletics.

I have a question for NCAAGophers and Real Truth. Does Nadine's tweets hurt recruiting more than the head coach of the very University we all cheer taking shots at Blake last year and today taking joking shots at Rodney's lack of rebounds? What hurts recruiting more? Is Tubby talking behind these kids backs because when he recruited them he told them how great they are and now tells them they aren't doing a good enough job? You guys don't get it if you think Nadine's tweets are worse than what Tubby (and most coaches) say in the papers.

I liked her before she decided because she hit the big time and became a media member she had to go all Reusse on us.She was a great fan ,now just another critic and there a dime a dozen.

I don't think she's ever pretended to be anything more than what she is. She's a fan, and all fans are both positive and negative towards players at times, because they love the program. I've always gotten the sense that she loves the U and the basketball program, and I appreciate her stuff. Is she always a brilliant writer? No, but why would you expect her to be? That's not her job. And is she a little star-struck over Minneapolis media types? Perhaps, at times, but it can be exciting at times. Personally, I've always found her (online) persona to be charmingly earnest, thoroughly pleasant, and a great representative of our basketball program. Then again, I've been unapologetic in my criticism of certain players in the past, so I don't see the problem with what she said.

I have a question for NCAAGophers and Real Truth. Does Nadine's tweets hurt recruiting more than the head coach of the very University we all cheer taking shots at Blake last year and today taking joking shots at Rodney's lack of rebounds? What hurts recruiting more? Is Tubby talking behind these kids backs because when he recruited them he told them how great they are and now tells them they aren't doing a good enough job? You guys don't get it if you think Nadine's tweets are worse than what Tubby (and most coaches) say in the papers.

BINGO! tubby is much more critical of his own players than nadine ever has been and he's their COACH! he ripped Blake last year, has been very critical of rodney's shooting and more, but if nadine says ralph doesn't dunk much then she is hurting the U. too funny. nadine has a bigger impact on recruits than tubby does. too funny.

I wouldn't ever call or consider Nadine a journalist. Sorry but I've never see a good piece of writing come from you.

I don't know how she got this job but if GH had a rolling board or voted people into positions this would be a much better site.

I have never see??? You judge my writing? As I have said before, I am a very bad writer. English is my second language. I see the same case about you.

Go Gophers

I don't think she's ever pretended to be anything more than what she is. She's a fan, and all fans are both positive and negative towards players at times, because they love the program. I've always gotten the sense that she loves the U and the basketball program, and I appreciate her stuff. Is she always a brilliant writer? No, but why would you expect her to be? That's not her job. And is she a little star-struck over Minneapolis media types? Perhaps, at times, but it can be exciting at times. Personally, I've always found her (online) persona to be charmingly earnest, thoroughly pleasant, and a great representative of our basketball program. Then again, I've been unapologetic in my criticism of certain players in the past, so I don't see the problem with what she said.

Thank you. You nailed it. I am not a fantastic writer. I like doing interviews and asking questions that are on people's minds. I spend virtually all of my free time trying to get info for you guys, from press conferences, recruits, Pulley, whatever it is - because we want to give our readers the most amount of information possible for a free board. If that's not welcomed or appreciated, there are about 100 things I could be doing with my free time rather than covering all of these things for our readers.

I do think this thread is hilarious, because nothing I've ever said publicly can hold a candle to what Tubby himself has said, or what other writers have. I think the whole premise here is just odd....but whatever. I support freedom of speech, so rant on about me!

I wouldn't ever call or consider Nadine a journalist. Sorry but I've never see a good piece of writing come from you.

I don't know how she got this job but if GH had a rolling board or voted people into positions this would be a much better site.

This would be awesome! If there are people that would like to volunteer their time to write for GH, please contact us! We're always looking for more content.

This would be awesome! If there are people that would like to volunteer their time to write for GH, please contact us! We're always looking for more content.
If I had been able to tape basketball games I was actually thinking of doing this. Sadly, I can't.

I wouldn't ever call or consider Nadine a journalist. Sorry but I've never see a good piece of writing come from you.

I don't know how she got this job but if GH had a rolling board or voted people into positions this would be a much better site.

She voluntarily does it numnuts.

sorry but ralph was not a premier recruit, espn rating 89 just like the 2 just kids signed he made at least one preseason mag 3rd team preseason all big ten WHICH IS FINE FOR A RECRUIT OF HIS STATURE. if tubby had 5 preseason big ten players they would be picked first or second. If his name was dave johnson no one would whine about his game. The only thing about ralph is that he seems to think he is a NBA caliber player NOT!

sorry but ralph was not a premier recruit, espn rating 89 just like the 2 just kids signed he made at least one preseason mag 3rd team preseason all big ten WHICH IS FINE FOR A RECRUIT OF HIS STATURE. if tubby had 5 preseason big ten players they would be picked first or second. If his name was dave johnson no one would whine about his game. The only thing about ralph is that he seems to think he is a NBA caliber player NOT!

If I had been able to tape basketball games I was actually thinking of doing this. Sadly, I can't.

Is this because VCR's became obsolete 10 years ago? Just kidding - it sucks that fans can't watch all of our games on BTN.

Is this because VCR's became obsolete 10 years ago? Just kidding - it sucks that fans can't watch all of our games on BTN.
If I was living at home there would be no problem, but I am at school so no VCR.

I hope you mean DVR, but if not WOW.
My family has never had a DVR. In fact, the only devices in our house that read DVDs belong to me, and I don't have the money to buy a DVR.

well reading that was a waste of 5 minutes of my life i will never get back....

Stan said:
I have a question for NCAAGophers and Real Truth. Does Nadine's tweets hurt recruiting more than the head coach of the very University we all cheer taking shots at Blake last year and today taking joking shots at Rodney's lack of rebounds? What hurts recruiting more? Is Tubby talking behind these kids backs because when he recruited them he told them how great they are and now tells them they aren't doing a good enough job? You guys don't get it if you think Nadine's tweets are worse than what Tubby (and most coaches) say in the papers.

In (some fairness) tubby also talks up certain players, including rodney and Blake. Good coaches realize different players respond to different things at different times.

As a player, I liked when my coach called me out or yelled at me. Just made me want to work harder to prove him and everyone else wrong.

As to Nadine, I don't think she hurts recruiting. I think players generally like her and appreciate her honestly. I don't always agree with her, but I think everyone can appreciate that she does say how she feels and is a big fan like everyone else.

This thread is just like like what this web site has become - irrelevant. Fifteen years ago, the angst and venom was directed at the Pig Farmers and Red Skunks. Now posters spend their entire time trashing other fellow "fans". My opinion is no more valid than any other but this site has become an abyss of mis-placed hatred and vitriol. I hardly ever post here anymore because it's just an entry into a junior high school bitch party. If Jason Groth is still associated with site as the original founder, he should be embarrassed about what it's become. I'm all for "disagreements" on the board....that is very healthy, but the content that exists doesn't represent our University or sports program in a respectable light. That is sad...Bleed, Bob Loblaw, Selection, Rouser, Costa Rican, PhillyGopher, Studwell, Husker and many others are the reason I still visit the site but in no way can I consider donating to the site under it's "unmanaged" state. Just MHO...doesn't mean it's correct.

I could not agree more. And this is exactly what I was alluding too in about 40 characters.

I don't think that Nadine is obligated to be completely impartial just because she's the moderator of this site, and I do think it's acceptable for her to criticize coaches and players. However, there is a difference between criticizing a player and taking potshots at him on Twitter and saying it's okay because you did it in a "joking manner."

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