Very Troubling GopherLady


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Feb 6, 2010
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I think that it is shameful that certain players continuously face attacks on this message board including jabs by some of the moderators that are supposedly impartial. These are student athletes and the level of abuse and vitriol directed towards them is out of hand. I would hope that our moderator and a contributor to the Star Tribune would try to be impartial, but I am sadly mistaken. Nadine would you care to comment on the quotes taken from your twitter account today:

I'm not holding my breath on that one. RT @CAREYMPLSST: @NadineBabu so now we need Sampson to be the leader he needs to be........

Ralph dunks? Just kidding. RT @bennyc50: When most college players dunk, they yell. When Ralph Sampson dunks, he says "meh".

No wonder we have trouble attracting top out of state recruits. Why would a player want to come to Minnesota and deal with comments such as these from "impartial" moderators? Sampson, regardless of what your opinion of him, has been nothing but a class act on and off the court and has represented the University of Minnesota well. Not to mention, that he was an integral part of two back to back NCAA tournament teams and is a big reason why we have led the Big Ten in blocks during his three years here. He keeps his grades up, is a great teammate (leads Gophers in asts), and stays out of trouble. I think that Coach Smith and Maturi need to be informed of this behavior and so does the Star Tribune. I expected more out of you, Nadine.

I still support our team and think that Ralph, Rodney, Julian, Hollins, and others will step up, and I hope they aren't reading some of the negative garbage on this and other sites.

If you think GopherLady is scaring recruits away from Minnesota, you've got a backwards idea of recruiting. There are negative comments on websites and twitter from people supporting all schools. Any kid who cites message board or Twitter comments as a justification for a decision for what school not to attend is really grasping at straws.

I can honestly say that based on his skill level, size, and pedigree, Sampson is probably one of the most disappointing players I've ever seen in a Gopher uniform.

This disappointment stems more from the fact that we've seen flashes of what he can be, but he has never put any semblance of his game together. I recognize that he is still a good center in the Big 10, but again, based on the aforementioned traits, I believe Sampson had the physical tools to be one of the best centers to ever play for the Gophers.

I'm just very disappointed it didn't turn out that way.

It's not just about scaring away recruits. If you are a moderator, you should be impartial. GopherLady's status as a moderator gives her unique access to players including interviewing them. I am sure players would treat these interviews differently if they knew she had biases. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but a moderator is by definition neutral. This site, more than others, is closely linked to the Athletic Department at the University of Minnesota.

It's not just about scaring away recruits. If you are a moderator, you should be impartial. GopherLady's status as a moderator gives her unique access to players including interviewing them. I am sure players would treat these interviews differently if they knew she had biases. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but a moderator is by definition neutral. This site, more than others, is closely linked to the Athletic Department at the University of Minnesota.

GopherLady is a member of the media. They have opinions and biases and points of views and hopes and dreams. If you don't like them, don't frequent a website where they are the "moderator".

In other words, go play intramurals, brotha.

It's not just about scaring away recruits. If you are a moderator, you should be impartial....

Remind me again why she should be impartail? Because of her "unique" access. Oh you mean like every other print scribe that continually bashes U of M athletics. Yeah, ok dude. Take off your maroon and gold glasses and realized this team/program isn't what it should be and under the current direction of the program, isn't going to be any time soon. And in response to your next question, yes, I'm off the Tubby Bandwagon. moderators have to be impartial??

A moderator's job is to keep the riff raff out of the forum and keep order. That does not require biting your tongue.

If you want duckies and bunnies and unicorns and glitter just follow Marcus Fuller of the PP on Twitter. Absolutely hilarious and homerism at it's finest. The most arrogant (regarding the team he covers) I've ever seen.

Proud to have Ralph in maroon and gold.

Also, a member of the local media occasionally being complimentary to the Gophers is bad? That's a classic rarely heard outside of the great pessimistic state of Minnesota. Honestly, what are you guys drinking up there?

I agree w/you NCAAGophers.

I think part of the disconnect here is in misunderstanding Nadine's role on this website. She is a moderator for the forums, but is in no way an official extension of the University, nor required to be unbiased at all. All "moderators" do on websites is "moderate" commercial spam, pointless bickering, etc. They aren't required to be impartial, they aren't referees. Major difference here.

Also, her own thoughts on her Twitter feed are exactly that, personal opinions that aren't reflective of any part of the U of M. Just like any fan, blogger, or columnist across the country in any sport, blogs, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. can say whatever they want.

Let me repeat this for those of you who are more dense. GopherLady presents herself as an impartial interviewer and supposedly conducts player interviews in this manner here on the site, e.g. when a new player joins the team. I am sure the players would appreciate knowing that she is insulting some of them behind their backs in a very public forum, twitter. I think that is bad form from someone who is so close to the basketball program. The players know to have their guards up with certain members of the media, but not in her case. I hope that Tubby and the AD staff now know that she is not impartial before she conducts another player interview. To all of you who feel the need to personally attack me and/or our current players, stay classy.

Ralph gets a lot of undeserved hate. I think it's because of his dad. He is what he is. A pretty solid high post college player. If you are looking for a motivational speaker or an all American look elsewhere.

Let me repeat this for those of you who are more dense. GopherLady presents herself as an impartial interviewer and supposedly conducts player interviews in this manner here on the site, e.g. when a new player joins the team. I am sure the players would appreciate knowing that she is insulting some of them behind their backs in a very public forum, twitter. I think that is bad form from someone who is so close to the basketball program. The players know to have their guards up with certain members of the media, but not in her case. I hope that Tubby and the AD staff now know that she is not impartial before she conducts another player interview. To all of you who feel the need to personally attack me and/or our current players, stay classy.

Huh? Maybe I'm dense, pal, but how do you insult someone behind their backs in a very public forum? In other words, genius, the very nature of a public forum would suggest that it is not "behind their backs."

Let me repeat this for those of you who are more dense. GopherLady presents herself as an impartial interviewer and supposedly conducts player interviews in this manner here on the site, e.g. when a new player joins the team. I am sure the players would appreciate knowing that she is insulting some of them behind their backs in a very public forum, twitter. I think that is bad form from someone who is so close to the basketball program. The players know to have their guards up with certain members of the media, but not in her case. I hope that Tubby and the AD staff now know that she is not impartial before she conducts another player interview. To all of you who feel the need to personally attack me and/or our current players, stay classy.

Is this a bit? If so, well done. You got me.

Let's see....the players really should be warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, just look at the devious, conniving, confusing questions she subjected Elliason to this past summer. Just imagine trying to answer these. I heard he was so shellshocked, he hasn't spoken since.

GH: Clear the air, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?

GH: How much weight have you put on since you arrived on campus?

GH: When I first talked to you out of HS, you mentioned how you wanted to redshirt. Looking back, are you happy with that decision?

GH: What did you learn during your redshirt season?

GH: Do you look at Colton leaving as a good opportunity for you?

GH: What does Tubby expect from you?

GH: What did you learn about Oto and Halverson on the bench last year?

GH: What have you worked on the most in your game?

(Sidenote: "behind their backs" in a "public form" is pretty funny)

Huh? Maybe I'm dense, pal, but how do you insult someone behind their backs in a very public forum? In other words, genius, the very nature of a public forum would suggest that it is not "behind their backs."

Yes, you are dense. My problem with all of this is that while conducting interviews she presents herself as impartial and an ally but then tweets negative remarks behind their backs. She isn't Jim Rome where the player can see this coming. I was surprised and dissappointed that someone so close to our program would ridicule our players. Further, it's unprofessional and unbecoming. You would never seen an ESPN anchor or other media member tweet something like that.

Yes, you are dense. My problem with all of this is that while conducting interviews she presents herself as impartial and an ally but then tweets negative remarks behind their backs. She isn't Jim Rome where the player can see this coming. I was surprised and dissappointed that someone so close to our program would ridicule our players. Further, it's unprofessional and unbecoming. You would never seen an ESPN anchor or other media member tweet something like that.
Um.... you sure about that last part?

Yes, you are dense. My problem with all of this is that while conducting interviews she presents herself as impartial and an ally but then tweets negative remarks behind their backs. She isn't Jim Rome where the player can see this coming. I was surprised and dissappointed that someone so close to our program would ridicule our players. Further, it's unprofessional and unbecoming. You would never seen an ESPN anchor or other media member tweet something like that.

Hilarious. He starts the post out calling someone else dense and then says one of the most dense things I have seen in a long time. Clearly this guy isn't on Twitter. What a joke. Mainstream reporters take shots at players ALL. THE. TIME. I don't always agree with it, but to suggest they don't his either lying or complete uneducated about the use of Twitter.

I think that it is shameful that certain players continuously face attacks on this message board including jabs by some of the moderators that are supposedly impartial. These are student athletes and the level of abuse and vitriol directed towards them is out of hand. I would hope that our moderator and a contributor to the Star Tribune would try to be impartial, but I am sadly mistaken. Nadine would you care to comment on the quotes taken from your twitter account today:

No wonder we have trouble attracting top out of state recruits. Why would a player want to come to Minnesota and deal with comments such as these from "impartial" moderators? Sampson, regardless of what your opinion of him, has been nothing but a class act on and off the court and has represented the University of Minnesota well. Not to mention, that he was an integral part of two back to back NCAA tournament teams and is a big reason why we have led the Big Ten in blocks during his three years here. He keeps his grades up, is a great teammate (leads Gophers in asts), and stays out of trouble. I think that Coach Smith and Maturi need to be informed of this behavior and so does the Star Tribune. I expected more out of you, Nadine.


As others have said - I think you are misunderstanding my role. First of all, being a mod at GH is anything but being impartial. To run a fan site, you have to be a HUGE fan...otherwise, none of us would be giving up literally thousands of hours to cover this team, run the boards, get as much info as we can, etc. That is very biased. A moderator of a board, like others said, is to make sure there's a civil discussion, there's not profane language, racist remarks, etc.

As far as my role with the Star Tribune, I am a blogger. When asked to write for them, they asked me to write from a fan perspective, once again, not impartial. They told me that I will have the freedom to really push the envelope and say all the things they are not allowed to say. I'm constant encouraged to go further than I do.

It's not just about scaring away recruits. If you are a moderator, you should be impartial. GopherLady's status as a moderator gives her unique access to players including interviewing them. I am sure players would treat these interviews differently if they knew she had biases. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but a moderator is by definition neutral. This site, more than others, is closely linked to the Athletic Department at the University of Minnesota.

I'm confused, what unique access to the players do I have? I'm not friends with these guys, we're not going out and having drinks. When I ran The Barnyard 6 years ago, I did - and everything I wrote for our website was positive and had to be approved by the U.

I have the exact same access as any other media member. And if you noticed, even beat writers are allowed to say not positive things about players. If you were on Twitter on Sunday, I don't think there was a single media member that didn't take at least one shot, if not many, at Benny Sapp. Beat writers also have comments on Twitter and in their articles that are not always positive about our players, it's an analysis. That actually is being impartial, stating the good with the bad. With that being said, you will notice from my blogs and articles, I tend to avoid ripping on players because they are in college. Did I make 2 tongue and cheek remarks here? Yes. They were said in a joking manner, and never, have I written about my true analysis of Ralph. There have been many players I haven't been able to stand, but I have not blogged about it. I've refrained. Ralph is not one of them. I think Ralph is a good kid, he's nice, and smart, and actually quite warm when you talk to him. Has he acted as the leader of this team? I have yet to see any evidence of that.

Does this clear up my role? I'm not Switzerland, I'm actually asked to give my opinions. I don't think anyone that knows me questions that I bleed maroon and gold, but it also doesn't leave me blind to reality and able to pick out the good and bad.

Is this a bit? If so, well done. You got me.

Let's see....the players really should be warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, just look at the devious, conniving, confusing questions she subjected Elliason to this past summer. Just imagine trying to answer these. I heard he was so shellshocked, he hasn't spoken since.

GH: Clear the air, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?

GH: How much weight have you put on since you arrived on campus?

GH: When I first talked to you out of HS, you mentioned how you wanted to redshirt. Looking back, are you happy with that decision?

GH: What did you learn during your redshirt season?

GH: Do you look at Colton leaving as a good opportunity for you?

GH: What does Tubby expect from you?

GH: What did you learn about Oto and Halverson on the bench last year?

GH: What have you worked on the most in your game?

(Sidenote: "behind their backs" in a "public form" is pretty funny)

That was one of my hardest hitting interviews, given my special access, glad you noticed ;)

I can honestly say that based on his skill level, size, and pedigree, Sampson is probably one of the most disappointing players I've ever seen in a Gopher uniform.

This disappointment stems more from the fact that we've seen flashes of what he can be, but he has never put any semblance of his game together. I recognize that he is still a good center in the Big 10, but again, based on the aforementioned traits, I believe Sampson had the physical tools to be one of the best centers to ever play for the Gophers.

I'm just very disappointed it didn't turn out that way.

I could not agree more. And this is exactly what I was alluding too in about 40 characters.

Maybe you guys would appreciate Ralph more if you realized you probably shouldn't be judging players based on their "pedigree"

I can honestly say that based on his skill level, size, and pedigree, Sampson is probably one of the most disappointing players I've ever seen in a Gopher uniform.

This disappointment stems more from the fact that we've seen flashes of what he can be, but he has never put any semblance of his game together. I recognize that he is still a good center in the Big 10, but again, based on the aforementioned traits, I believe Sampson had the physical tools to be one of the best centers to ever play for the Gophers.

I'm just very disappointed it didn't turn out that way.

What role does Tubby and staff play in the lack of development? Throw Rodney in there with III.

We all know that it's JB's hotness that tricks players into giving away more information than they would to Maxey.

I would hope Gopher Lady isn't taking this thread seriously.

This is the most stupid analysis that I have ever heard. You said a member os media? If I am not mistaken, it is called a journalist. A true journalist should not have a biased opinion unless it is Fox news or MSNBC that are jokes.

Go Gophers

I think that it is shameful that certain players continuously face attacks on this message board including jabs by some of the moderators that are supposedly impartial. These are student athletes and the level of abuse and vitriol directed towards them is out of hand. I would hope that our moderator and a contributor to the Star Tribune would try to be impartial, but I am sadly mistaken. Nadine would you care to comment on the quotes taken from your twitter account today:

I'm not holding my breath on that one. RT @CAREYMPLSST: @NadineBabu so now we need Sampson to be the leader he needs to be........

Ralph dunks? Just kidding. RT @bennyc50: When most college players dunk, they yell. When Ralph Sampson dunks, he says "meh".

No wonder we have trouble attracting top out of state recruits. Why would a player want to come to Minnesota and deal with comments such as these from "impartial" moderators? Sampson, regardless of what your opinion of him, has been nothing but a class act on and off the court and has represented the University of Minnesota well. Not to mention, that he was an integral part of two back to back NCAA tournament teams and is a big reason why we have led the Big Ten in blocks during his three years here. He keeps his grades up, is a great teammate (leads Gophers in asts), and stays out of trouble. I think that Coach Smith and Maturi need to be informed of this behavior and so does the Star Tribune. I expected more out of you, Nadine.

I still support our team and think that Ralph, Rodney, Julian, Hollins, and others will step up, and I hope they aren't reading some of the negative garbage on this and other sites.

I have been saying this for a long time. I am glad that people see what Gopher Lady is about. She hates Tubby because of her own reasons???? I don't call her a fan or a good rep for this University. She is nothing but a gossip journalist who uses her speculations rather facts to report things about the Gophers. This is bad for the University and future recruits. Who wants to come here when there is no fan loyalty?

Go Gophers

Let me repeat this for those of you who are more dense. GopherLady presents herself as an impartial interviewer and supposedly conducts player interviews in this manner here on the site, e.g. when a new player joins the team. I am sure the players would appreciate knowing that she is insulting some of them behind their backs in a very public forum, twitter. I think that is bad form from someone who is so close to the basketball program. The players know to have their guards up with certain members of the media, but not in her case. I hope that Tubby and the AD staff now know that she is not impartial before she conducts another player interview. To all of you who feel the need to personally attack me and/or our current players, stay classy.

Great post. Those who attack this post should be cheering for other teams, lets say Duke, UW, OSU... because they always win. A true fan supports the team no mather what. These kids are trying their hardest to represent this University as best as they can. By attacking them like this, you show no class or knowledge. If Tubby leaves now, about half of these mediocre players will be gone too. I like to see Gopher Lady then when she is making fun of a player who can dunk.

Go Gophers

So "support" means you shouldn't point out where the team can improve?

These kids are trying their hardest to represent this University as best as they can.


If Tubby leaves now, about half of these mediocre players will be gone too.

So do you support all the players or just the ones who aren't mediocre?

Well NCAAGopher, Nadine is a class act and I don't see that her comments are over and above the acceptance level of a moderator's oath to this site,or other media outlets. Quite frankly you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. You sound like you might be the type of person that irons his underwear.

Seriously if you think people on ESPN wouldn't say something like that catch up on Skip Bayless. He will defend Tom Brady and Tim Tebow like they are paying him to do so, and will absolutely TRASH anyone he has to to do so.

Well NCAAGopher, Nadine is a class act and I don't see that her comments are over and above the acceptance level of a moderator's oath to this site,or other media outlets. Quite frankly you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. You sound like you might be the type of person that irons his underwear.

You sound like a person who buys star magazine quite frequently if you find Nadine's writing a class act.

Go Gophers

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