USA Today's Wolken: Everyone in industry knows Minnesota wants a coaching change

Coyle should not be in a position to fire or hire a new coach.

Exactly his role in advising the players of the coming police investigation after this incident happened, and instruction of the players involved will come to light. There is no way his role in this comes out unscathed. He has been staying quiet because his duplicitous butt will be in trouble for advising student athletes to impede the investigation and remove evidence. What he told Kaler about the incident will come out. There will be more to this police investigation and it is not going to be just against the players, like I have said before Kaler and Coyle are not as innocent as they have been claiming to be.

Narrative here was that Coyle was too passive to bother ... now it is the opposite?

I'm sure coaches will be jumping at the opportunity to coach here after this mess.

Even if all the players acquitted or whatever, this incident will haunt the University for a while.

I'm sure coaches will be jumping at the opportunity to coach here after this mess.

Even if all the players acquitted or whatever, this incident will haunt the University for a while.

Baylor canned its coach, AD and President, had a recruiting class of one commit, has to compete against Texas, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, etc., has an interim President and landed a highly regarded football coach just a week or two ago.

Lol u think any coach worth a S is coming here and working with this administration? Lol no chance in hell. I guess we're down to mike grant lol what other good high school coach would take this job lol

How could anyone possibly know this? if it were as easy as "hire a good coach," everyone would have one.

Fine. Allow me to re-phrase. Purdue just made what is widely regarded as a very good hire. The idea that we are a much worse job than Purdue, even with the current scandal, is silly.

Baylor canned its coach, AD and President, had a recruiting class of one commit, has to compete against Texas, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, etc., has an interim President and landed a highly regarded football coach just a week or two ago.

You think that Baylor and Minnesota are comparable colleges when it comes to potential in their football programs?

You think that Baylor and Minnesota are comparable colleges when it comes to potential in their football programs?

baylor was a dumpster fire of a program prior to about 2010. certainly doesn't have a long history of good seasons. At our game with them in Waco in 2000, the stadium had maybe 20,000 in it for the game

Gopher fans tend to be remarkably capable of both spectacularly over-estimating and under-estimating the quality of the job. Purdue just hired a good coach. Enough said.

This is spot on.

It's always the end of the world immediately after something major like this happens. It's not. This will blow over just like anything else. Besides, recruits nowadays don't care what happened 3 weeks ago, let alone 50+ years ago (the glory days). There could be some backlash for the 2017 class, but that's about it. A new coach will understand that coming in, plus he'll now that likely gives him some extra time to build it.

If Coyle decides to make a move, at minimum there's going to be a young and hungry (current head or assistant) coach starving to get a shot at a B1G coaching job. Pitino is an example on the basketball side. Still TBD how that's gonna' turn out for the University, but there are signs he's growing into the job.

You think that Baylor and Minnesota are comparable colleges when it comes to potential in their football programs?

Baylor was a dumpster fire for 12 years before Briles got there. In those 12 years their best season was 5 wins, once.

There's not going to be a lot out there. I would think our realistic options that wouldn't be extremely hasty and short sighted would be someone like a Les Miles with a big enough name to pull together a staff and get people excited again, or someone like PJ Fleck who comes with a staff already assembled. But I doubt Fleck would take on this job in its current situation. He could do better, frankly. Miles probably could as well, but if he was willing to consider Purdue our situation is better than theirs, even after this mess.

Hiring someone else's assistant is probably out given that they would need to gin up a staff at a very late juncture. That would probably be shortsighted when there's currently no compelling reason to fire TC before 2017 anyway.

It's Coyle that wants to hire a coach when the facility is done, not the University. He wants fresh coach a facility.

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I recall all the props for Coyle when hired. Did we just get it wrong:confused:

Gopher fans tend to be remarkably capable of both spectacularly over-estimating and under-estimating the quality of the job. Purdue just hired a good coach. Enough said.

Purdue's hired several "good" coaches since Tiller.

Actually, I had more..... earlier, and I cut some out to get the sentence on one line. Sarcasm is a tricky thing to get right - and to understand sometimes.

Snark aside, I think it's a valid point. If you are a 'name' coach, or an up-and-coming coach with options, would you really choose the U of MN considering everything that's going on? I think most coaches want to work for an AD who supports the program and provides strong leadership. Can you honestly say Coyle has demonstrated either of those qualities? Unless you're a coach whose idea of a great AD is one who hides under his desk when there's trouble.

I don't think any coach coming in would be 100% ok with the situation, but I think you may be overestimating the effect of any perceived or real lack of leadership. One thing about Claeys is this...he's not Coyle's guy. Coyle was not the one who made the hire decision on Claeys, and it is well known that most major ADs want hand-picked people to lead their cash cow programs. IF Claeys were to be relieved of his duties whoever was hired in his place would come in knowing they were the first major hire the new AD made. The football coach and AD are always closely linked in terms of fan perception. It always looks bad when an AD has to fire a coach that he (or she) hired. The new coach would have every reason to believe that Coyle would do whatever he could to support them.

Simply radio host on 1500espn. I believe it was Judd around last week of season. He stated that was thought among people in the know.

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The issue with hiring a good or potentially good coach is they expect to get paid...we don't pay our football coaches much compared to top jobs and schools. The other is that guys like Fleck come with a buyout that has to be paid by the school grabbing them and we don't pay big buyouts to hire our coaches, we only pay them to fire coaches that we just extended.

This is Minnesota tradition.

Purdue's hired several "good" coaches since Tiller.

I don't recall a lot of praise for hiring Darrel Hazel, but I could be wrong. The point is, they got a strong candidate who probably had other options. We can too. This isn't a great job, but it's also not terrible.

Exactly his role in advising the players of the coming police investigation after this incident happened, and instruction of the players involved will come to light. There is no way his role in this comes out unscathed. He has been staying quiet because his duplicitous butt will be in trouble for advising student athletes to impede the investigation and remove evidence. What he told Kaler about the incident will come out. There will be more to this police investigation and it is not going to be just against the players, like I have said before Kaler and Coyle are not as innocent as they have been claiming to be.

Duder, how do you know this? I believe CoMn said this as well.

I don't recall a lot of praise for hiring Darrel Hazel, but I could be wrong. The point is, they got a strong candidate who probably had other options. We can too. This isn't a great job, but it's also not terrible.

What is your threshold for a terrible job? Of the power 5 schools, you can count the worse ones on one hand and have a couple of fingers left IMO. And there are quite a few non-P5s that would probably be better jobs at the moment.

Name them....
Boise, for sure. The service academies have recruiting restrictions, but they are better jobs. There are AAC schools in much more fertile recruiting ground with greater chance to succeed, too. If you're an ambitious up and comer, going to a San Diego State is going to be better for your long term career than here.

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Boise, for sure. The service academies have recruiting restrictions, but they are better jobs. There are AAC schools in much more fertile recruiting ground with greater chance to succeed, too. If you're an ambitious up and comer, going to a San Diego State is going to be better for your long term career than here.

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The service academies?? Dear God.

The service academies?? Dear God.
Who do you think is the least regarded among serious
college football followers: Troy Calhoun, Ken Niumatololo, or Tracy Claeys?

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I have been going to Gopher games for over 40 years. In fact, I was at the game in 1967 when the Gophers won the
Big Ten.

Minnesota has been a bad a job for over 40 years. For example, Kill said he would not have received the job if it was a good position.

It is now a terrible position. No established coach will work for Coyle and Kaler.

Okay you guys are being too Minnesotan here. This job is better than you think. Great metro area, nice stadium, facilities, five straight bowl games and loyal fans that show up early and stay late.

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