UPDATED: Onwualu commits to Notre Dame

Meanwhile, Stanford has the unquestioned #1 business school in the country.

Depending on the source, and no, I'm not trying to start an argument, just trying to add to the discussion.

According to Fortune they fall in this order: [link]

U of Chicago
MIT Sloan
Kellogg - Northwestern
Tuck - Dartmouth

Another interesting list they provide is where the CEOs (that hold an MBA) of Fortune 100 companies went to school [link]

U of Chicago (which was the undisputed leader, by a wide margin, about 7 years ago)
MIT Sloan

Depending on the source, and no, I'm not trying to start an argument, just trying to add to the discussion.

According to Fortune they fall in this order: [link]

U of Chicago
MIT Sloan
Kellogg - Northwestern
Tuck - Dartmouth

Another interesting list they provide is where the CEOs (that hold an MBA) of Fortune 100 companies went to school [link]

U of Chicago (which was the undisputed leader, by a wide margin, about 7 years ago)
MIT Sloan

Good call. "Unquestioned" was a pretty strong word. Most would call it and Harvard 1 and 1a in some order.

Good call. "Unquestioned" was a pretty strong word. Most would call it and Harvard 1 and 1a in some order.

Well...that was just one list that I recalled. And I would not be surprised if it is not a self-serving list to support, in some way, their Fortune 100 and 500 list.

Depending on the source, and no, I'm not trying to start an argument, just trying to add to the discussion.

According to Fortune they fall in this order: [link]

Another interesting list they provide is where the CEOs (that hold an MBA) of Fortune 100 companies went to school [link]

U of Chicago (which was the undisputed leader, by a wide margin, about 7 years ago)
MIT Sloan

Now take out oil companies and how far does Texas fall? :D

How many of your have ever set foot on the Notre Dame Campus? Notre Dame is in the middle of America...not out on the damn left coast in California the way that Stanford is. California is going to tumble into the sea one of these days. Not everybody wants to go that far away...that far out...to those great lengths. California is WAY out there... Notre Dame isn't too bad a drive from Minnesota.

I think it really sucks that some of you would go after a kid for accepting a football scholarship to Notre Dame. Kids leave Minnesota every year...all the time to accept scholarships. No one kid is going to make or break Golden Gopher Football. ALL coaches lose some excellent in-state potential recruits.

Be a little classy about things people.

Let the kids have their dreams...and...if they can do it...follow their dreams.

We old fans in the stands don't have ANY right to second guess some bright, gifted and talented high school kid. Follow your dreams kid and go out and do great things!

There will be some great high school kids who will follow their dreams to the University of Minnesota Football Program. I can hardly wait until they make their committments to the University of Minnesota Football Program and Coach Kill and his staff. We don't have to be "creeps, jerks and stiffs..." (as Sid would say) and try to rain on some great young high school kid's dream.

In case you have never been there: Notre Dame really IS quite a place. I think the University of Minnesota is pretty special too. You can have anything way out on the left coast as far as I'm concerned...but...that's just me...

; 0 )

He chose Notre Dame. It's obvious that both academics and football were important to him. This would be much worse news if he had chose to stay in the Big Ten imo.

California is WAY out there... Notre Dame isn't too bad a drive from Minnesota.

Minneapolis -> South Bend is just over 1000 miles round trip. Travel time would be roughly 20 hours, if you're lucky going around Chicago. 1000 miles, averaging 22 miles per gallon is 45.5 gallons of gas. At $3.70 per gallon it would be $168 for gas.

MSP -> SFO would be about 6 hours flight time. Add one hour each way for arriving early at the airport, and 1 hour each way to get to the airport and you're looking at about 10 hours total travel time. Knowing the football schedule well ahead of time, you can fly to SFO for around $300. I would happily pay the extra to save the driving, wear and tear on the car, and my time. Plus, you get to be in the San Francisco area, rather than South Bend, which (outside of the campus) is an armpit.

I'm sure Kare 11 and Shaver will have a 5 minute spot on it. The kid didn't do himself any favors by calling a press conference that he is committing to Notre Dame.

"Vanderbilt, Notre Dame and Stanford (all with great academics) "

Notre Dame isn't close to those other two. In fact, they're not even be the best in their conference - BC all day every day. ND isn't the best in the Big Ten. Same with the ACC, SEC, Pac-10, and C-USA. I'm not really sure why everyone thinks they are such a great school.

20 years ago when asked why I wasn't looking into ND, I offerred this as my response: C'mon man! I assume the Guidance Counselor immediately understood my reasoning as she went off to discuss North Hennipen Community College with one of my classmates.

I see nothing wrong with this choice. He is a smart kid. Wants to follow in his brother's footsteps. I remember reading that his brother works on Wall Street, but could be wrong. I know that Notre Dame's business school has a great repuation of sending kids to Wall Street. I dont have anything to back that up, except what I have heard. Sure, Stanford has a better business school, but Penn has a better business school than Stanford, should we say he has to go there? He made a decision based on many factors. Supposedely #1 was education, which you get an exceptional one at Notre Dame. Anyone questioning his choice is a bonehead.

I see nothing wrong with this choice. He is a smart kid. Wants to follow in his brother's footsteps. I remember reading that his brother works on Wall Street, but could be wrong. I know that Notre Dame's business school has a great repuation of sending kids to Wall Street. I dont have anything to back that up, except what I have heard. Sure, Stanford has a better business school, but Penn has a better business school than Stanford, should we say he has to go there? He made a decision based on many factors. Supposedely #1 was education, which you get an exceptional one at Notre Dame. Anyone questioning his choice is a bonehead.
For a football player looking to play BCS level football, if far and away their number 1 priority is academics the choice is Stanford. That is the point people are making. Yes, ND gives a good education, but it is not Stanford. Say he graduates early and wants to go on to grad school while playing, Stanford is the obvious choice.

Continuity would be something he should consider as well. Neither Stanford or MN will be losing their coach in the next 3 years. Kelly on the other hand is on a path to be out after the 2013 season. Opinion given is direct from ND insider. Not me.

He chose Notre Dame. It's obvious that both academics and football were important to him. This would be much worse news if he had chose to stay in the Big Ten imo.

First off, academics-wise MN would hardly be considered a bad choice.

That said, the way he handled himself suggests he knew what he wanted and got it. At least he is not intentionally or unintentionally stringing everyone along. Best wishes to him and hope he changes his mind and goes to the U...No animosity or sour grapes.

I see nothing wrong with this choice. He is a smart kid. Wants to follow in his brother's footsteps. I remember reading that his brother works on Wall Street, but could be wrong. I know that Notre Dame's business school has a great repuation of sending kids to Wall Street. I dont have anything to back that up, except what I have heard. Sure, Stanford has a better business school, but Penn has a better business school than Stanford, should we say he has to go there? He made a decision based on many factors. Supposedely #1 was education, which you get an exceptional one at Notre Dame. Anyone questioning his choice is a bonehead.

I don't think anyone is questioning his choice. I would rather go to Notre Dame than Stanford, but those are for reasons other than academics. If I was a 17 yr old kid, I would have preferred Notre Dame to Stanford because it's closer, the rich football tradition, you're on TV every week and it's also a great school. I'm not saying that was James Onwualu's reasons. I am just saying there are a ton of good qualities about Notre Dame.

The discussion isn't about whether or not it's a good choice it's about how some posters lump Stanford and Notre Dame into the same discussion academically. They simply are not on the same level. This has nothing to do with where JO has decided to attend school, and it's not ripping on Notre Dame (most of us are U grads). Lumping Stanford in with Notre Dame academically is really not any different than saying "Harvard and Michigan". They are both great schools, just the Harvards and Stanfords of the world are the absolute elite. Notre Dame is a really good school on that second level.

Here's the other factor, too. He's stated several times that he wants to follow in his brother's footsteps and go to business school. The Mendoza school at ND is the functional equivalent of the Carlson school here at the U. If that's the route he does in fact end up taking, and he says he chose ND over the U because of academics, he's either flat-out lying or has been seriously misinformed as to Mendoza's standing/reputation/effectiveness. Meanwhile, Stanford has the unquestioned #1 business school in the country. Someone stating that academics were his main priority, and actually believing that to be true, is trying to sell someone something.

i warned you all about the hype machine.. it lies, it sells.

JO has made you all look like chumps.

4.75 40? no track, no hoops.. visited ND 4 times?? been to a dozen camps? how does a HS Jr find the time? the connections? the transportation?


heres an easy call: he'll mail in his SR year at CDH so as not to get hurt... redshirt his FR year, then never be heard from again.

book it.

Minneapolis -> South Bend is just over 1000 miles round trip. Travel time would be roughly 20 hours, if you're lucky going around Chicago. 1000 miles, averaging 22 miles per gallon is 45.5 gallons of gas. At $3.70 per gallon it would be $168 for gas.

MSP -> SFO would be about 6 hours flight time. Add one hour each way for arriving early at the airport, and 1 hour each way to get to the airport and you're looking at about 10 hours total travel time. Knowing the football schedule well ahead of time, you can fly to SFO for around $300. I would happily pay the extra to save the driving, wear and tear on the car, and my time. Plus, you get to be in the San Francisco area, rather than South Bend, which (outside of the campus) is an armpit.

If South Bend is an armpit, does that make the ND campus the crotch? Frankly, I don't give a rats ass about ND and our sacred conference better not let them in under any circumstances.

Just another reason to hate notre dame. Take away the name and they are now just an average BCS program.

I read about the CDH "hype machine" from KL before so I did some asking around. From what I can see CDH does everything BUT hype their athletes. Reading a lot of what Bob writes, who seems to know everything there is to know about CDH, they don't allow their athletes to play early and if you look at Jame's sophomore stats that fact is well supported. They are a 3A size school that dominates schools that are substantially bigger and when I Googled their head coach I have never seen a guy who looks like he could less more than Mike Scanlan (sp?). These kids seem to be well coached, smart, and ready once they get to the next level. Why do you have it out for this school and their athletes? There are two reasonable facts we live by down here in the sunshine state, every kid who has never played in college has something to prove therefore everyone is hyped and If a program consistently wins and sends winners to DI programs, that's not hype because its fact. It just seems to me that some guy from Delvin, MN might have some humility rather than thinking you know more Ohio State's Meyer, Notre Dame's Kelly and a coaching staff like Kill's who has been around the midwest region and done a great job identifying talent.

I read about the CDH "hype machine"... They are a 3A size school that dominates schools that are substantially bigger...

I can't disagree about a lot of what you say but your reference to them being a 3A size school beating bigger schools is very misleading. CDH recruits/encourages the best players from around the area to enroll which, unlike the public schools, really isn't an option but for the occasional open enrollment transfer. Consequently, CDH has a much higher percentage of "top" athletes within their student body than that of their bigger public schools. I'm not complaining, it's just a fact of life. Hopefully, Coach Kill can attract his share of recruits from this football factory.

I don't know if CDH hypes their kids or not. What I do know is that they apparently do very little to steer them towards the UofM. I don't think it's a coincidence that when it was a year where most of the top in state talent stayed home, also happened to be a year where most of the kids were from public schools (Hayes, I believe being the one exception). Sometimes it's just difficult to change the thinking of private school people (especially of the Catholic variety). No offense to anyone...obviously I'm not here to judge individual's decisions especially of the spiritual variety.

Take away the name and they are now just an average BCS program.

+1 tap. Iowa and Wisconsin have had much better football programs over the last 15 years. ND continues to live off their old legacy, but have been irrelevant on the national stage for a while.

John Galt said:
+1 tap. Iowa and Wisconsin have had much better football programs over the last 15 years. ND continues to live off their old legacy, but have been irrelevant on the national stage for a while.

When every single one of their games is shown on major network TV, cannot really say they are irrelevant. The Notre Dame degree also means more than an Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota degree as much as it pains me to say.

I don't know if CDH hypes their kids or not. What I do know is that they apparently do very little to steer them towards the UofM. I don't think it's a coincidence that when it was a year where most of the top in state talent stayed home, also happened to be a year where most of the kids were from public schools (Hayes, I believe being the one exception). Sometimes it's just difficult to change the thinking of private school people (especially of the Catholic variety). No offense to anyone...obviously I'm not here to judge individual's decisions especially of the spiritual variety.

The cynic in me says it's more about football than it is about religion, especially with the top kids, but could be wrong. When a kid foregoes his local school to go to CDH, it shouldn't surprise anyone that he also has no ties or special feeling for the University. He's looking at a different set of criteria in making his decisions and "local loyalty" doesn't much enter into it. Not judging him; that's just the way it is. I do like the fact he's declared early and we're not the obligatory fifth choice of five schools he's considering. That tactic really ticks me off.

The cynic in me says it's more about football than it is about religion, especially with the top kids, but could be wrong. When a kid foregoes his local school to go to CDH, it shouldn't surprise anyone that he also has no ties or special feeling for the University. He's looking at a different set of criteria in making his decisions and "local loyalty" doesn't much enter into it. Not judging him; that's just the way it is. I do like the fact he's declared early and we're not the obligatory fifth choice of five schools he's considering. That tactic really ticks me off.

GopherHolers have always failed to understand the advantage Notre Dame has in recruiting CDH athletes by reason of it being the premier CATHOLIC university in America. Many of the parents willing to pay the money to send their children to CDH are devout and committed Catholics who would send them to St. Johns and St. Thomas if they weren't good enough to play at the DI level. The influence of the parents and the Catholic culture at CDH continue to play a significant role in the CDH to Notre Dame pipeline.

GopherHolers have always failed to understand the advantage Notre Dame has in recruiting CDH athletes by reason of it being the premier CATHOLIC university in America. Many of the parents willing to pay the money to send their children to CDH are devout and committed Catholics who would send them to St. Johns and St. Thomas if they weren't good enough to play at the DI level. The influence of the parents and the Catholic culture at CDH continue to play a significant role in the CDH to Notre Dame pipeline.

Notre Dame is about as Catholic as Minnesota. There are reasons to go there, but an orthodox religious education is not one of them. Most of the schools that devout, committed Catholics send their kids to for an authentic Catholic education are smaller places most people have never heard of.

On another note, I'm still confused as to why highly rated liberal arts programs make a university like Notre Dame prestigious. The smartest kids go into engineering and the physical sciences (check the test scores if you don't believe me). In effect, the U has less academic prestige than schools like Notre Dame because the other schools have smarter dumb kids, even though the smart kids in the hardest disciplines at the U can hack it with anybody (possible exceptions are CalTech, MIT, and probably Stanford). All of this is moot, as the vast majority of football players will never take any courses hard enough where you could tell a difference between schools academically.

When every single one of their games is shown on major network TV, cannot really say they are irrelevant. The Notre Dame degree also means more than an Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota degree as much as it pains me to say.

That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard of in my life. I will put my degree with any degree from ND. I don't give dime about ND. When it comes to science, engineering, Mathematics and some social science majors, the U is as good as you can get on EARTH. I'm absolutely sick and tired of some alumni ( students) having defeatist attitude. Have you ever heard of Noble Laureates laden the U Econ Dept? Mathematics Department? How about Chemical Engineering? Research? My senior year tuition was paid with the money I got from research assistant job. ND has been spending just tens of millions of research expenditure. It is a lot of money. The U has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars. It is all up to you to utilize the resources. Btw I'm turning down the University of Illinois to do my dual Masters here at the U. General population might think UI is better than the U. But they are not the one hiring me.
The U was somehow sluggish in late 80s, and 90s. That is my impression. But please show some respect to current students. Kids from other countries are dying to get into the U. A lot of recent high school students didn't consider the U because they know they won't get into it. It is not a safety school. It is the school for those who know what they will be getting for next four years. Current students are much more serious than when I used to be. It is not painful for me to say that I graduated from the U. But it is painful for me to say that the same is true for UW. I can't say that for Iowa.

That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard of in my life. I will put my degree with any degree from ND. I don't give dime about ND. When it comes to science, engineering, Mathematics and some social science majors, the U is as good as you can get on EARTH. I'm absolutely sick and tired of some alumni ( students) having defeatist attitude. Have you ever heard of Noble Laureates laden the U Econ Dept? Mathematics Department? How about Chemical Engineering? Research? My senior year tuition was paid with the money I got from research assistant job. ND has been spending just tens of millions of research expenditure. It is a lot of money. The U has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars. It is all up to you to utilize the resources. Btw I'm turning down the University of Illinois to do my dual Masters here at the U. General population might think UI is better than the U. But they are not the one hiring me.
The U was somehow sluggish in late 80s, and 90s. That is my impression. But please show some respect to current students. Kids from other countries are dying to get into the U. A lot of recent high school students didn't consider the U because they know they won't get into it. It is not a safety school. It is the school for those who know what they will be getting for next four years. Current students are much more serious than when I used to be. It is not painful for me to say that I graduated from the U. But it is painful for me to say that the same is true for UW. I can't say that for Iowa.

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