UPDATED: Onwualu commits to Notre Dame

No, the education you will receive at a particular school will not change in the next 11 months, which is far and away his #1 priority.

I don't buy this for a second. If education were really "far and away his #1 priority", he would've committed to Stanford as soon as he received the offer.

Priorities can change in 11 months. Look, I understand he thinks education is important, and right now it is most important to him, but in 11 months innumerable things can happen that would change that.

I understand that, but the intangibles going along with his situation will determine that his recruiting cycle is over once he decides. Especially if that decision is Notre Dame. Ignore the fact that Michael Floyd is his idol and that his main goal was getting a Notre Dame offer for a second. I think it would be great if he went to the hometown team as I still enjoy seeing the Gophers doing well...but he literally just doesn't have any genuine interest in staying home. His brother goes to Penn, and he will follow in that type of academic rigor no matter where he ends up. If his priorities did change which are very, very slight, like you say they could, than his allegiance would turn to Stanford.

DPO -They were very high on his list, as high as #2 most likely, but alas there were obviously other "small" factors that played into his decision. So I guess you technically are right. Notre Dame is not much further behind Standford academically. They are a top 25 university.

DPO -They were very high on his list, as high as #2 most likely, but alas there were obviously other "small" factors that played into his decision. So I guess you technically are right. Notre Dame is not much further behind Standford academically. They are a top 25 university.
Stanford offers a better situation if he were to say, graduate in 2.5 or 3 years so wanted to go onto grad stuff. From my understanding (granted it is limited) ND is a great undergrad school that doesn't offer many graduate programs. (I saw this overview on here awhile ago when people were bashing ND for not being well known for research)

DPO -They were very high on his list, as high as #2 most likely, but alas there were obviously other "small" factors that played into his decision. So I guess you technically are right. Notre Dame is not much further behind Standford academically. They are a top 25 university.

Notre Dame is a good school, no doubt, but it isn't in Stanford's league. I would put Stanford up against any school in the country with the possible exception of the Harvard/Yale/Princeton trio. Comparing ND and Stanford academically is like comparing Louisville and Duke in basketball. Louisville has a good program, but it's not Duke.

until signing day, nothing is set in stone. I am not saying that we are going to get him, but he is just giving his verbal today.

It's ok to be salty I don't blame you

Don't know anything about the kid and don't really care it's the "academics" that irritate me. ND is the school of Maturi, Floyd, Hornung and Lucia - Rhodes Scholars all.

It's ok to be salty I don't blame you
At the end of the day if you're choosing the best major football team, academics wise, it is Stanford. That's Iceland's point.

At the end of the day if you're choosing the best major football team, academics wise, it is Stanford. That's Iceland's point.

Quite true. Unless tomorrow's "Press Conference" is to announce he's heading to the Sorbonne..

At least Kill has kept most kids from crossing the border. Oh well, not the end of the world in losing him.

You are very correct, Kill has done a fantastic job in-state so far! I guess it is early, who knows, he may change his mind a couple time ala Andre McDonald.

Well let's hope Kill goes out and grabs the rest of the Minnesota kids worthy of BCS offers so this doesn't sting quite as much! Plus there are still 11 months left until signing day anything can happen.

And he won't be going tomorrow. Maybe he goes in 11 months, maybe not.

Or, you can get really worked up about verbal "commitments" made in March.

Wrote over this post on accident when trying to respond to someone else so I will let you off the hook. Just know that when it comes to big time football programs, commitments such as these go a long way in helping other recruits decide where they may want to end up playing football. It creates momentum.

Iceland - You can have academics as the most important factor in your decision on where you will play college football but that does not mean you have to choose the one with the highest academic standards. Clearly there were schools like Vanderbilt, Notre Dame and Stanford (all with great academics) that fit the criteria he was looking for. Once you have established points of interest, you figure out which one is the best fit for you. I would think that is a pretty easy concept for you to figure out.

I'm not going to hold JO against Kill if it is indeed true that he had made up his mind all along that he was not going to attend Minnesota.

Too bad, though. I really think that last year one of the reasons we got all the in-state kids on board is because of momentum. One committed, then the next, then the next, then the next. They all talked with each other, bonded, and recruited more Minnesotans.

Wrote over this post on accident when trying to respond to someone else so I will let you off the hook. Just know that when it comes to big time football programs, commitments such as these go a long way in helping other recruits decide where they may want to end up playing football. It creates momentum.

Thanks for just letting me know that. You certainly seem to have gotten caught up in the momentum, so maybe it does work.

What, out of curiosity, are you letting me off the hook for? Beyond seeming oddly smug about the commitment of a kid to another school, you haven't really added anything. Your posts about this amount to a delayed Twitter feed. Since you are clearly so excited about the ND commitment, however, I think you might want to go post on their boards. Feel the momentum.

Notre Dame is a good school, no doubt, but it isn't in Stanford's league. I would put Stanford up against any school in the country with the possible exception of the Harvard/Yale/Princeton trio. Comparing ND and Stanford academically is like comparing Louisville and Duke in basketball. Louisville has a good program, but it's not Duke.

I completely agree. I would throw Caltech/MIT in there as exceptional undergrad/graduate pairings that are higher powered than Stanford, but that is it. Notre Dame is a nice school but Stanford is in another league.

Thanks for just letting me know that. You certainly seem to have gotten caught up in the momentum, so maybe it does work.

What, out of curiosity, are you letting me off the hook for? Beyond seeming oddly smug about the commitment of a kid to another school, you haven't really added anything. Your posts about this amount to a delayed Twitter feed. Since you are clearly so excited about the ND commitment, however, I think you might want to go post on their boards. Feel the momentum.

They don't let people like JackiO on their boards....unless of course they are wearing a priest's collar and robe...then anything goes.

I'm not surprised by his decision. It makes sense for him. Oh well, you can't expect Coach Kill to keep every kid. I said a couple months ago that our instate recruiting isn't determined by James Onwualu.

As far as the debate going on about academics. I realize that it's purely semantics, but if his decision was completely based off academics, he would have gone to Stanford. It is just a better school than Notre Dame. I'm not taking anything away from Notre Dame, it's obviously a really good school too. Notre Dame is closer academically to Michigan than it is to Stanford.

I'm not surprised by his decision. It makes sense for him. Oh well, you can't expect Coach Kill to keep every kid. I said a couple months ago that our instate recruiting isn't determined by James Onwualu.

As far as the debate going on about academics. I realize that it's purely semantics, but if his decision was completely based off academics, he would have gone to Stanford. It is just a better school than Notre Dame. I'm not taking anything away from Notre Dame, it's obviously a really good school too. Notre Dame is closer academically to Michigan than it is to Stanford.

Quite true at least on the Undergraduate level. Notre Dame while they recently have been throwing money at their Grad Programs shouldn't be found on ANY listing of Top Grad School programs. Though a former Treasurer at the U once told me that there are always about 30 schools claiming to be in the Top 20 in anything!

Now JackiO "I would think that is a pretty easy concept for (even) you to figure out" :cool:

Here's the other factor, too. He's stated several times that he wants to follow in his brother's footsteps and go to business school. The Mendoza school at ND is the functional equivalent of the Carlson school here at the U. If that's the route he does in fact end up taking, and he says he chose ND over the U because of academics, he's either flat-out lying or has been seriously misinformed as to Mendoza's standing/reputation/effectiveness. Meanwhile, Stanford has the unquestioned #1 business school in the country. Someone stating that academics were his main priority, and actually believing that to be true, is trying to sell someone something.

Here's the other factor, too. He's stated several times that he wants to follow in his brother's footsteps and go to business school. The Mendoza school at ND is the functional equivalent of the Carlson school here at the U. If that's the route he does in fact end up taking, and he says he chose ND over the U because of academics, he's either flat-out lying or has been seriously misinformed as to Mendoza's standing/reputation/effectiveness. Meanwhile, Stanford has the unquestioned #1 business school in the country. Someone stating that academics were his main priority, and actually believing that to be true, is trying to sell someone something.

He had his sights set on Notre Dame, visited and fell in love. Pretty straightforward....

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