UPDATED: GopherHole.com interview with Bryce McNeal

Is this good or bad news?? Hmm....

I wonder if this was a sorry Gopher fans interveiw or a I knew where my heart was all along interveiw. Sounds like the first one rather than the latter

Given what certain well connected (to both the GopherHole and the U) posters have stated in there recent posts about McNeal, I feel very confident in saying that the interview won't be about a U commitment.

If he doesn't pick the Gophers, I couldn't care less about what he has to say.

Same with Carter. Call me crazy if you will, but when a kid picks his school and then tries to explain to you why you weren't good enough for him, I stop listening.

But, that's just me.

Maybe they are just trying to be respectful. They both could have just blown the Gopher boards off all together!

Yeah, I understand the whole respect issue.

But to be honest, as a fan, I really don't want to hear it. If I was a coach or someone who had interviewed the kid during the process, my feelings would be different. After all, they are the ones who build up an actual relationship with the kid during the recruiting process.

As a fan watching the recruiting process, either the player commits to your school or he doesn't. And as a fan, if a kid decides to go somewhere else, I wash my hands of them. It may be a bit harsh, but as a fan, I don't want to spend my time thinking or hearing about why we didn't measure up for an individual recruit.

Yeah, I understand the whole respect issue.

But to be honest, as a fan, I really don't want to hear it. If I was a coach or someone who had interviewed the kid during the process, my feelings would be different. After all, they are the ones who build up an actual relationship with the kid during the recruiting process.

As a fan watching the recruiting process, either the player commits to your school or he doesn't. And as a fan, if a kid decides to go somewhere else, I wash my hands of them. It may be a bit harsh, but as a fan, I don't want to spend my time thinking or hearing about why we didn't measure up for an individual recruit.

I can appreciate that as well! I doubt if I will read either story myself. I know I will not read Zack's story on Carter since I no longer have membership to Rivals, and since I have had my doubts about McNeal for some time, I probably will not read GL's story on him (No disrespect intended, GL)!

Personally, I just want to move on. If Carter is only planning on 3 years as it is, it may be a hidden blessing that he chose WV.

Guess the Gopher's recievers coach wasn't a good enough Christian to woo Bryce...

stupid religion.....

In the interview he said he didn't want to stay home...I can understand that. Tough break.

Nothing like saying "Go Tigers!" in the south. Clemson, Auburn, LSU, Memphis, lots of Tigers to go around down there.

Valid reasons for going to Clemson. Can't knock him for going there. Losing him is harder to swallow than losing Floyd, but I still give Brewster credit for keeping a majority of the top-end instate guys home.

Hopefully he does well there and represents our state well. He could be in for a culture shock. I lived in southern North Carolina, close to Clemson, for a few years back in the 1980s. There was still a train track doen the middle of the town that seperated more than economics. Most born and raised Minnesotans don't realize how different things are in the South until they experience it for themselves. I know I was shocked by the differences and I wouldn't want to live there.

Wierd. Minnesota, Oregon and Colorado have a lot in common.

Clemson (Clampsin) is nothing like the others.

No one cares Nadine

Bryce McNeal just announced his commitment to Clemson at the Army All-American Game. Please follow the link to Nadine Babu’s interview with McNeal to see why he chose Clemson, and why he didn’t choose Minnesota, Oregon and Colorado.


About your infatuation with these guys. McNeal was never going to pick the U. Why Gopherhole would post this ridiculous interview with a recruit who cares nothing about the Gophers is beyond me. Hope this helps.

You are what you write

About your infatuation with these guys. McNeal was never going to pick the U. Why Gopherhole would post this ridiculous interview with a recruit who cares nothing about the Gophers is beyond me. Hope this helps.
Nothing like a little ad hominem screed to spice things up, eh? Hope getting that off your chest helped your self-esteem, Pete. :rolleyes:

I have nothing at all against Bryce McNeal. For some reason it doesnt bother me that we didnt get him. I think it is mainly because we lost him to Clemson - not Notre Dame or a Big 10 school. He is going to Clemson to play in front of his family. Also, like a lot of kids wants to go to school away from his high school to meet new kids, see new things, etc. I guess I have nothing for him, except for wishing him the best.

Handsome Pete

About your infatuation with these guys. McNeal was never going to pick the U. Why Gopherhole would post this ridiculous interview with a recruit who cares nothing about the Gophers is beyond me. Hope this helps.

You may not care, Pete, but many do. Even take a look at the amount of traffic that this board has had in the past two days, most of that is attributed to McNeal and Carters commitments, as well as the Men's bball win against Ohio State.

I completely understand why people wouldn't care to read the interview. I personally, have a lot of friends, that as soon as someone is not a Gopher, they don't want to hear another word about them. I have no problem with that. However, some people are interested, and many more wonder why he would choose Clemson over the other schools, particularly Minnesota.

As far as McNeal never being interested in Minnesota, perhaps you should know a little bit more about his interest, before you make assumptions.

As far as my "infatuation" with these guys...if following their recruitment and reporting it back to all of you is an "infatuation," then feel free to call it that. Hope this helps.

Well, good luck to you Bryce. I hope you are going to Clemson for valid, adult reasons. I hope the school serves you well.

I now wash my hands of you, however. I think you would have been a nice fit in our offense, but you are not part of the program, so good day...

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