UPDATED (6/11) Doogie tweet: Hageman's disorderly conduct charge dismissed

okay, super sleuths. don't really care to hear every arm chair quarterback's individual take on this, or where you work, or who you know and how they interpret it. just let it play out and move on.

coach kill and staff will deal with it from a football perspective.

doesn't sound like it was anything very serious or anything more than what you see on college campuses every night of the week. let's hope that is/was the case.

get a life everyone and move on with your day.


It's a fricking message board. If we don't talk about our "takes" on this, what the hell are we supposed to talk about, especially in the offseason? If you don't like it, don't read or find a different message board.

I also will refrain from pointing out the irony of you lecturing everyone about talking about it and then providing your own "analysis" two "paragraphs" later.

It's also not "being on a high horse" to expect people to stay out of jail. Staying out of jail is not difficult.

What an idiot.

It's fairly easy to go through life without winding up in jail for any amount of time. "It's just one of those things that happens at night" is such a cop out BS response to this. Kill should make an example of him, he's an upperclassman on the team and needs to act like an adult (because he is one).

Are you a very large African American man? Not saying he didn't deserve to go to jail, but it is a lot easier to get cuffed if you are black than if you are white.

...and go!

thanks for the speech. not saying i disagree with it per se, but how about you come on down from your big, ole' horse.
The fans need to stop putting athletes on pedestals and not give them free passes on going to jail because "they're kids". They are adults, and they have a certain amount of celebrity to them so they should be even more careful.

It's a fricking message board. If we don't talk about our "takes" on this, what the hell are we supposed to talk about, especially in the offseason? If you don't like it, don't read or find a different message board.

I also will refrain from pointing out the irony of you lecturing everyone about talking about it and then providing your own "analysis" two "paragraphs" later.

It's also not "being on a high horse" to expect people to stay out of jail. Staying out of jail is not difficult.

get a life man. all you do is preach and rant and preach and rant on this board. if it is not post after endless post about your disdain for allowing controlled alcohol sales at tcf stadium, it is something else. realize that not everyone wants to hear your treasured opinion on absolutely every topic.

please try and find something more worthwhile to do with your days, than sitting on here beating people over the head for most of it.

get a life man. all you do is preach and rant and preach and rant on this board. if it is not post after endless post about your disdain for allowing controlled alcohol sales at tcf stadium, it is something else. realize that not everyone wants to hear your treasured opinion on absolutely every topic.

please try and find something more worthwhile to do with your days, than sitting on here beating people over the head for most of it.

Pot kettle black rant :banghead:

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get a life man. all you do is preach and rant and preach and rant on this board...Realize that not everyone wants to hear your treasured opinion on absolutely every topic.

Please try and find something more worthwhile to do with your days, than sitting on here beating people over the head for most of it.

Hey, that's the motto of the Off-Topic Board!

get a life man. all you do is preach and rant and preach and rant on this board. if it is not post after endless post about your disdain for allowing controlled alcohol sales at tcf stadium, it is something else. realize that not everyone wants to hear your treasured opinion on absolutely every topic.

please try and find something more worthwhile to do with your days, than sitting on here beating people over the head for most of it.

Hold up a mirror, and stare into it. Then read your post out loud, directing it to yourself.

Let me know how it goes.

Are you a very large African American man? Not saying he didn't deserve to go to jail, but it is a lot easier to get cuffed if you are black than if you are white.

...and go!
It's pretty easy for a white guy to find himself in cuffs. You guys just aren't trying hard enough.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages!! I hereby announce a brand spanking new pissing contest. Have at it!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a very large African American man? Not saying he didn't deserve to go to jail, but it is a lot easier to get cuffed if you are black than if you are white.

...and go!

Well, he didn't have to get involved in the fight, whether he was trying to break it up or if he was a true participant, it's that easy. I know all about racial profiling and such, but I don't think this is the example to use for that, based on the few facts that are out there.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages!! I hereby announce a brand spanking new pissing contest. Have at it!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to look for a funny picture/gif showing a pissing contest. Then I realized that would be a horrible idea, especially on a work computer.

okay, super sleuths. don't really care to hear every arm chair quarterback's individual take on this, or where you work, or who you know and how they interpret it. just let it play out and move on.

coach kill and staff will deal with it from a football perspective.

doesn't sound like it was anything very serious or anything more than what you see on college campuses every night of the week. let's hope that is/was the case.

get a life everyone and move on with your day.

This is why I love the internet. The pot can call the kettle black AND feel superior!

I find myself somewhere in the middle.

How many times has he worn the brown "Lopher" jersey now at practice? He was one of the most frequently mentioned players to depart when Kill took over, why? He's had academic issues. It's not that hard to stay out of fights at bars. We're counting on him this season. If we lose Shede we've got the worst DT situation in the B1G. It just feels like we can't count on him & we're always one incident away from losing the guy.

That said, we don't even know the details yet & even if he did get into it outside a college bar at 2:30am where no one was seriously injured, I'd prolly chalk that up to "boys will be boys" & give him a big WTF (?!) if I was Kill.

We know at least one wearer of a brown jersey on the first day of fall practice.

In my experience (personal, I might add), late night 'disorderly conduct' is almost ALWAYS bogus. As others point out, it's basically being a drunk jerk. Which ain't illegal. It's what cops do when they are irritated with you but you haven't committed a crime. It's basically gestapo tactics that society looks the other way on because, hey, usually the drunk deserved it.

This is no big deal. Occasionally people with their act together, witnesses, etc. call a cops bluff on this kind of BS and get a nice little check for the trouble of spending the night in jail.

Question is why are you posting family photos?

Parski...we love pissing each other off. I keep telling my family members that I would rather be pissed off than pissed on. They don't understand what I mean. :)

For those without the image viewing capabilities:

"@DarrenWolfson: #Gophers DT Ra'Shede Hageman's disorderly conduct charge from arrest last month has been dismissed per a source (initial h/t @TomPelissero)."

Go Gophers!!

When I first glanced at the updated headline I thought I read "Hageman's disorderly conduct charge results in dismissal." Went into brief panic.

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