UPDATED 12/18: UW reportedly hires Gary Andersen with career 30-31 record

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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He was just on KFAN and said he heard a little buzz this could be a possibility and cited Alvarez's great respect for Kill due to N. Illinois playing WI so tough when Kill coached there. The thing that worries me is Kill has been known to job hop if he gets a better offer and there was that mysterious period there last week when no one had heard from Kill. You'd hope there is something in his contract not allowing a jump to another B10 school. It is considered a better job though so this does have me worried, I even told a co-worker at work yesterday before Fargo Flash said this that it had me worried. I hope Kill stays but I could see how he'd be tempted.

I heard that too. I cannot see this happening.

This would be an unbelievable betrayal.
That said, i doubt it.

I am a huge Kill supporter, and I don't think his epilepsy will get in the way of him doing his job. That said, I believe that it may be a concern for AD's from big time football programs (something Wisconsin is not, but may pretend that they are) who are looking to hire him. It has become a more publicized issue since he has come here. Now THAT being said, Wisconsin athletics is the most sadistic department the world has ever known and they may steal them away because they are simply that evil.

Just so were clear on the data source- Fargo Flash would struggle to name 7 current gopher football players.

This is one of the stupidest threads on Gopherhole ever. And that's saying something.

Didn't the Fargo Flash also predict that Brew would be back after 2010? That turned out well.

Kill won't leave MN anytime soon. He's already in a top BCS conference. He is just beginning to see some success here and he won't risk that unless the contract is SIGNIFICANTLY better, which WI wont offer. :)

Does Fargo think he is too tall to be a coach here?

This would be an unbelievable betrayal.
That said, i doubt it.

Let me be clear, I don't think Kill is a fraud, but if he were to do something like this, he would appear to be one and perception means a lot.

I don't think they'd hire him because of his health issues. I see that as a good thing for the Gophers. If he gets this thing turned around I expect he'll reciprocate Minnesota's loyalty.

So Wisconsin....a program that is going to the Rose Bowl....again, is going to hire Jerry Kill who is 9-15 overall, 4-12 conference with the #12 ranked recruiting class in the conference to come run their program? Alvarez may respect Kill but that would be a really tough sell to the fan base/boosters. I know a lot of people here feel Kill is god's gift to football but he is going to have to do a lot better than he has done to date in order to get top job offers or even fringe top job offers like what Wisconsin would be considered at this point.

We don't need to worry about Kill getting hired away by one of the big boys at this point. Those days will come down the line if he starts winning here consistently.

This is one of the stupidest threads on Gopherhole ever. And that's saying something.

Didn't the Fargo Flash also predict that Brew would be back after 2010? That turned out well.

Plus a billion. And Fargo Flash, as a gopher fan who supposedly follows the program closely and wants to see it do well, why would you even insinuate the idea of Kill being tempted to leave in the heart of recruiting season, when one of the biggest recruiting pitch Kill and company uses is stability? And you do it on an FM radio show?

Even when our most hated enemy is left in dissarray, our own supporters somehow find a way to use it against our program.

Fargo Flash, YOU'RE A MORON!

This thread is a joke. Until Kill becomes hugely successful, he will not get a better job, partly because that is how it works, and partly because of the health issues.

Hiring Kill would likely lead to the firing of Alvarez.

Plus a billion. And Fargo Flash, as a gopher fan who supposedly follows the program closely and wants to see it do well, why would you even insinuate the idea of Kill being tempted to leave in the heart of recruiting season, when one of the biggest recruiting pitch Kill and company uses is stability? And you do it on an FM radio show?

Even when our most hated enemy is left in dissarray, our own supporters somehow find a way to use it against our program.

Fargo Flash, YOU'RE A MORON!

Justin Conzemius NEVER ceases to amaze me with his stupidity when it comes to Gopher Football. How can someone who played for the program and now is held out as an "expert" by KFAN continue to make such insane and asinine observations about the team? I am absolutely baffled by this one. Congrats Fargo, you have one-upped your own stupidity this time, and that is saying something.

Now I will go check to make sure all those QB's 6'4" and over aren't too tall to play in the NFL...

They're talking about the same thing up here in Fargo. Kill to Wisconsin, Bohl to Minnesota.

Can't see it happening under any circumstances.

Nothing is out of the question.

While I agree anything can happen in the messed up world that is college athletics there is not a chance in hell that Wisconsin offers its head job to Jerry Kill unless like in our case everyone else turns them down. He may be a good coach but he is going to have to prove a lot more than he has to date in order for other BCS schools to try and lure him away.

Instead of this wild BS story why not check out flights to Houston so you can support Kill and the team. Just saying....

Every time I have heard Fargo Flash on the radio, I end up scratching my head. His takes are rediculous, and his supposed knowledge of Gopher Football is laughable.

There is no way Wisconsin is interested in Jerry Kill. They are going to their 3rd straight Rose Bowl. They want to recruit with the Michigan's and Ohio State's. They are trying to get to and stay at that level. Kill doesn't fit that mold at all. He's a little guy who likes to sneak up and beat the big bully. Wisconsin wants to be the bully. Wrong fit, in my opinion.

We don't need to worry about Kill getting hired away by one of the big boys at this point. Those days will come down the line if he starts winning here consistently.

Good point but as usual many here have missed the real reason why Jerry isn't moving. Rebecca has told him she isn't so I expect that Jerry isn't either. Also Jerry has said many times that he is too old to go through this again, i.e turning a program around.

But I like the fact that as usual our GopherHole posters are now arguing about whether Jerry Kill will leave or not. Ah, the life of a GopherHole poster is not an easy one but it sure is bipolar.

Good point but as usual many here have missed the real reason why Jerry isn't moving. Rebecca has told him she isn't so I expect that Jerry isn't either. Also Jerry has said many times that he is too old to go through this again, i.e turning a program around.

But I like the fact that as usual our GopherHole posters are now arguing about whether Jerry Kill will leave or not. Ah, the life of a GopherHole poster is not an easy one but it sure is bipolar.

Have no opinion on Kill leaving or not, but Wisconsin isn't a program that would need to be "turned around".

Kill is not a candidate being considered for the WI job. For Conzemius to say he is shows a real lack of awareness.

They're talking about the same thing up here in Fargo. Kill to Wisconsin, Bohl to Minnesota.

Can't see it happening under any circumstances.

IMO Bohl to Wisconsin makes a lot a sense. I will be floored if Chryst in not offered the job.

Have no opinion on Kill leaving or not, but Wisconsin isn't a program that would need to be "turned around".

Yep, but also, I don't think they want any part of Kill. They're looking much higher, whether they can get it or not. If I'm Wisconsin, how can I sell that we went to our rival school, a school we've beaten 9 straight times, and hire their coach away when he's won 4 conference games in two years, and has complications health wise? It just doesn't add up IMO.

Is this a crazy idea? Very. But Sunday morning people would have said Bielema going to Arkansas was crazy too.

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